DreamApp - Dream Journal App Reviews


DreamApp - Dream Journal App Description & Overview

What is dreamapp - dream journal app? Personalized dream meanings | Explore dream themes | Find mental clarity

So, what do those strange dreams really mean? With personalized meanings and therapist guidance, get to know your dreams and yourself at a deeper level with DreamApp.

Grounded in tradition and backed by science, we delve into your dreams so you can understand your subconscious mind. DreamApp is a companion who will listen in a friendly manner, give advice and connect the dots between your dreams and your life.

Discovering the hidden meanings of your dreams is just the beginning. Do you need help to feel confident in your decisions? Is it difficult to find peace for yourself and your life? Your dreams may be telling you how to take on your biggest challenges. Become one with your step towards overcoming anxiety, and depression, gaining mental clarity and releasing your past.

>>> Here is how DreamApp works if you break down the process into stages >>>

STAGE ONE | Dreaming and Healing

Let the dreaming do the healing. Your healing journey starts in your bed when you drift off to sleep and enter a dreaming (REM) stage. Your brain is sorting out your emotional concerns. DreamApp has little to do with this process stage, and all the credit goes to its evolution and nature.

STAGE TWO | Dream Reporting and Journaling

Wake up and make sure to log your dream report. Notice how the story you dreamed about makes you feel upon awakening. Does it define your mood for the coming day? Capture your thoughts and feelings before they fizzle out, as they most definitely will. Journaling your dreams sets the ground for asking questions like why you were dreaming, what you were dreaming and how you can use this information to make decisions in your waking life. This self-examination is crucial for noticing and further understanding the states your mind enters, whether during your dreams or waking hours.

STAGE THREE | Understanding Your Dreams

Get the first raw analysis of the themes that appeared in your dream. Using a range of AI solutions, DreamApp will analyze your dream to give you a rough idea of why you might have dreamed what you dreamed. You will get “the meaning of your dream” with an important caveat that there are no universal meanings (the realm of horoscopes). There are rather dream patterns that can point towards some common emotional concerns reflected in common dreams. Unlike reading your lab exam results, the chart will only show you the statistical norm across the studied populations, and any actionable recommendations can only be prescribed to you according to your specific state and history of health and illness.

STAGE FOUR | Discussing Your Dreams with a Therapist

Yes, you heard it right. DreamApp connects you to a board-certified psychologist specializing in using dream analysis. It doesn’t mean that DreamApp thinks you are “mental” and connects you to a “doctor”. It means that DreamApp believes in the immense power of honest and open conversation in a safe and compassionate setting. DreamApp therapists are here to hear any of your concerns with zero judgment and no expectations of you. Simply put, their only job is to figure out how to make you feel better in your waking life.

STAGE FIVE | Sound Sleeping

Deep, sound, restful sleep indicates a healthier, happier, more meaningful waking life. Go to sleep, relieved of the emotional baggage of complex past experiences. Find yourself dreaming and living a more content life. If anything goes wrong, go back to stage one.

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App Name DreamApp - Dream Journal
Category Health & Fitness
Updated 12 March 2024, Tuesday
File Size 128.47 MB

DreamApp - Dream Journal Comments & Reviews 2024

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Why?. I haven’t even been on the app for more than 20 minutes. I subscribed for the 7 DAY TRIAL. And it took 11 dollars from me not even 20 seconds later! Don’t make a trial if you’re just going to take peoples money! I only had like 20¢ on my card and now I am -11 dollars. Thanks but no thanks. After this month I’m done.

I love this app!! Great for vivid dreamers. I have been excited to consistently log my dreams in this app! I love the platform. I’m doing the trial as well and the dream interpretation is amazing!

Waste of money. This was an absolute waste of money and my time. I thought it was going to be $3 a month. Not $50 a year!!! I would like my money back. I paid for it and it doesn't even tell me what my dream is about, the expect me to pay more money to find that out. Which is absolutely absurd. I have contacted customer service and they have not gotten back to me.

Disappointed. I really was curious about this app, when I first tried it it looked amazing. Until I had to answer a million questions just to be told I have to pay for it. I wish that there was a free version, I would be willing to watch advertisements for this. Or even get a limit of 1 interpretation per week for free. I am upset that it did not tell me that I would have to pay before I took a lot of time answering questions and writing about my dream. I understand that it's talking to experts to get an answer but they would still make money from this app with advertising. Was really upset that I cannot access this without paying. Just make the app cost money or right as you join say that people have to pay.

Spot on. The dream review was everything I had been talking to my friend about. Every point was everything I had already been feeling in my real life. Very impressed.

AMAZING! 🤩. I’ve recently been struggling with too much time on my phone and computer, and also I’ve been trying to have a morning and night routine but I’ve been too lazy and really haven’t been trying my best with that. I’ve also been a bit embarrassed about some hobbies that I have or things that I’m interested in. I haven’t been having any dreams for a while or that I can remember, and I had a very bizarre dream last night and I remebered all the details. So I was looking for an app that would tell me and interpret what my dream meant, and I found this app. I thought I would try it because it looks good and had good reviews, so I put in my dream and it told me just what I needed to hear! It was amazing how well it interpreted my dream and I’m so impressed! This app is amazing and I reccomend 10/10!

