Casino Land Game Reviews


Casino Land Game Description & Overview

What is casino land app? Have you ever wanted a business that thrives? This dream can come true in this game. All you have to do is collect chips and turn them into money and grow your casino kingdom.

Build your own casino kingdom, buy machines and upgrade them, earn more and become a billionaire.

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App Name Casino Land
Category Games
Updated 20 May 2022, Friday
File Size 204.46 MB

Casino Land Comments & Reviews 2024

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Lag lag lag crash lag crash. I get that these games are built just to push adds so that doesn’t really bother me. What does is when I’m walking around with 10k + worth of chips and 13k + of cash and it lags so bad it crashes and I lose all of it. Really aggravated.

Fun game. Just a suggestion. There’s sound on this game when you build up the tables and machines but why is there no sound when you collect the chips, on vibrations. Can that be fixed.

A suggestion that would make this game a little better. I've noticed that there aren't much sound effects in this game.. I feel like this game is missing at least a sound for picking up chips and an environment sound.

Second casino. When I leave for second casino it freezes and I can’t move on

Decent game but... I like the game even paid for no ads but I have paid twice now and still have ads. I would like a refund or please fix the game thanks

Helpers bug. When you have more than 1 helpers they get stuck when trying to deposit the chips.

Glitchy. Very poorly created. Way too many glitches from your assistances getting stuck or wandering outside, to the casino being completely empty of gamblers. The game should also continue play and create money while not playing. Just a bad game with too many glitches not worth the download

Fun idle game, but lots of crashes. There are a lot of good things about the game. Really like the simple power ups. Don’t like the glitches with the very frequent app crashing. Also, on the levels with the horse track, many times I have won money on the spin wheel but it appears inside the track where it’s inaccessible.

Has a lot of issues. Ok truth be told don’t get me wrong it seems like a fun game to play . But your team really needs to fix the glitches. Like it glitches a lot to me way too much. Also throws you out the game completely. I can only get maby 5 to 10 minutes of play time. But the last few minutes it glitches my dude up stops him and such. I have lost so much money,chips because of it. Truthfully I’ve lost a 10,000 win at the wheel like 8 time’s. Also every time I try to play I’ll be lucky to be playing long enough to spin the wheel 1 time if I’m lucky that the game holds up long enough the most I’ve been able to play long enough for is I was able to spin the wheel 2 times. But as soon as I try to get my winnings boom it kicks me out the game. It’s like eather there’s a problem with the game or your server can’t keep up. There’s more I can say for why I am only giving this game 1 star but I’m trying to be nice. If you can get your game to act right I would gladly up the stars to 5. But till then nope not happening.

It’s a good game. It’s a good game I love it so much it’s just the glitches to the game I put a lot of effort into the game only for me to have start all over again because it done took me out the game please update or fix the issue

Good but glitches. If it wasn’t for the game glitching A LOT and force closing, this would be a great game. I actually had to delete the game as it was causing a lag through my entire phone

Decent game. I like this game to a point. The first thing that gets me is the amount of ads that pop up. I understand that there’s a paid ad free version but I shouldn’t have to pay to not be interrupted a million times. Next, I bought a helper guy to help me in my casinos and I’ve done most of the game play myself. Although it’s relaxing, I’ve noticed it interrupts the flow of people if I have too many chips on the ground which I can’t help running back and forth myself when I’m supposed to have a helper. I’ve also noticed that my game glitches out a lot lately and shuts itself off. I first thought it was my phone over heating but my phone is barely warm anymore and it still shuts off.

Love this Game. When is the new update coming. I literally finished all the levels.

Great concept. First let me say this could really be a great game but for the glitches and one stupid ad for an interactive game that plays over and over again. The glitches are terrible. Just when you are really getting into it, you freeze. Or you walk through the walls and can’t get back in. I even tried to go back in the entrance and it’s like there is a secret fence stopping you from getting close to the door. I have never seen a game where you can walk through the walls to go outside. Then, it will start the game over which as those who play this game know that the wheel starts over again with its timer everytime you leave…. Even if it’s not your fault. It is constantly freezing or lagging and really needs to be fixed. I will not put any money into it until I know it has been worked on.

