Holding Pattern Trainer App Reviews


Holding Pattern Trainer App Description & Overview

What is holding pattern trainer app? Save time and money on your instrument flight training by mastering IFR holding pattern entries at the comfort of your own mobile device.

Make IFR flight training easier!

Is the following scenario familiar? You receive a holding clearance from ATC, and only have a couple of minutes, sometimes only a few seconds, to choose the correct entry. By the time you've figured out what's going on, you've already passed the holding fix and don't know what to do next.

If this sounds familiar, then you need not to worry. Confusion during holding entries happens to practically almost every new instrument student. Even instrument-rated pilots occasionally have the same problem — when they don't get enough practice.

Holding Trainer solves this problem and as a result, cuts the time you have to spend on expensive flight and ground lessons. With Holding Trainer, you can practice on your own time and convenience, so that choosing the best holding entry in the air becomes a breeze.


-Entry Trainer - Drills you on choosing the best holding entry. Practice until choosing holding entries becomes second nature and impress your flight instructor with your skills.

-Holding calculator. Solve and visualize any holding scenario by entering your current bearing to the fix and a outbound or inbound holding radial.

-Holding tutorial - learn how to choose the best holding entry quickly and easily.

Holding Trainer for iOS is a complete rewrite based on my popular Flash-based desktop Holding Trainer app available on pilotscafe.com.

***Don't get "stuck" next time you receive a holding pattern clearance!***
For only a fraction of the cost of one ground lesson with your flight instructor, you can practice this important instrument skill at your own pace and save hundreds of Dollars on figuring out holding entries in the air.

This is a great tool for anyone training towards their instrument checkride, CFII, proficiency check, or simply trying to improve their holding patterns.

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App Name Holding Pattern Trainer
Category Navigation
Updated 28 March 2024, Thursday
File Size 9.72 MB

Holding Pattern Trainer Comments & Reviews 2024

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Nice reference at your finger tips.. As a CFII, this is a handy tool to quickly show students how different holds work. Unfortunately, it has not been updated to work with iOS 11.

Worthless. I want my money back. I agree with the flight instructor. Totally wrong. And as a student I need the correct practice and easily followed steps on how to get there.

Wonderful visualization tool. I am a student working on my instrument license. I always have struggled with visualizing how to enter my holds. After using this application straight for one hour. I can now mentally picture the hold without having to draw out the hold and fix on a piece of paper. This is a wonderful tool!

Great App. Only thing that I could suggest adding is the Teardrop heading to fly once reaching the fix. This should adjust based on left or right turns in the hold. In any case will be suggesting this app to any of my flight students studying IFR.

Great for learning holds. 👌🏻

Helpful, but with bugs. In practice mode, when you visualize, it draws the guide lines separating direct, parallel, and teardrop incorrectly. Plan view displays correctly.

Great learning tool. As a CFI I will use for my students and myself, a picture is worth A thousand words. Why does the app load upside down ??? I have to turn my ipad Upside down to read????

Good training aid. As an instrument student this really helped nail down my holds and gave me the confidence when my instructor pulled impromptu hold instructions while in-flight.

Great app!. I love this app for assisting with holds. My only gripe is I’d like it to work in portrait mode, so it’s easier to read on my kneeboard.

App does exactly what it is meant to do. Military pilot and I used this app to get a better grasp on how to enter holdings. After using this app I have had 0 mistakes since . Furthermore the review recently published with the 1 star surprised me because any pilot would know the difference between a bearing and a radial . If you have a bearing convert it to a radial and use that to determine your holding procedure.

Great tool to learn fast!. had my doubts after reading some reviews and the app being so old. But i just skipped the NDB part....long story short I became fast and confident in calculating my holds and entries just by practicing a few minutes everyday with this app. I don’t even need a pen or paper anymore, not to mention all the $$$ I saved not having to practice in flight!

Great App!. Definitely an app for anyone working on their instrument rating or who needs to brush up on some instrument proficiency. Holds are one of the more difficult maneuvers to be able to visualize, and this app has made a big difference for me in developing the ability to do so. Thanks!

Larger Text Needed. Variable number text needs to be larger for these old eyes.

best holding trainer app!. Spend enough quality time practicing with this trainer, and even the directionally-challenged will get it!