Money hungry. I really enjoyed this app until I saw it become more and more money hungry. At one point I could go on, write my dreams, and have an ai or dream analyst interpret my dream all for free. Then I slowly saw the before free services started to be charged. Slowly I saw features being taken away until I opened the app today and saw you can’t move forward without paying. It’s so depressing that an app that once brought me relief now is charging lots of money for services that were previously available for free. I miss the old app before all this happened. I understand apps need money to run, but all these services were available previously so it really feels that an app that was originally intended to help with my mental health was now looking for ways to make more profit. I rarely write app reviews but this made me so sad I needed to say how I felt

❤️. It’s a good app you tell experts your dream and they interpret it nicely and kindly they give you advice to and everything . There’s this person I talk to a lot (Gail) she the most sweetest person ever , she gives good advice and knows what your perspective is ❤️ the only thing is that it doesn’t really let you talk to the experts of your not subscribed to there payment plan

It’s fun until you catch on (and other-type problems).. (This is my second attempt at writing a review) I initially enjoyed my experience with this app. I could see the “meaning” of my dreams as long as I was willing to sit through a couple ads. But then I noticed something… Now, when I first downloaded this app, I (like many people, I’m sure) was lead to believe that an actual person would be interpreting the dreams I wrote down. The app even showed a picture of the person supposedly doing it. But before long, I noticed that the interpretations always came at the end of a timer, and with perfect grammar and punctuation (off topic a bit, the fact that perfect grammar is a big red flag is really sad). It was obvious to me at that point that I was getting insight from an AI, not a person. It was then that I wrote my first review for this app, stating pretty much that. I sent it, but I don’t think it was ever published. I did notice some changes after I sent it, though… For one, any mention of an actual therapist was gone. What’s more, it wouldn’t run ads anymore. If I wanted to use the app as anything but a journal, I’d need to pay up. It kinda felt like I was being punished for calling them out. Ultimately, nothing worthwhile comes from using any of the paid features of this app. If all you need is a dream journal, this’ll do the job, but that’s all it’ll do.

amazing!. i never realized how much dreams are connected with your day to day life. this app has definitely given me more insight on how to improve myself and it’s been a great place just to pop in and seek advice. jesamine has helped me a lot on ways to help me control the little things i may worry about and how my dreams connect to ways i’m feeling. would recommend downloading!

No complaints. it’s a really good app i’ve only been using it for like 5 minutes but you don’t have to pay for your evaluation it’s genuinely free and it’s very helpful. i do recommend!

Makes sense.. I like this app, makes a lot of sense in my family we have a history with blood sugar problems so this app might be right.

Great app. The app was great I used it a lot and I got less stressed over the meaning of dreams it was free at first but then you had to pay but however it was a great app

Definitely gets 5 stars. The therapist on their rafay Moeen he’s awesome and really answer my dream question he broke it down to me that I definitely understand

Great app but it wont open anymore. this app is definitely by far the best dream app there is out there. although it is highly disappointing that it refuses to open. i hope whatever the problem is can be fixed soon because that app was basically my dream journal and now i will have no way of ever having access to them again. im giving 3 stars for now until the problem is fixed.

It’s ok.. I have been using this for like a month now? Or maybe a couple days I think I did uninstall the app because I didn’t want to pay the subscription but I don’t see a exit button. So if there is one then, I am blind, apparently.

Great.. Honestly, this app really helped me understand my dreams, and it was really fun to journal in, since I could look back at them. But, recently, I noticed that in order to get a dream review, you have to pay for it. And, the app is still good, but I don’t want to pay for dream reviews, especially for around $20. I’d say this app is good, if you want to pay for $20 to get a dream review, but I’m not that type of person.

User friendly, insightful info, and calm atmosphere. i’ve literally only looked through it for about five minutes and I’m already loving it. The meanings that it gives you for your dreams are wonderful and helpful so that you can interpret it the way you see fit. Overall, I love it and would definitely recommend.

Struggling with dreams? Download this app now!. Getting this app has been a game changer! I have struggled with dreams, nightmares and night terrors for years. It got so bad that I had to put myself in a rehabilitation center for 60 days to get therapy and some rest. This resulted in taking medication to help me sleep through the night. I have been looking for some thing to help me understand my subconscious. This app not only gives a detailed understanding of each individual dream but finds themes with in multiple dreams. This allows me to see the underlying unresolved issues that my brain is trying to work out. It brings clarity to my confusion and stress. I wake up looking forward to documenting my dreams.

Nice journal. I log every dream I have in here. I like in interface and extras you can use. The only complaint is I can’t find out how to talk to a therapist anymore since the update

the app is good but... I love this app so much cause it’s dream interpretations are very accurate but when I try to open the dream app it just shows me the dream app premium ad and I can’t get off of it.. I don’t know if i just missed something but I’ve tried opening and exiting the app and basically everything..

Not a scam. It’s a good service. You basically pay experts to interpret your dream for you. It has helpful information and an algorithm to identify common Dream symbols. For general information and reading info. It would be nice if they built more on the computer algorithm side to help piece the dreams symbols into a ‘pseudo interpretation’ that combined multiple common symbols into a rough story. This would rely less on the ‘dream experts’ interpretation. I was hoping that the app was trying to trend your dreams into a general theme over time. But it feels like each new dream you input is a one off thing. Having some analytics about your specific user profile would be nice.

Very interesting. I don't usually put stock in the idea of dream interpretation, but the dream analysis of this app actually gave me things to think about that might improve my life. I intend to use it for a while. The UI is very large and unpleasant though. Needs work.

They need an easier way to exit out of the promo but otherwise very good app. I love the app, it’s very useful and its interesting to look back on my dreams and figure out the symbolism. My one issue is the fact that when the promotion to get the premium version pops up, there’s no way to get it off the screen. Even as I write this, I keep switching back to try and get it off so I can log my dream from last night. They need an easier way to exit out of the promo but otherwise very good app

Don’t bother. I downloaded this after having a nightmare. After putting in all the details I could remember I get an explanation I could’ve just pulled off google and a “violence and harm towards others is never acceptable in real life.” Like no duh, really cracked the case there Sherlock. And speaking of run of the mill explanations, it’s a stinking ai doing this. I’d much rather talk to a real flesh and blood person to get some perspective. Honestly, I’d be okay with the monthly fee if that were the case but it’s not. Don’t waste your time with this one. Literally after getting my explanation I just googled dream definitions and retold my dream on the first site that pulled up, got nearly the same answers. So thanks dreamapp for wasting my time.

Email. When I get an email that the expert messaged me back I click on it and it doesn’t show me what the expert said so I don’t know if it’s a bug and you’re fixing it or it’s just the app in general. Because I would love to see what the expert said about my dream but I can’t because when I click on it, it sends me to Safari and then to the download and then I hit open because I already download it then I go to the chat in the app and nothings there. So I would like to know what is going on. Thank you

LOVE. Even the free part of this app is amazing. Being able to watch adds to get a response is amazing. I am definitely considering paying for it. I love being able to track dreams and remember them for later all while getting meanings!