Kinda fun. Mostly boring. Too slow to progress. Too many adds to frequently

Please update. I love the game but I’ve already beaten it 3 times. Would love if it could be updated to add more levels

Don’t waste in game money on assistants. This game is fun… however don’t waste in game monies on hiring assistants.. it’s totally not worth it.. the after a couple of rounds they get stuck in each other’s way right there at the chip cash in desk and much like Thanos.. you’ll have to do it yourself.. so save in game money and don’t hire they aren’t worth it.

It’s fa good game but. It closes out a lot. It’s really annoying especially when I have a lot of chips I’ve picked up and then out of nowhere it just closes out. Fix that and maybe make it to where when your not playing the game there will be coins generating while you’re away. Other than that. Great game.

Good game. It’s a great game but now all it does is lag and freeze and the helpers don’t even move they just walk on the out side smh!!

It’s fun until it starts crashing. When I first downloaded the game, it was fun. I even paid for the ad removal and the starter kit. BUT, it stil hasn’t given me the starter kit and it keeps crashing. When I get enough money to open a game, like the poker or roulette tables. It crashes. When it opens back up I lose the money and have to save up again. Then it will only give me one or two chairs. Game is fun but the BUGS need to be fixed

More bugs than I care to count. Game play is nothing like what you see in the ad in the Apple Store. That’s strike one. The “helper(s)” are severely buggy. When they do work, they get stuck on each other and the chip to cash / deposit / withdrawal counter, or stuck outside running in place. I paid for this to be ad free too. And there are STILL ads!? Is that bait & switch? Fraud? I don’t know but it sure sounds like lying & trickery to me. Also, there are places in the Casino where you can pass through the wall and get stuck outside with no way back & if you are carrying $$$…you lose it because the only way back in is to force quit the game and re-launch it. Chips can get lost and stuck under tables when you use the magnet. So be careful. I’m sure the author will update the game and fix the bugs one they are finished with school and can put some more time into their work. Oh and please, more levels, I can’t believe that I “finished” the game so quickly. 😑 Game is too short especially when you are charging for upgrade packages.

Needs bug fixes. The chip transfer box needs to be larger. Helpers get hung up run in to each other and won’t drop chips. I paid for remove ads and it locked me in a Santa suit with no ability to change the skin back. It’s an addictive time killer but the bugs are annoying.

Update. Please please please update this game! It would be five stars if it didn’t glitch so much. There’s also some random issues with different levels and the helpers will not work.

So many glitches!. This app needs a lot of work. I bought the ad free and still have to watch a ton of ads. The app constantly crashes losing progress and messing up game tables. Deleted the app because of all the issues.

needs major work. i like playing the game but when i went to the second location i startd off wit 20k an then started to play an it crashd an i lost all the money an now i cant upgrade anything when i have no way of getting the money. i also paid for the starter pack an was charged but never got any of it and when i get on the game it still asks if i want the starter package.

Building. When you can leave the building to go somewhere else the game freezes

Ads and bugs. Just another game that can’t function without shoving ads at you constantly. The ‘assistants’ are useless and never show up. I wanted to like the wheel and spinning it, but it crashes every time you spin it and you don’t get anything. This game had so much potential, just really disappointed tbh.

Restarting. I’ve had this game for only a couple of days and at first it was great nothing was wrong but recently it’s been glitchy, too many adds, and now my game won’t go back to my casino and makes me restart every time I get on the game. If you guys could fix this problem and take out the adds it would be a great game. I think that it is really annoying not even being able to play because of the crazy adds. I wish I could rate higher but there is too many problems with the game.