To the user that claimed that the app is incorrect:. I'm a flight instructor and can confirm that the app works correctly. The visualizer is mirrored to the map plan view since your point a view when looking at the DG is different then your point of view when looking at a top down map view. The tutorial in the app explains this. You can verify this by comparing the results from the plan view and from the visualize mode are see that they are in fact the same.

Very helpful!. This is app super simple to use and is a really good hold trainer for visual learners. I used this to get refreshed for IFR training and now as a CFII, I use it with all of my students and it has been a great tool to help them better understand holding clearances.

Holds down in a day. I have been struggling with holds in training. $5 and a few hours later I can picture the entry and the hold perfectly. Awesome app!

Great app. This app really helped me to visualize holding entries, something I was really struggling with. Using the DG to determine the entry is very logical for me, as that is the instrument used to enter the hold. Having the ability to practice holds outside of the cockpit is invaluable. My only suggestion would be to have a setting that turns bearing type holds on and off. While they are a good mental exercise, they are not something I need to practice.

Helpful for figuring out holding in your head. Fun app to practice figuring out holding in your head. I’m a retired airline pilot renewing my CFII. 5 bucks is a no brainer. Don’t let the negative comments deter you from buying this.

Help a lot, anytime anywhere. First purchased app, on my ipad. Definetly worth it so much, good explaination and visualization it's a simple but really useful for students and senior pilots. Please, keep update it with more variety question, i do will keep it save this app, forever :-D

Good app. I had a pretty good handle on holding pattern entries but this really reinforced it and made them second nature. Fun app.

Good practice app. I’ve been using this app for the past month as I prepare for my instrument checkride, and it definitely helps with practicing the basic holding calculations. Wish there were more instructions with radials than bearings, since those seem to be more common in the real world, but it’s good to practice with both instructions. Also, it would be great if the visual aid showed you the heading to fly for the outbound teardrop correction or the inbound parallel correction.

Excellent app. Right to the point, great to understand holding entry in all levels and starting to get the big picture. It a great tool to learn how to do a hold entry in the cockpit, like in real time!

Good trainer. Pretty decent tool when your first trying to learn holds

$5 I’ll never get back. Total joke. Question instructed me to hold S.E. of 155 radial left turns. Showed it to multiple commercial and CFI students and we’re all in agreement what the app is demonstrating is Southwest, not southeast. Total and complete waste of money. Just practice with a friend and learn to draw it on your own, it will be WAY easier to visualize and understand. It’s too bad, it could really be a cool product, but so far it’s just made my understanding of drawing and visualizing holds worse, not better. The hold entry demonstration is fine, but charging this much for something that’s only half accurate as far as drawing the actual holds go really pisses me off. I want my money back!

Holding trainer - highly recommend. This is the first review I have written for an app, but I felt it was warranted. As part of my IFR training, holds weren't coming easily - mostly understanding of relative position to a hold. Not a problem any more. This app is incredible as a training tool and explains, shares tips, and allows for practice, practice and practice. I don't understand why anyone would need one of the other "hold calculator" apps if you've learned and practiced using this app. Well done to the designers.

Works great. Fantastic study tool for IFR students.

Awesome. I use it as actual training and as a game when I'm bored

Great app. Too expensive. Perfect app for quick practice to make hold entries second nature. Their tutorial section should include more methods than just the one way of doing it. 4 stars only because it is $5

Great buy, if you are a serious flight student - it's invaluable. After an hour you'll have a good framework to deal with holding. Although ATC rarely, if ever, gives bearing holding instructions (they usually give hold as published or hold inbound on some radial). Despite the oddness, the program just makes you think a bit harder. That's ok. When you are in the air doing it for real, you'll nail it.

Trash.. I’m a student. And I would say it’s a waste of money do not buy. I’m struggling to understand how the app is working ... but if my instructor tells me my heading and all the other info I can draw it out fine but this app I can’t seam to grasp. What it’s asking .... so I’m missing something because I keep getting wrong answers and idk what I’m missing or why I’m missing it.... wish their was a video to explain everything nicely.

Fantastic. Amazing app. Combine it with the knowledge. And the simple. Rule. That determining the outbound heading. North, South, Southwest etc is always there approximate outbound heading and you will be on the road to success.

Simple but effective. Simple but effective. Maybe a bit expensive (like everything in aviation).