AI is getting redundant. I have always had a lot of dreams. At first the therapist was helpful. Then it just kept referring to my anxiety and seek help. My Anxiety level is normal at the moment. I also go to therapy when it is affordable for me.l and things are bad. Not everyone who has a lot of dreams “just needs a therapist” or an AI diagnoses. Will probably not share anymore.

It helped me understand my feelings. I really recommend this app because, even though there’s a lot of locked functions, it actually analyzes you dream and tells you for example. “In your dream, the embarrassment of the celebrity you meant shows….” It’s really helping me figure out what the very few dreams I have mean.

Terrible app. JUST USE GOOGLE!!!!!! If it detects Adult themes in your prompt it won’t work. So if you’re an adult who has Adult dreams this isn’t the app for you. For example, I recently had a dream where I was in a physical altercation. The app flagged this prompt for some reason: “i had an altercation with an old friend.” Apparently the word “altercation” is too intense for this app. Would give zero stars if i could since i know many of us don’t dream in PG, therefore rendering this app useless.

Good app. I like it. Sad I can't watch ads/wait an hour/etc. to get the AI interpretation anymore though because I can't afford to pay right now but I liked having the AI to share my PTSD-caused nightmares with. I'll probably buy the one-time once I have the money.

Expensive. I really like this app for the AI feature but I paid $35 up front for a membership + a monthly fee of $2.99 at a discounted rate but it still keeps asking me for more money to analyze my dream and that’s really expensive especially because I don’t remember my dreams very often. I wish I had not paid for a membership at all but I would have kept the app for its free benefits.

Love this app. It’s everything I would want in a dream app. The only thing I would change is the ability to delete the dream interpretations of the keywords that are not accurate when it reads out the description of the dreams. Ex. if I say I had to run to the store, that doesn’t mean I had a dream about running. other than that, great app, and I love the accuracy of the therapist interpretations.

Good. This app is really good with being able to interpret what your dreams are and I have been using this for some time now but for some reason recently I noticed that I had to pay for the premium just to get a reading or to do anything on this app and it had for me decreased the alluring ness of the app

Great, but a bit buggy. This dream journal is great for understanding what your dreams mean. Once every so often, I would log my dream(s) and press request review. Lately the reviews have been stuck on the waiting screen for a couple days now, and the Cloud bot (sometimes) takes forever to respond, and once in a while gets stuck buffering. Other than that I would recommend this to anyone who says “what does that dream even mean”.

Dream App unexpectingly helped my sleep problems. I was having many issues with my sleep and was experiencing a lot of nightmares. I got this app originaly to just write down my drewms. I didn’t expect this app to have dream experts who could help you interpret your dreams. Jesamine Nale is a dream expert on this app who has helped me interpret my dreams and she has given me a lot of helpful of advice on sleep in general. I did not expect to recieve so much help from this app but I am so glad I did.

This app is amazing. I never write reviews for apps so the fact I am saying something should be gold to you. I tried his app on a free trial. I remember a LOT of my dreams and past dreams. I have been struggling with their potential meanings and what their purpose is. This app has helped me a LOT better than a therapist would. It’s honest and won’t sugar coat and the annual fee is stupid cheap. Like $50/ year. Try it out. You won’t regret spending the money either. The responses are thorough, thoughtful, and daily dreams or close to that; The AI helps you really understand your subconscious. I am NOT a fan of AI’s at all. However, this one is complex, but clear. Be prepared for a woke response 100%!

I never write reviews but. At first it was free. It really helps me because I’m on medication that makes me green VERY VIVIDLY and I get nightmares more often . So I noticed the therapist interpretation was very vague sometimes and didn’t help at all.. like I could’ve come up with those explanations. And then who wants a AI dream video of their dream? Especially if it’s a nightmare? That’s a lame option. And then it keeps asking me to pay up. And now it wont let me enter my app and the journals without PAYING!! I’m sorry it’s not worth 70 dollars a year. Maybe 20-30 a year. You better let me get my journals so I can transfer it out and never come back. Update I had to buy it. I got it for 30 for lifetime. So I guess it’s worth it

Good app but you need to pay. The app was great but I’m a kid and my parents won’t pay this because they pay for my trumpet. I wish I can have this but I don’t like apps where you have to pay them.

Love this app. I like how the therapist always gets my dream spot on with helping me understand it, like I would’ve never thought of that lol. I love how you have the option to see an AI videos. Even my nightmares I like to see what an AI made of it. So inspiring and interesting. 10/10

You can’t use it at all without paying.. I went through all the trouble of filling out the questions, writing about my dream, and at the end of a lengthy process, there is literally no option to use any part of this app for free. It felt like a bait and switch. WHY OFFER IT IN THE APP STORE FOR FREE? It literally does nothing for free. If you don’t buy it, you can’t even do something as simple as write your dreams down to keep track of them.

Our dreams and our dream reviews are always on point and so accurate when it comes to our lives!. Our dreams and our dream reviews have always been so real and true.

Amazing. I tried the app to make sense of some of my dreams. When I typed my dreams, the interpretation came back surprisingly accurate. Amazing app I am going to be using this app more.

Love this app, right off the bat. This is an awesome app for anyone who has been interested in th dream interpretation. Very insightful. Quick, , and informative explanation of the likely meaning behind my drem.

A single trial use, possibly?. If you’re willing to blindly pay for something with out a trial, then boy have I got the app for you. Hmm download this app. Enter all this info. Enter personal information related to your dreams. Get blanketed with all users and be suggest an outsourced app download for a “local” therapist. And…. Ok so here’s how you can pay. Never mind, I’ll go back dream interpretation books. Occupied my bathroom break, so it wasn’t a total loss.