Glitched out cannot progress further. So this game was fun for a bit. After you get the helpers and upgrade them a bit, just stand in the withdraw box and go idle for about 20 minutes. Remember to check back every 3 minutes to cancel the ad that is forced on you. Then go buy more tables seats whatever and then go back to the withdraw box. Rinse repeat. The real kicker is after you advance to the 2nd casino, I got stuck with a “upgrade” box with $0 left. I can no longer upgrade which means I can not get to the 3rd casino. Maybe there are only 2 casinos, if so then this game should take about 4 hours to complete.

Glitch. I absolutely LOVE this game but my workers get stuck at the chip deposit and the only way to get them out is to close the app and reopen it and then they get right back stuck.

Game won’t stop crashing. You get a lot of money added up and then the game freezes and crashes always at the same spot. The game also won’t let me upgrade the slots, just stays on zero, you need to buy the add free just to play the game without having adds popping up every 30 seconds. Needs a new update to stop it from crashing and would like to hear some sound when picking up the chips.

Fun. I’m giving it one star purely because of the crashes. This game is addicting and so much fun BUT when I’m collecting chips and have put money towards a machine to unlock, it crashed… when I came back to it all that money was gone and I had to start over on collecting the chips for the money to unlock a machine. When this is fixed, I will rate this higher. I really like this game but that’s a major time spent issue.

Crashing. I get about 15 minutes into this game and it begins to crash over and over.

What is Going In????!!!. So all of a sudden, my assistants disappeared. GONE!! This random dude is stuck!! Running in place!!! Please fix this. I like the game but I don’t like the fact that I spent that time to upgrade my assistants and now they’re gone.

Don’t get this game. This game has overall more bugs than any iOS game I’ve ever seen before, after 2 months of owning it I was finally able to buy remove ads, once purchased I still received several ads, one for the “golden chips” which at first I thought sure I’ll watch the add because it adds monetary value to each coin I pick up. After waiting for 15 min, I tried picking up the coins, after picking up a few the game crashed, upon reboot everything I picked up including what I watched a ad for after purchasing ‘no ads’ was gone meaning I essentially wasted my time even trying to play the game. Worst part after loading there was a option to watch a ad for gold coins. I will be deleting this game an requesting a refund from apple. The new fall out online multiplayer was less scammy than this game.

The game is fun but…. I really like playing this game, but there a few things that need some attention. The attendants always seem to get stuck when they go to cash in the chips they collect on the casino floor. I also paid for the ads free version but have not received it yet. The money came out of the bank. It also keeps asking me to purchase the ads free version. Please fix this game!

Waste of time. Don’t waste your time on this game constant crashes if you manage to play it for more than 5 mins without it crashing you will be sad to learn you will then be absolutely killed with ads if this game was any worse it would give you malware for downloading it which wouldn’t surprise me with the glitches constantly causing the back of my phone to heat up none of my other apps cause that problem you can be playing and all of a sudden your phone is over heated and you’re phone is frozen on this game

Good game but has some issues. The ads don’t work, it just pops up the things that I constantly get caught in as I’m walking around. Once I finished everything it made a car to supposedly go to the next casino but it doesn’t do anything. The car drives away and I’m left with an unchanging green screen. Fix your game dude, it was fun until this.

What’s going on? I just started this game.. My workers are getting stuck. It didn’t do that a few weeks ago when I downloaded the game and now they are. What’s going on? I have to collect the chips and money myself because this technical glitch. Please add an update for this game. It continues to kick me out and then if I have a slot machine unlocked I have to re unlock it because when I get back into the game what I unlocked is locked again. Add an update button. I’m about to delete the entire thing. This game glitches to much. Fix it or put an update button in. This is ridiculous.

Good game but bugs. It’s to the point but my assistants keep getting stuck on each other.

Unable to make any purchases - most importantly the $2.99 for no ads. Unable to make purchases and turn off the ads. Please fix! I would be happy to pay a small $2.99 fee for no advertisements. However, nothing happens when I click purchase. Even the special ad pops up when I open the game won’t let me buy.

Good Game. It’s a good game but they need to get rid of the pop-up ads the pop-up ads ruins the game like who wants to play a game that cant have fun at play the game, when u keep getting pop-up ads on you and interrupting their game while they’re playing it’s annoying?