Great Tool. I'm a helicopter CFII on contract to an overseas flight academy who teaches only students for whom English is a second or even third language. Getting the concept of Holding Entries taught was ALWAYS a struggle! That is until a friend recommended this app. As the saying goes, "a picture (really is) worth a thousand words!" Now showing how "the Teardrop side is always the Turns side" and "20* up or 20* down from the HSI/RMI 90* tick marks" looks and works is a breeze! Most of the students, some as low as level 2 English speakers, now get the concept quickly and actually enjoy learning it! Well done!!!

It's great for instruction. I regularly give holding instruction using this app. I like it

Holding Trainer. Well designed and perfect for "drills" to get comfortable with procedures before actually flying. Well designed options before and after each scenario.

This app got me on track. Saw some of the negative reviews, but read the responses and other positive reviews. THIS IS A GREAT APP. It’s important to read the hold instructions! If it states hold N on BEARING XXX TO (the “to” is critical) that is your inbound leg. If it says hold SE of the XXX VOR radial XXX, that is considered the outbound leg. After a few hours of practice and a lot of mistakes, it came together. Will continue to practice with the hopes that I can visualize this without drawing it out. My only reason for giving 4 stars and not 5 is that I think $5.99 is a bit over priced for an app that I won’t likely use after my check ride.

This app is perfect. My skills were rusting and I fixated on an approach plate that involved a course reversal. This resolved my confusion about using a teardrop or parallel entry. The old adage “…fly a lot or don’t fly at all…” still holds true. Great app! Thank you.

Lmbex. Great application!! Allows me to pre practice hold procedures prior to flight training sessions.

Soon to be IFR rated!. I have been struggling with holding patterns for a while, this app gave me a boost, now I am gaining some routine, hopefully proficient by the next time I fly!

CFII. Great app. Proper terminology.

This app has really helped me. It's super convenient to just pull this app up and practice hold entries anytime you need to. It has been reliable and accurate for me.

This is no good. I hate this up I have a better idea before I got till this app now got me all confused I agree the instructor is right this App can get you killed thay confusing all

Best training app I've used.. I've tried several other apps but this is my favorite because it gives you hold instructions without any clues; thus, forcing you to think it through. It also provides multiple choice answer buttons, visualization on the heading indicator option, and an optional full view (plan view). I hope the developer updates the app to work with IOS 11; it would be a shame to lose this fantastic resource for pilots.

WORTHLESS. Worthless app with WRONG info!!!

It's ok. It really helped me understand entering into holding, which is why it gets three stars. I am having significant trouble visualizing the holding pattern and I'm not getting a lot of help understanding it with this app... It could just be me though.

Perfect. I already hold a IR however I am 3 years rusty. After doing this for about 30 or so minutes I started getting these fairly quick. I do have a base knowledge already so keep that in mind.

Worthless app. As a CFII instructor I downloaded this to help a student work out holds. The holds they give are just as wrong as could be. They say "hold SE on the 331 bearing" or something to that effect. Well 331 isn't SE, in fact it's opposite of that. So I see the word bearing and think, "ahhh so we'll just take the reciprocal"...and with that thought they were all wrong. When they draw out their examples, in this case "SE on the 331" they draw the pattern on the NW side. So their clearances are just totally wrong, as are the drawings. As a student this app caused me confusion so I didn't use it. As a CFII I know better now, and watched my student make several drawings correctly, only to be told they're wrong by the app that did them wrong in the first place. Useless app, DO NOT BUY IT! It will make things so much harder. And the reality is if you can think of two numbers between 360, you can give yourself endless clearances and draw them correctly and learn this for free. Wasted money here.

Great App. I was skeptical at first. But, I bought the app because the pilots café has an amazing IFR prep summary available for free. And seriously, with all the money we spend training in aviation the cost of this app is a no brainer. The app was extremely helpful for me in learning the pen method as well as drawing the hold. I think the holds are more difficult than would be experienced in real life. They often use radials and bearings, such as hold on the 347 radial. I think in real life you would get 340 or 350. Thanks for creating this awesome app! Great job, it has absolutely helped me. Bill

Great for practicing holds. This is a great app for students who are trying to grok holds and for instructors who are teaching holds. I’m an active instructor and I find this app quite useful.

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Great stuff. Fantastic app for Irex entry practice. Wish it has a bit more tips for a newbie though. Overall, great stuff ! Well done.