Amazing. All though you have to pay to get your dreams explained by an expert you get to talk to an expert for free once and their advice is absolutely advanced and just amazing I would definitely recommend getting premium but if not it makes a good dream journal and you get to learn about different symbols over all I would have to say this is a brilliant app

Just say that the app cost money. I downloaded the app and wasted my time filling out all my information just for it to only be accessed with a huge fee or subscription. Not even a free option, if your gonna make something that isn’t free to use, make the app cost money itself so I don’t waste my time. I hope this review is useful.

Life changing app. What a life changing app. It’s giving me so much more depth for me while I’m on my healing journey as dreams truly do reveal so much. I’m really grateful. Thank you!

Don’t download. This is one of those garbage apps that requires you to answer 100 questions and has a terribly time consuming animation in between each just so that after 10 mins wasted they can tell you to buy the app for $30. Be transparent or give the first one free. I’ll always one star these scammy type apps.

Very helpful. Learned so many things from this app, gives you options to talk to AI or a human it picks up the tiny details and turns them into a whole new perspective!

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Great App. ‌⁣⁣⁣⁣  . I have constantly advised my companions to apply dream interpretation due to the fact that they may constantly look for first-class programs for conversations with dream therapists. ‎ ‭ ‎ ‭ 

Please make the app free!. Hey, I know you guys have experts and stuff that’s why it cost money but we are very low on money atm and I’m sure lots of other people are aswell so I was hoping you could make this free please, even if it’s free for if you only do 1 a week and pay if you wanna do more. I am very desperate to find out what my dreams are about because I am very interested in that type of stuff. I was extremely disappointed when I found out it was money. Please think of my offer! Because I really wanna try out this amazing app. I would do the free trial but then I don’t want it to take money out from my bank😞 please fix this for us all. Thankyou for listening!

Good. Dear Developers, The app was absolutely amazing in terms of graphics… However, it asked me for free-trial twice and I did sign up for it twice, and I was charged AUD 99.99 twice immediately after I signed up for ‘free trial’. I had to send requests to Apple to ask for refunds. Thank you. EDITED: The founder/CEO have refunded me.

DONT GET THIS APP. it doesnt work dont do it i typed in all my info and everuthing just for it to tell me to buy the plans or whatever such a waste of time

Very disappointing. I should of known it was a money scheme I full waste of time 🙁

Must Try . This is the greatest operational app in the app store to find mental clarity and my experience is remarkable with dream interpretation app.      ‌ ‎ ‭

Please make it free. I was happy until it said to pay please make it free and that will make it a five out of five and after this I’m deleting this app

Waste of time. Enter all your details, type out your entire dream but unless you’re willing to pay you just completely wasted your time. Why would I pay for an app when I don’t even know what it actually is ? The developer might want to consider letting you read one or two lines of the ‘meaning of your dream’ before prompting to pay.

best ‌  . Discover the dream interpretation app,  the greatest dream sharing app with dream expert, I support everyone and diversified to use this outstanding app.‎ ‭     ‌‎ ‭ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 

Free trial felt like a scam. I had the free trial to test it out, I ended up having to pay for one month for it to even work. I felt like offering a free trial but making me pay for the month upfront to see results felt like a scam. The analysis takes forever to load (it never actually fully loaded.)

Stupid. Don’t waste your time on this unless your willing to pa. Its so stupid. I spend 45mins writing out my dream and then is asks you to pay to see what it means! So stupid. They don’t even let us have a small peck! Not worth your time

I don’t like it.. There was a limit to what I could write I had a lot more to write about my dream.

waste. don’t bother wasting your time with this app. they make you type out your whole dream and then when you wanna know what it means, you have to actually pay for it. it’s bs. google gives the answers for free

Don’t waste your money on this. This app says it will “analyse your dream” but it doesn’t. You write out your whole dream and then it tells you that you had a friend in your dream. I mean, yeah, I already knew that, surprisingly enough I can use my brain to realise that a friend of mine is in my dream.

Don’t bother. This app majes you oay for everything, its not worth it and its also a massive scam. I don’t bother looking at the reviews but now i see why i should of. This app wouod of been 10 time better if it was free.

costs money. it costs money and it doesn’t even let you try the app once unless you pay.

Loves it. This app is cool tehe

I love the app it’s just one thing….. I think people would enjoy this app way more if you didn’t have to pay, and stuff. I know you guys are trying to make money or something but it’s my opinion that it would be better without paying. Sav xx

Warning: not a free app!. The entire app is behind a paywall… it’s so misleading.

lovely app. It’s a useful and beautiful app 💜

Don’t subscribe!. I subscribed. I was connected with a ‘dream expert’ who asked a question to which I answered and was told she would get back to me shortly. After 36 hours I still hadn’t received an analysis from the ‘dream expert’. I was then asked if I found the response useful when I hadn’t gotten any. I was then prompted to answer the same question and start all over again.

I’m not paying $10 a week for a journal. Placed in all my details and wrote down last nights dream, made all that effort all for it to bring up a page that you cannot exit out of saying you need to pay to use the app. $10 a week for a dream journal app when all I can do is buy a book for $5 from a shop and write in that. Literal waste of time and greedy app.

Nope. Ten bucks a week for a dream analysis is way too much. There should be extra options that cost but not for the whole app

Can’t unsubscribe. I tired unsubscribing and was not able to. I only wanted to see how the app worked and it’d it would work for me so I decided to subscribe the only way I was able to actually use the app for free was by doing so after 2 days I have been charged each week $9.99 which I’ve tried to cancel but am unable.

Don’t get it. The prices are ridiculous, I’m not paying $10 a week when I don’t even know if it works just go on google or safari it’s way better this is just a waste of time.