Was a great game….. When first starting to play this game it was great- but then as you advance all the bugs come out. On level 5 or 6 (never states what level) and now the game glitches constantly. If you have a lot of money whenever you try to deposit or withdraw game just closes and you lose money. The workers have stopped appearing. When they did appear in last level they were constantly running into each other and getting locked and not being able to collect or submit chips for payment. There really needs to be an update to rid the glitches and bugs. Such a shame first level was great - but since then it has completely gone down hill to the point of not being able to play as consistently as I wanted due to bugs.

Fun but to many glitches. I love this game, however there’s so many constant glitches. It shuts down the app when i’m in the middle of collecting chips. My employees constantly get stuck together when unloading chips and those chips are never collected. Please get this fixed

Bugs!!!!. I enjoy playing the game….. until it crashes and all my upgrades and casino progresses are lost. Plenty of bugs, assistants disappear, and lost upgrades hurt the ratings.

Game glitches A LOT!. Love the game I bought the “add free” and you still have to watch a ton of adds which is annoying. Also noticed my game glitching out so bad to the point where, if I have a lot of cash and go to build something new when the game glitches out it messes up my progresses…. Wish a update could be done to help fix this… other then this I absolutely love the game keeps me busy and I like to see the progression!

Glitches, ads, and more glitches. Glitch after glitch this game just disappoints me. Awesome concept, terrible execution. After spending 20 minutes picking up coins, cashing them, then withdrawing, I guess it’s time to go build something!!! NOPE!!! Half the time, game crashes, and the money I was holding is gone. Bought ad free, and they still find a way to stuff ads in every single corner of this game. That’s my take, it’s fun, but needs a ton of work, and less pushy on the ads side

Glitches. Love the so can you please fix the glitches Thank you

Good game but problems as you get deep into the game. Good game but problems as you get deep into the game . Also in earlier levels, my assistants get stuck to each other. Now My assistants no longer work at all.

Major bug. There is a major bug right now maybe for awhile that I would have money saved up and stored to buy the next table or slot then the game would kick me out and I would lose all of it maybe even a table would reset like I never started it also once in awhile I would pay to open all the seats at a table or upgrade a slot and it won’t give me the full upgrade or all the seats it reseted what I tried to do on the same table 3 or 4 times it’s really annoying

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Love the game. I love the game it’s so fun and addictive I can’t stop playing

Not bad. It’s definitely better than the current bunch of ‘take money from here and put it there’ style of game, but it’s very glitchy and unstable. Unfortunately when the game crashes, which it does, very often, you lose all the money you’ve collected. I had $50k saved to open the next stage and the game crashed and it’s all gone.

Bubblesau21. The ads and glitches is getting very old and Annoying but enjoy the game. Please fix the glitches and don’t do ads

So annoying. Play for like 5 minutes and the game shuts off. And when you go back in the slots that have been upgraded are back on to the first round and has $0 upgrade. And when game shuts down go back to the table that is like 100k to open get it down to 1k go it rests back to its 100k and when you withdraw to go finish it you lose all that coin. Time to fix your game and give it and update.

Great game but cuts out. I really enjoy playing this game but it keeps cutting out and the assistance get stuck on each other please fix it then I’ll put 5 stars

Love the game hate the glitches. Only giving one star because of the glitches otherwise I do love the game but I’m gonna have to delete it I’m over it

Enjoy it but it needs bug patches. Every time I open the app I have to turn off the haptic feedback and sound again. Also I saved up for the assistants and their first run they both get stuck on each other at the deposit site. The only way to fix it is to force close which loses all the chips on the floor and resets the spinning wheel. I do enjoy this game but it needs some bug patches.

Good concept, poor delivery. This game would be enjoyable to play, if it weren’t for the glitches. Game freezes every ten minutes, reverting everything gained in the previous five. When you restart the game, the upgrades you’ve spent the last five minutes completing are no longer available. Also, whilst I understand that ad revenue drives games like this, an ad every 80 seconds is seriously ridiculous.

