Scrape Master Game Reviews


Scrape Master Game Description & Overview

What is scrape master app? One of the most satisfying casual games ever ----- Scrape Master is now available!

You need to operate a cleaning company in the game and accept cleanup tasks in the community, helping neighbors shovel ice in their yards and broken floors in their rooms. The game is designed with a variety of cleanup tasks: ice, snow, grass, concrete, wooden floors... and more! Choose the most suitable tools to complete the cleanup, earn profits and develop your cleanup team! At the same time, your company will unlock the decoration feature in the middle of the game. You need to choose the right style of decoration for the cleaned house: simple style or luxurious one? It's up to you to decide!

You can keep unlocking new shovel forms while earning profits. Spend money to upgrade your abilities, boost your carrying capacity, moving speed, and even summon automated trailers to boost your efficiency!

Reasons that you'll love Scrape Master:

-Super satisfying clean-up gameplay!
-Vivid graphics and physical effect!
-Unlock multiple cleanup tools and serve different customers!

Enjoy Scrape Master!

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App Name Scrape Master
Category Games
Updated 20 November 2023, Monday
File Size 422.57 MB

Scrape Master Comments & Reviews 2024

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Game glitch?. I love the game and I don’t mind the ads I just skip them if possible but now once the game loads it’s only a blue background with the little truck. No option for the next level or anything.

Ok game. Not the best game, could be better. The tractor thing makes you go to fast and you glide. It's really annoying. You could definitely see that very easily.

Great but a little buggy. The game is great and very distracting (in a good way). My only issues are that, upon disabling haptic, it only remains disabled until the app is closed out. After opening it back up it will appear to be formed off but will still be functional so you have to go back and re-enable it and disable it again to get it to stop again. Another thing is that when going in to the circle for decorations or leaving to go to a new stage, the game will bug and not do anything. Other than that it’s a very enjoyable game

As advertised. It’s exactly how the ad shows it! Which is pretty rare. But there are too many ads :( I’m ok with ads, but there’s too many in this game (in my opinion)

Pretty good game. I really like the game but the ads can be really annoying sometimes. Gameplay’s satisfying and relaxing but can get repetitive after a while. 8.4/10

Glitchy. It freezes after it zooms into the house and has you start off at the van. It won’t go past showing me how to move around in an infinity sign and just freezes there. First time I uninstalled it and reinstalled it thinking it would save my progress (I was level 14). It didn’t. This time I restarted from the beginning and now it’s freezing on level 20! And to think I was about to buy the no ads feature as those are definitely annoying but I didn’t want to waste my money on something that would freeze again. Terrible as this would be a good game if it weren’t for the inability to move on.

It’s ok. Had this game for around an hour , it gets extremely repetitive and you have to watch ads for things you should be able to purchase with in game currency as upgrades . seems to me the main focus was making money instead of prioritizing customer having fun.

Map bug. Whenever I open the app and you know it shows your vehicle beside the level location right well mine is just like there is no map no location and my vehicle is just endlessly driving and I want to play the game so please fix it immediately

Fun But Freezes. It is a mindless game, but therapeutic in a way. It does; however, freeze about 90% of the time when you begin a level upon opening the app.

Fun. I love this game it is always my go to and thanks to the maker(s) for this I also love the ice things when you smash the ice Love, Kayla

Scrape master. This game is very nice. I would recommend it to anyone who has stressing about something or who just really needs to focus on a different thing. Also this game is just fun in general. It’s also good for people who like collecting money🤪🤪 Anyway really get this game it’s amazing!!!

To many ads. After you sell your ice there is ads and that is to many.

Ads for rewards are broken.. Twice now I haven’t been giving the reward for watching ads. The reward being the plow machine, you need to pause the game for ads, but the game keeps playing and I think that’s why I lose my reward and it’s pretty frustrating.

Freezing. Over all the game is very good and so relaxing but when ever I would leave the app to go and text somebody back and or turning off my phone and I would open the app the game would freeze and I would have to do one of three things one restart my phone two exit out of all my apps or three keep opening it until it worked so please fix this I really like this game and I would hate to have to delete it but I got to do what I got to do

Almost great. I was playing a different game similar then found this game, it is much better, however, the take it feature when you don’t collect everything (even though I always collect everything) never works. I never get the money from the take it feature even after watching an ad which is really frustrating after wasting my time. I did the update that came out today and was hoping that would be fixed, but it wasn’t.