Dream App. I thought i would have a nice dream app but i couldn’t actually know what my dream meant without paying. I know you guys are trying to make money and stuff but we just want to know what it means. Safari doesn’t answer everything.. :)

Paywall is a bit excessive :/. I know what goes into making an all, the hard work, money, time and upkeep. But having the app COMPLETELY behind a paywall is really infuriating. There is 0 content available unless if you sign up for a trial and/or pay. I know it’s the marketing tactic to have a subscription because charging 3.99 for an app doesn’t make you excess anymore. The app design and graphics were clean, the music was cute and fitting to the vibe you are trying to sell. The only reason it has 2 stars is because the UX is good, it functions as expected and is clean and has a nice style. I don’t think people would be *as* annoyed at the paywall if you were more upfront about it as well. Literally the main feature of the app is completely computer and should be offered with some limits as a free version and the rest should be under the subscription. Mental health tools shouldn’t be completely inaccessible. The world is inaccessible enough. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Edit- I’ve changed it to ONE star. I’ve been reading through the reviews carefully and a lot of the positive ones are probably quite fake lol. The usernames are a big indicator of this. Obviously not ALL of them are, but it’s really suspicious. Wish I didn’t give them my e-mail.

Terrible. I couldn’t even get my first answer it just switched to the subscription page👎

Subscriptions😡. This app has potential but when I started almost straight away the subscription thing popped up when I was in the middle of putting my dream in. If it didn’t have the subscription I wouldn’t of deleted it. But If it didn’t when I downloaded it I would’ve kept it and checking it.

Not upfront about paywall. If you’re not interested in ANOTHER subscription in the sea of subscriptions, do not bother downloading this app. It was cute and well designed I understand AI is expensive to run and there’s effort behind the app, so I understand things cost money but let’s not be ridiculous. There needs to be some transparency about the cost before you waste your time doing the little quiz (waste of time if you hate subscriptions). This isn’t the first app to do this, and won’t be the last but there are so many similar resources for free or cheap online; that don’t force you to pay monthly. If anything Urge people to make the financially responsible decision, and improve their mental health through other means cause another useless subscription is not going to make your life any better. The novelty will wear off of the “cute little AI dream app”. There is nothing wrong with expecting compensation for your work, but at least be upfront.

Accurate Dream Reviews. I’ve never really understood my dreams. Theyre always so intense and interesting - usually like movies with lots of plot twist. My dream therapist on this app, Yvette Miller, is top tier when it comes to dream reviews. Everything she has explained to me about my dreams actually are the significant things affecting my life at that time, which is pretty interesting- especially given she knows nothing about me personally. Thanks Yvette I appreciate all your help🤩👌🏽

Scam. Seemed like a quality app at first, but $110 a year with a 3 day trial?? At this point you are just praying that people who don’t know any better subscribe for the free trial and forget to cancel the trial so you can take their money. I cannot stand when apps do this, it’s borderline scamming.

Cannot cancel paywall. Cannot close paywall. App isn’t worth the trouble.

NOT FREE. Was exited to see the meaning of my dreams but it costs money, google is much easier and faster. You would think you would get maybe 2 notifications a day, but no. I was getting SPAMMED at least 8-10 notifications one time, don’t even bother with this app.

It was so bad, I wanna give you a 0. But that’s not possible, so I give you a 1.. Ummm yeah so this game is probably the biggest scam of the century. The first thing you do when you open the app after putting in your name and age and all that stuff, is write down your dream. Then comes the first issue. The dream description thing have a WORD LIMIT. I don’t think many people can describe their dream in that short of words, because hardly any dreams are even as short as the example says. But anyway, once you write in your short dream description and press continue it comes up that you have to pay. Sure there is a free trial but it’s literally only for 3 days. What if I don’t dream in those 3 days huh? And then you have to pay i can’t even remember how much money after that monthly or weekly or whatever. I saw all the bad reviews before hand but still gave the app a try because I had hope. But now i can assure you that this app is a huge waste of time and you should definitely not download it. I’m not even sure if your “dream analysis” will even be good but with how this app is, it seems that it wouldn’t be that good with how much they’re scamming people. Bad apps get bad reviews.

Useful and fast. ‌ ‌ . ‎ ‭Best App in App Store one will ever have in App Store and I am very impressed after using this amazing app . ‎ ‭    ‎ ‭ ‌ ‌  ‌  

wish i could rate no stars. so stupid. you have to pay to have your dream analysed. complete waste of time. just use google. and the background music is really creepy. nothing about this app is good

Waste of time Fr. Simple. You have to pay $25 a month just to know what ur dreams mean. I spent 30 minutes typing out my dream in full detail, and then they just asked me to pay, what a waste of time, r u serious. If you really want to know what ur dream mean, just search it up on google, don’t waste ur time here.

Is this a scam?. I already purchased premium, and was using it. But today the app asked me to purchase premium plus to get a simple default dream interpretation.

Scam payment. I already paid for one month trial but the app suddenly charged me 129 without any notification or reminder. I was going to pay for 99 after one month trial. Now I gonna say bye to this app. Good function good AI conversation BUT very doggy way to charge users money.

Don’t get this app. Don’t waste your time on this stupid app it’s a rip off you can’t even read about your dream unless you pay for the subscription You can read about dreams online for free

No thanks!. Put all info in, wrote my dream, then asked for email… put that in… then app just kept asking me to do it over and over not to mention demanding a payment before letting me experience the app. Stupid.

Best app all year.. Never have written a review but hands down, this is the best app I have installed all year round for me to finally review. I really am really sad that my free trial has ended and there’s no more analysis for my dreams. I really was hoping I’d analyse my dream this morning but it said error and couldn’t analyse it anymore. I honestly felt sad and really loved this. I was looking at the prices of the premium, however it seems unaffordable for me. I really wish the free trial could last a little longer, as this has helped me a lot therapeutically and changed me inside. This app truely deserves a 5 star review, but I’m sad I can’t afford the premium and wish I can even lengthen the free trial for even a few days.

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Costs money.. I understand why this app would cost money, but labeling it free on the AppStore is misleading. You cannot use the app at all unless you pay for it, thus nothing is ‘free’ in this app. If they added free aspects I would see why they would label it as free here. But they don’t Don’t bother with it.