No no no. The bugs in the game are crazy. You buy the blokes on the floor to collect chips and they get stuck at cashier and don’t move again. The game glitches and throws you out and you lose all your money and the free spin timer starts again. Not worth the download for it to wig out and lose all your progress every 7 minutes and go figure the spin wheel resets to 7.5 minutes 👎👎👎👎

Adds ridiculous. The amount off adds is absolutely ridiculous makes game un playable

Ads. You pay to have ads removed but still have to watch ads to get rewards. What a rip off!!

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Disappointing. Fun at first but crashes constantly.

Crashes and can’t get past second casino because it resets. I really like the game but YOUR GAME CRASHES EVERY 4 MIN PLUS I CANT GET PAST THE SECOND CASINO BECAUSE IT KEEPS RESETTING TO FULL PRICE FIX YOUR GAMEEE!!

The casino won’t last long. I finished it now it won’t load at all I wished I could’ve keep making money after the fifth level it’s a no go so keep playing casino king it says

I like the game. I like the game but it keeps crashing and it’s very irritating!

Some issues. Good game, does crash frequently and the staff get stuck frequently.

Ah. One of my slot machines won’t upgrade because it is stuck at 0$ please fix

Too many glitches. The game has to many glitches… it’s not bad to play though… don’t really recommend

Fun but bugged. Fun game that passes the time but there are so many bugs that it’s borderline unplayable. Game will crash randomly causing you to lose progress which is quite frustrating.

Give me a refund. Crashes, loses progress, if it crashes after you upgrade a slot machine, the slot machine remains unusable. The hires freeze at the chip table and so on. These problems only occurred once I paid to get rid of ads. Pile of garbage and I want my money back.

Finished. All chapter done , where the the one that is shown in App Store that walk way , since the game went blank it’s time remove it .

Good and bad. App crashes a lot, and there are only like 6 casinos. Now that I finished all the casinos the app won’t even load. Also paid $5.49 to remove adds, worth it in the game, but now it seems like a waste.

Could have been fun. I was really enjoying this game and actually paid for no adds but it has too many issues. It crashes often. I can’t get passed level two because when it crashes it erases all the effort I’ve put into getting the back door to open. Some of the slots won’t upgrade and get stuck. The hired help gets stuck all the time. I’ll try to take cash from the bar and it will say there is 100$ left when there isn’t. The things I carry wig out sometimes and just start orbiting instead of staying straight. One time I glitched onto the outside of the casino and couldn’t get back in without closing and reopening the game.

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Boo. Wayyyyy too many glitches, boots you out of the game. Fix the issues!!! It’s impossible to enjoy because you get so far and all of a sudden it closes out.

Not getting no adds. So I bought no adds and your bundle but I still get adds and didn’t get the bundle

Good game but…. Workers get stuck when handling chips over at the counter

Crashes and Progress gone. Please fix the app crashes a lot. And progress is lost. Very disappointing

Can’t progress. Finished the first building but can’t get to he back of the building to purchase expansions.

Don’t buy no adds. You still have to watch adds for automatic function of picking up chips and now the guy just walks out instead of doing any thing.

Broken add. I have been playing and there's a broken add that makes me restart every time. There's no where on the developer site to report the issue.

Could be better. There was a recent update and I lost some things. Not cool dudes! And way too many ads! Pls do better

Fix it. I like the game a lot….but rubs very slow! Crashes a lot! I will be deleting!!!! The ads are ridiculous

Amazing. Amazing game

It’s a no-go.. Too many glitches and dead ends after the first casino level after you’ve watched dozens and dozens of ads.

Boring and glitchy. Lots of glitches make the game spontaneously close and lose progress. Boring game too.