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a good, helpful tool. a good, helpful tool, but it would be great if we could then fly the hold like the nav trainer

Good app. Good way to review hold entries

Don’t buy. Total waste of money.

Great tool. Awesome tool for learning

Mehh. Not able to change values on hold computer, defeats the purpose of having it.

Great Tool. Nice. Use it with the home Flight Sim to practice random hold entries amidst a cluster of beacons and VORs

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Great app!. Fantastic app! Great for students and for CFIs teaching the material too!

Excellent. The best and most effective way to learn holds, thorough practical exercise. Keep up good work! CFII, CFIME, ATP

Nice for practice.. This is a great way to refresh your holding patterns. I wish the app was more than just that though.

Great!. This app really helps my students grasp holding pattern entries. No more "deer in the headlights" looks. Plays like a game which is always good with the younger generation.

Holding. Great ifr holding training tool

Lo maximo. Very recommendable.

Fun Study Aid!. I'm using this app to study for an upcoming airline interview. It's awesome! It makes studying the dry, tricky topic of holding patterns fun! I like that the tutorial offers not 1, but 4 different ways to visualize pattern entry.

Must have. I can't live without it. An invaluable tool!

Great tool for learning and refresher. In addition to helping you learn, this app gives sample problems to help master holding procedures. I'm a CFI working on my CFII and plan to use this tool with students.

Holding trainer. Great app

Great practice app. Excellent for understanding holding entries and visualizing them without drawing it out.

Holding training. Excellent app. Great training and refreshment tool. Will save you money. Well done.

Great application. As a cfii I am going to recommend this application to all my students! Very well done! Very unique and helpfully application!!

Good app. Good app. Very helpful

Pilot, IGI. This is a very good app for training purposes. For operational use the fonts need to be larger.

Holding Visualizer Incorrect. The holding calculator and practice answers are correct, but the holding pattern visualizer and tutorial are backwards. The parallel 110 degree sector should be to the right for right hand turns, and to the left for left hand turns. The teardrop sector is always 70 degrees.

Excellent!!. Excellent app. Does exactly what you want it to.

Very well executed. Amazing app, suitable both for experienced pilots, and for students alike. Highly recommended!

My students love it. As a CFI and CFII I use this app with my students all the time to help them learn.

Great app. Very helpful app. Highly recommended.

Great app!. Helped me a lot with my IFR class

Great training aid. This program is great! It has been a big help in my IFR training, I would highly recommend.

excellent a must to have. excellent must have

Good app. At first I didn't like it after I used it a couple time a understand it, I get to like it. I'm looking for a better app about holding position, but this app is the best one so far

Great app. Excellent app.

Great app!. Perfect for learning the right entry.

Two thumbs!. Great app for entering holding!

Great App. This is a very good learning tool. The in flight application is unsurpassed. But when the app craps out and goes to a black screen after you write a good review, and you try to contact customer service the don't get back to you. I deleted the app and now have to pay again to reinstall. Nothing doing!

awesome. this app is really great for training. For new and for experienced pilots, definitely great. A must have

Great App!. Great to keep your holding skills sharp. Love it!

Hold trainer. Tutorial was outstanding. Practice invaluable. Recommend for students and cfii candidate.

Awesome holding trainer app. This app is excellent for learning holding entry. Highly recommend it.

Pilot. Nice, simple app to practice visualizing holds. Saved a few bucks in the sim for sure

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Language English
Price $4.99
Adult Rating 4+ years and older
Current Version 1.3.0
Play Store com.pilotscafe.holdtrainer
Compatibility iOS 11.0 or later

Holding Pattern Trainer (Versiyon 1.3.0) Install & Download

The application Holding Pattern Trainer was published in the category Navigation on 16 August 2011, Tuesday and was developed by FLEMINGER MEDIA LLC [Developer ID: 427480054]. This program file size is 9.72 MB. This app has been rated by 97 users and has a rating of 4.2 out of 5. Holding Pattern Trainer - Navigation app posted on 28 March 2024, Thursday current version is 1.3.0 and works well on iOS 11.0 and higher versions. Google Play ID: com.pilotscafe.holdtrainer. Languages supported by the app:

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Holding Pattern Trainer App Customer Service, Editor Notes:

- User can now disable and enable "BRG TO" ATC hold instructions, which are rarely used - Bug fixes

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