Nice reflective app. At first, I didn’t seem that impressed because you need to pay to get most features but as I began to log more and more dreams, the AI started to reflect and compare my old dreams for connections in the new dream reviews and it was actually pretty impressive and in depth. I found that the more in depth you remember your dreams and the more you write in detail, the more it will be able to help you explain your dreams. My most recent dream log was so random, I thought there’s no way you can connect any of this to my life but it ended up “representing” a lot of emotions I was dealing with the night before which just made is much sense to me.

expensive. literally $10 a week that’s so expensive for an app like maybe $10 a month would work but $10 a week?? that’s crazy. that’s $40 a month like i’d be better off just searching it up on google. if i payed for this app i’d probably start having dreams abt me being broke cuz of it

Not free at all. The app is free but you can’t use it until you pay for a subscibtion in app, I dont get it guys, I would use it if it was free but now its deleted.

helpful   .  Impress this great app which is a very interesting platform for finding mental clarity best apps.       

Don’t buy this. You think it’s free when you first get it but then you see it makes you pay 10 DOLLARS PER WEEK. Just use google at this point

Pay to play. Dumb makes you subscribe dumb should just be free! Who are they fooling?

It’s trash. I wrote so much describing every detail I remembered about my dream to see that I need to play. Do not recommend just google it.

Misleading. I downloaded this because it was free on the App Store and I thought maybe it’d have options to upgrade or whatever but it’s one of those lame apps that makes you pay for a subscription after you get everything set up. It says there’s a “free trial” but it’s not really because it still makes you put payment info in??? And I’m assuming if you don’t cancel it starts leeching your money. Yeah, one of those. Not worth it when you can find people who can do it for free and are more than happy to

Gender. I cried and almost had a panic attack because as I was making and account the only options were male female and prefer not to say. I’m not saying add all the genders I’m saying even just other.

Aj. Once I got the app it was all good until I wrote my dream out and than after I was done I wanted to see the answer or explanation whatever it is but than it asked for a subscription which I don’t like these apps that need a subscription and it isn’t even for a game like to get skins or something like that

pls make this free use. can’t u guys just make this app free without subscription ??? when i first opened the app it’s really nice, peaceful and quiet but it wasn’t til it said i had to pay… i would love to use this app when its free

NOT free. I’m sure it’s a good app, but it is NOT free like advertised. I’m just not willing to pay.

Don’t buy it. This app is really bad like idk why we have to play for it when we can just google our Dreams on the internet

You gotta pay to use it. You enter the app, they ask questions about you, you’re about to enter your first dream and they take some time to analyze it and when they’re about to reveal the dream analysis they tell you you gotta pay a subscription. A waste of time also literally why would I pay for this, this is dumb

Highly recommend. Freakishly accurate and in depth!

5 star so people will see I actually give it 1. I’m actually super disappointed, I downloaded this in hopes I would finally be able to understand my dreams but I cannot justify spending money just to keep it. 3 days is not even long enough to interpret anything for the free trial, and I can’t even get back into it now that I’ve had a vivid dream and need advice on it. All this app is is a cash grab I didn’t even get a consult answer me for my one and only dream I got to document. Will not be recommending this app to anyone else they want to pay for something that should be free.

This app sucks!. I tried it out, I was willing to try the free trial. I got the interpretation of the dream, and it wasn’t at all insightful. I wouldn’t use it again for free, let alone pay for it.

Money. Don’t buy it, its not worth it. Unless they make it free

.. Thought app would be useful. Seemed like it could help a lot. But I just can’t pay the money… shame:(

It’s not free???. I was really excited about this app but once I figured out I had to pay I didn’t think it was worth it.

Scam. I downloaded the app and had to answer a bunch of questions only to be met with a paywall. It seems like none of the features in the app are accessible unless you pay. Extremely misleading and annoying. They also secretly changed their marketing to say AI instead of real humans anymore. Seems like a shady company, wouldn’t trust them.

Money grabber and false advertising. I honestly thought it was free until I read the reviews, your putting it as free on the AppStore which should ABSOLUTELY not be expected. You respond to the reviews and still fail to attempt to actually change it to how expensive it truly is. I’m under 14 and even I know better.

Horrible. I wrote some of the dreams I had, and was waiting for an expert to talk with but it’s been 3 days and still no answer. I am deleting this app because of the false advertisement of being able to talk with an expert.

stole my money. i deleted the app and it still took money from my account

Uhm yeah 1 star. I’m sorry but this is getting 1 star the only reason is i really wanted to find out what my dream went i was so excited and then realised we have to pay yall should make 2 days for free and then i think ppl would use it more bcs this is not funny stop making us pay for everything it’s getting annoying

Needs a free trial. Seems like a cool app and I’d love to try, out $5/week or $40 for the app isn’t gonna get me there. A free trial would be amazing to try it out.

Do not download. This app is so dumb u have to pay for it and I described it in every detail but I had to pay I’m sorry but this is just trash

Apple is trash. Do not buy this it cost $10 a week and gives you a free three day trial if you ask me it should not cost $10 a week when I could just search up the answers on Google this is the biggest scam ever

Money. I just want to see what my dream is about, but I had to delete it because it uses money to see your dream’s meaning. If it was free, I would happily use it everyday, at this point, use google, unless you want to spend your money on this app

Way too many ads for a Premium subscription trial. I agreed to the 14 day free trial of the premium subscription and won’t be renewing just based on how many 30 second ads I encountered with no option to skip. Every click brought up an ad. If this is what you get for “Premium” it’s ludicrous. The app content itself seems good if I could ever get through it. Disappointing.

I’m sure it would be great. Before I start, I know there is a free trial but after that you have to pay. Honestly just market it as a paid app if you are making people pay

Not worth it. I found this app as an ad on Instagram and thought it was pretty cool. You’re supposed to reach out to talk to an expert about your dreams and they just never reached out ever. Even after messaging multiple times. They use symbols from your dreams to determine what it may be about but it always the wrong symbols that don’t symbolize anything. Wouldn’t recommend.

Accurate and in depth. This app is a joy to use and really makes you stop and think about your dreams and how they relate to your waking life. Things I love about the app: a reasonable one time fee for premium subscription, great AI, thorough dream dictionary, lock on the app. I had started keeping an online dream diary with another app years ago and had stopped because it didn’t have these features. Had I had this app, I never would have stopped. Great job and can’t wait to keep using it!