Casino land. This game Is amazeing

Glitching. The game is really fun, but you need to fix the glitches where it closes the game completely. It also deletes your progress and won’t let you re upgrade the machines

Tables. I was working on completing everything, but when I got to the last 2 or maybe 3 tables everything just lagged for a sec and now I can’t finish😤



Casino land. You guys need to fix this game this is ridiculous keep crashing on me

Aggravated. I like to play games as I go to bed so sometimes I fall asleep while playing them and we’ll I noticed on this game I will up walking outside the casino room wall and then when I try to get back in it won’t let me and there I am having to go out of the game and then back in and possible losing money because of it. Plus be nice if can zoom out when you end up lost out of the casino area too so you can find.. Also I paid for Ad Removal and I would hate to have wasted money on that and delete it for something that shouldn’t be happening.Please see if the glitch can fixed bc I am losing chips and money in the game.

Forced ads. Forced ads

Worst game. 5 times in a row my progression restarted over, a total of 2 hours lost deleting the app now

Needs updates. Lots of glitches, constantly crashes and helpers either don’t work or get stuck

Messed up. Started playing got to I guess second section added couldn’t click on gold tokens I had two tables in back with like 4-5 chairs all disappeared except for two then I brought a table on right had side in the back and it disappeared and had almost 28000 and when it glitched took all but 4000 now tables I brought aren’t even showing up…. It was all good til this happened

Fix it. I paid money for this game and it won’t update on my devices.

Ads and breakage. Way too many ads, the game lagged significantly after the first fee seconds. Froze my phone after a while and caused it to overheat

Levels. Ok so I’ve got the game but how do u advance in levels after u have upgraded everything?

Can’t stop the ads in the game. Not able to shut off the ads in the game I try to purchase the no ads on here and it’s not letting me

Ads don’t work. That’s it title says it all, fix your game bud.

Really bad app. Alot of adds app crashes too much

Needs more work. The game glitches and I can’t upgrade my casino anymore

Game casino land. The idea of ​​a fun and nice game, but the problem of the game is that there are interruptions within the application and the application comes out while playing. Please address these problems

Forced ads -> 1 Star. Game forces ads every minute or so, making this unplayable for me. Impossible to build momentum and interest.

Crash. Constant game crashes

Freezes alot. I like the game but it freezes up ALOT!!!!! Lost interest after turning off the game so much just to get it ti run smoothly. If it does t get fixed. I’ll be deleting this game!

Great game. I like the game but I finished the game and there is no more levels

Pretty fun game. However, it’s very buggy and crashes a lot due to random ad breaks. It keep’s crashing! No ads, just straight up crashes!

H gf f F dt. Its assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Nothing like the ad.. Very slow to get money. So far! Barley started but they wanted a review… will update if it gets better

Dumb. I bought the dlc for the game it changed my account and took the money dlc doesn’t work

I love it. This is one of the best games I have ever played it is so fun and cool

No way to contact you. I’ve sent you several messages through instagram…..the only way to contact you. Please fix your games

Game is constantly crashing. Game constantly crashes and then when booted back up the casino games have downgraded from max upgrades. Still has bugs.

Good game bad quality. The game itself is fun but it kicks you out of the game unexpectedly. I lost money because I was kicked out and you lose money when you deposit your chips or cash

Waste!!!. I honestly don’t know who would rate above 1 stars?!?!? You can only get so far and nothing!!!! Don’t waste your time or $$!!!

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Language English
Price Free
Adult Rating 9+ years and older
Current Version 1.3
Play Store com.noope.casinoland
Compatibility iOS 11.0 or later

Casino Land (Versiyon 1.3) Install & Download

The application Casino Land was published in the category Games on 03 May 2022, Tuesday and was developed by ZPLAY (HK) TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED [Developer ID: 1301067319]. This program file size is 204.46 MB. This app has been rated by 2,627 users and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5. Casino Land - Games app posted on 20 May 2022, Friday current version is 1.3 and works well on iOS 11.0 and higher versions. Google Play ID: com.noope.casinoland. Languages supported by the app:

EN Download & Install Now!
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Casino Land Game Customer Service, Editor Notes:

- Some minor fixes and optimization

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