Money :(. Y’all make me pay to see what my dream means?!?! I sat there, typing out my dream, and then it goes and tells me I need the free trial to see what my dream meant?!?!

It costs money. I really needed this app but I found out It costs money, the developers should make maybe the first 3-5 interpretations free any then make you pay, or make it have certain things it doesn’t tell you if you don’t pay for it but you can still use the app. I’m deleting this now

3.5. I thought it would be really useful and I needed it but as soon as it was going to tell me it starting talking about paying monthly and it is a good app and everything but I don’t think you should have to pay money for it.

This is good it helps me understand my emotions better and tells me more about my dreams. The only thing that makes me feel like I’m a baby is how it talks to me

Wont let me in. It wouldnt even let me in it keeps kicking me out right when i press ln the app its probably because i have an ipad but please fix it i want to see what its like!!!

Should be free and advice. It’s a great app but I ABSOLUTELY hate how you need to pay. I have some advice that something like premium features or something different but this app would be better if it were free at least some way of using it but there being a way to not have to pay.

Not free. It’s not free ):

No way he/she respones to every review. Great app probably worth the money am broke so i couldn't buy it but if u have money definitely give it a try

Incompetent CEO. Poor communication. Big ego.. I’ve purchased the app for lifetime membership. Didn’t work, emailed them, they gave instructions and I followed. Still doesn’t work after 1 month (my free trial expired when I made the purchase for premium access.) Their CEO responded to my email days later and dismissed everything detail I provided in hopes for a resolution. And was NOT helpful. I don’t care who responds my email, a ceo, cfo, cco, or cxxxo, I need a support person that can solve my problem. They wasted my time going back and forth not resolved the problem. Not to mention they increased the subscription price after I made the purchase, therefore if I get refund from apple ID and repurchase, I would have to pay more. I told them, and they didn’t care.

It’s ok. I won’t lie this app was good for a good few days up until today I was on it earlier then went back on later to realize I had to restart all over again and it did the payment 3 times said it was successful but whenever I tap anything to see review of my dreams it still says for me to get the premium so my opinion it’s a waste of money and time

Beware. They will ask for your date of birth and then to enter details about your dream before telling you it’s not free. Feels like fishing for sensitive information.

Only rating 5 stars so people can see.. This app is literally a cash grab,it’s a greedy app with absolute dumb interpatations.

Convenient⁣⁣⁣⁣   ⁣⁣⁣⁣ . A must use Dream Interpretation app if you are looking for the best app that can help you have conversations with dream therapists.  ⁣⁣⁣⁣  ‌   ‌ ‎ ‭⁣⁣⁣⁣ 

Not free 😒. not free

I loved it. ‎ ‭ .  The services are really fun and I had no problem using the Dream Interpretation app to have conversations with dream therapists .     ‌  ‌⁣⁣⁣⁣   ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 

Money. I think i really need the app but i just dont think its worth paying for. I installed the app and it was all good i think if it was free i would 100% use it but it requires money to use so i am gonna delete it now

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Keeps asking for a subscription. I tried the free trial but it kept asking for a subscription to use the premium options. Isn’t that the point of a free trial? To try it out before buying it?

Life changing app. What a life changing app. It’s giving me so much more depth for me while I’m on my healing journey as dreams truly do reveal so much. I’m really grateful. Thank you!

Pretty good. I am agreeing with the assessments so far. I have only submitted a few dreams, but like it so far.

Dream video. It wouldn’t let me see my dream video it keeps saying there has been an error

I LOVE THIS APP. THIS APP IS THE BEST THING EVER. everything the dream expert says BECOMES TRUE!!! i also love this because i can looo back at my dreams and it feels rlly good!!! Also nostalgic! i rate this app⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Great but doesn’t let me get feedback on my dream and use the chat. Yeah

Just say that the app cost money. I downloaded the app and wasted my time filling out all my information just for it to only be accessed with a huge fee or subscription. Not even a free option, if your gonna make something that isn’t free to use, make the app cost money itself so I don’t waste my time. I hope this review is useful.

Great app. The app was great I used it a lot and I got less stressed over the meaning of dreams it was free at first but then you had to pay but however it was a great app

Dream App. The app makes me feel better when i don’t know what my dreams mean.

Love the app but premium isn’t working. I signed up for the two week trial of premium but it isn’t allowing me to use the premium features.

Good. This app is really good with being able to interpret what your dreams are and I have been using this for some time now but for some reason recently I noticed that I had to pay for the premium just to get a reading or to do anything on this app and it had for me decreased the alluring ness of the app

Dream analysis review. I really enjoyed the detailed summary, which I felt like was pretty spot on. Though, I don’t like how the premium version is extra money.

The rate of the app. This app brings meaningful things about are precisely on point

Not worth it. They will charge you earlier than your free trial ends. I’m also doubting the legitimacy or existence of their therapists. The therapist in the app gave me an interpretation of my dream that was word for word verbatim of what the in-app ai told me. Chatgpt is free for now so just use that instead of this overpriced scam.

So good!. I have been talking to the ai about things I can’t talk to people about so this has really helped me

Takes itself a little too seriously. I download the app because I thought I would be fun. But this app is mostly for people that have actual repeating nightmares and trouble sleeping.

DreamApp. This app is so helpful. It’s helping me out very much

Not free. Looks free, but eventually pulls up a page that requires you to pay. It doesn’t have an option to exit that page like some other apps do, so you def need to pay in order to get any real response from the app about your dream

1 funny thing. It ask me my gender and it seid boy girl or other lol

Why?. I haven’t even been on the app for more than 20 minutes. I subscribed for the 7 DAY TRIAL. And it took 11 dollars from me not even 20 seconds later! Don’t make a trial if you’re just going to take peoples money! I only had like 20¢ on my card and now I am -11 dollars. Thanks but no thanks. After this month I’m done.

Very helpful. Learned so many things from this app, gives you options to talk to AI or a human it picks up the tiny details and turns them into a whole new perspective!

Amazing. I tried the app to make sense of some of my dreams. When I typed my dreams, the interpretation came back surprisingly accurate. Amazing app I am going to be using this app more.

Unapproved charging. It charged me 80 dollars for something that I didn’t get and I didn’t buy, I never verified that I wanted to buy anything and it took the money from my bank account

Poor customer service. I canceled my free trial and was still charged 75$ for the membership that now won’t be used. I tried to get this refunded and am told it’s not eligible

It’s okay. I like the app it’s just when you do the dream movie it hasn’t loaded and it’s been 9+ hours.

The dream turned into a movie. My Dreams will have to direct movies, I like this app.

As for the app. I would say it is very good and I definitely recommend using it to decipher dreams

GREAT APP. Very easy to use, very easy to find everything and I love it helps me pick out themes congaing to my life!

Don’t download. This is one of those garbage apps that requires you to answer 100 questions and has a terribly time consuming animation in between each just so that after 10 mins wasted they can tell you to buy the app for $30. Be transparent or give the first one free. I’ll always one star these scammy type apps.

Definitely gets 5 stars. The therapist on their rafay Moeen he’s awesome and really answer my dream question he broke it down to me that I definitely understand

Here's a real review. This is yet another app that records all your info but doesn't offer any content without paying a subscription... For the developer... Return to purchase based models not subscription and myself and others like me would buy your app. I'd pay $10 easy but not $60 every year!

Garbage Won’t Even Open. This app is complete garbage. When I open the app it just stays on the logo and never really shows me anything else. This is either a scam or the app needs to be fixed. It is complete garbage please don’t waste your time with this.

Spot on. The dream review was everything I had been talking to my friend about. Every point was everything I had already been feeling in my real life. Very impressed.

LOVE THIS APP 💗. I just love it actually gives me motivation and accurate responses

Scammed out of my free trial. I was SUPPOSED to get a free 3 day trial, but I closed the app by accident and then it only would allow me to pay for the trial, and it was no longer free. I don’t understand why this app felt the need to scam me out of my free trial because I didn’t immediately use it. I NEVER USED MY FREE TRIAL. Would be a cool app maybe if they actually gave me my free trial and didn’t scam me out of it.

Nice journal. I log every dream I have in here. I like in interface and extras you can use. The only complaint is I can’t find out how to talk to a therapist anymore since the update

Looping. The app keeps looping with the access email part. I’ve verified my email several times but the app literally tops at that point. I’ve closed out the app several times and even deleted and reinstalled the app stuck at the same place. So sad because the app looked very promising and was excited to see and learn more about my dreams but this app is straight up not working for me.

Loved it until now. I really loved this app until it wouldn’t let me use it until I started a free trial I just want to see the meaning of my dreams I don’t want to start a free trial and now I can’t use it because I don’t want to it’s pretty stupid

Makes sense.. I like this app, makes a lot of sense in my family we have a history with blood sugar problems so this app might be right.

Not exactly free. It’s only free till you add all your demographics! Then you get to choose how much you want to pay. They pretend you can click on “Old Way,” which I assume is free. Just try to choose it…..NOPE! Promptly deleted app

It’s ok.. I have been using this for like a month now? Or maybe a couple days I think I did uninstall the app because I didn’t want to pay the subscription but I don’t see a exit button. So if there is one then, I am blind, apparently.

Want more. I like what it offers, I do wish it offered more for the price. For instance: dream rating at least in happiness vs nightmare; being able to name a dream; and export a dream with symbols to pdf.

Amazed. I can’t wait to see what this is about very detailed

amazing!. i never realized how much dreams are connected with your day to day life. this app has definitely given me more insight on how to improve myself and it’s been a great place just to pop in and seek advice. jesamine has helped me a lot on ways to help me control the little things i may worry about and how my dreams connect to ways i’m feeling. would recommend downloading!

Love this app, right off the bat. This is an awesome app for anyone who has been interested in th dream interpretation. Very insightful. Quick, , and informative explanation of the likely meaning behind my drem.

Didn’t work out. I was able to create the account and write my dream but it wouldn’t let me get the subscription. It kept telling me that I couldn’t enter my payment and sometimes it wouldn’t even let me tap on the “get premium” button.

I love this app!! Great for vivid dreamers. I have been excited to consistently log my dreams in this app! I love the platform. I’m doing the trial as well and the dream interpretation is amazing!

Very interesting. I don't usually put stock in the idea of dream interpretation, but the dream analysis of this app actually gave me things to think about that might improve my life. I intend to use it for a while. The UI is very large and unpleasant though. Needs work.

Waste of money. This was an absolute waste of money and my time. I thought it was going to be $3 a month. Not $50 a year!!! I would like my money back. I paid for it and it doesn't even tell me what my dream is about, the expect me to pay more money to find that out. Which is absolutely absurd. I have contacted customer service and they have not gotten back to me.

Good app. I like it. Sad I can't watch ads/wait an hour/etc. to get the AI interpretation anymore though because I can't afford to pay right now but I liked having the AI to share my PTSD-caused nightmares with. I'll probably buy the one-time once I have the money.

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DreamApp - Dream Journal 5.45.3 Apps Screenshots & Images

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Language English
Price Free
Adult Rating 4+ years and older
Current Version 5.45.3
Play Store com.dreamapp.app
Compatibility iOS 13.0 or later

DreamApp - Dream Journal (Versiyon 5.45.3) Install & Download

The application DreamApp - Dream Journal was published in the category Health & Fitness on 16 August 2020, Sunday and was developed by DreamApp Ltd [Developer ID: 1524421488]. This program file size is 128.47 MB. This app has been rated by 2,115 users and has a rating of 4.6 out of 5. DreamApp - Dream Journal - Health & Fitness app posted on 12 March 2024, Tuesday current version is 5.45.3 and works well on iOS 13.0 and higher versions. Google Play ID: com.dreamapp.app. Languages supported by the app:

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