Don’t buy items from the store. This game is fun don’t get me wrong, but I paid for the $9.99 pack for no ads and free carts and it still makes me watch the ads for the carts same as before I purchased it. I have refreshed my app, restored purchases, and it still makes you watch the video for the carts. This rating will not change unless I am either reimbursed or the game is fixed

An Unplayable, Broken Mess. I got all the way up to level five, had the level glitch so I had everything filled in, yet the level wouldn’t end. So I go to close and re-open the game, and now it just refuses to load the game entirely. This is just one of the multitude of game-breaking glitches this absolute shill of an ad-revenue money printer has to offer. Unplayable.

Great! But 1 thing…. This game is great overall the only thing is it that it’s Dosent have enough content! I played through it for only about 2 days and I already seen all the tools! I could still upgrade my scraper but it just cycled back to the first scraper! Not that it’s stats were the same but still also I played a lot of the levels and eventually the houses just repeated! Please add more houses and make them get more big like add more stories make a transition from houses to building and if you can’t think of any other scraper textures then at least make a max level for them! That’s all I have to say people complaining about ads but I don’t mind it it just doesn’t have enough content I hope you guys see this because for now I’m uninstalling it

Love the game BUT!!!!!. The game is sooo much fun but there are way to many ads! Like every 1 and 1/2 -2 mins there a ad…. So many ads!!! So if you want to play the game you will have to pay 4.99 for no ads or just don’t play! It’s a really good game just to be disappointed by to many ads

Adding a graphic quality option. I want a graphic quality setting because I don’t want to have my game crashing when I get to the bigger levels so devs please add this in

Better then the ads. I downloaded this game thinking it’d be so so but it’s actually really fun and there isn’t too many ads

Honest Opinion-. This game was satisfying to play until it froze on level 13. I can’t even get the game to load. There are also too many ads. Every time you sell something or get ready to renovate, there’s an ad.

Decent. It’s a decent time waster but mine just soft locks after level five. No matter how many times I restart the same thing happens

Glitches. I purchased a bundle for $10 and the game is glitching. It’s supposed to include the carts for free but it still requires me to watch a ad to unlock the carts. When you get to the decorating stage of the levels everything is already decorated. You can grab the boxes but you can’t place the decorations because it’s already done. Overall scooping up the dirt and fooling is OK but I do not recommend paying $10 when you’re not even getting what you’re supposed to.

I love this game!. I really love this game. I don’t know if I have any disorder, but I get great enjoyment and satisfaction from the game. When I finish scraping up the old ground, I really feel like I accomplished something. I don’t remember if there were ads because I always pay to remove ads when I like a game. Well, I usually do. I came across a game last week that wanted $4.99, A WEEK!! A one time payment is ok with me, but that’s just stealing from the customer. Anyways, this is a great game, just wanted to put my review in. Have a great day everyone. And to the developers, thank you!

Definitely could be better. The game play is nice and all but very repetitive. Also theres an ad every minute. Mobile game developers in general should stop making games that realistically is only played for an hour before its never touched again.

I think I broke the game…. So… I started playing this game barely any money being really earned and I got bored. One day I had decided to just… stop playing the game. Well I came back today early in the morning and discovered that there was an odd amount off money in the game. I did not purchase anything in this game and my money is not going down. Not that I’m complaining 😂. However now it has gotten to the point where both tools are at level 1,000 and I still have the same number of money when I started using it at level 100. I overall like the game it’s satisfying to me because I can simply put my phone on airplane mode and kind of just do as I please without any ads and no issues. I just found it funny and wanted to share what happened to me today and figured if this is a glitch I mind as well share it and see if it works for others. So if ur looking for a lot of money in this game download it play for a little big like say idk 4 days straight and then just let it sit on ur phone for 3 weeks not playing it nothing. See if this works for u and if it does will someone please let me know because I want to know if this is just happening to me or others as well.

Game keeps breaking. At level 7 it glitches and I can’t open the game anymore. Uninstalled twice to try and get it to fix and it just doesn’t work. Had to play from level 1 twice lol it’s a fun game though I played it to fall asleep with some asmr going!

Too many ads. Ads pop up every 1-2 minutes you spend more time watching ads over playing the game not worth downloading would be more entertaining if you could actually play and enjoy the game but sadly the number of ads that you get slapped with ruins the experience dont waste your time on this game

Performance. Aside from the typical mobile game ad onslaught, I’m highly suspicious this game uses your phone to bitmine due to the massive drop in performance on my entire phone (after soft AND hard exiting the app) immediately after accepting the terms and conditions. I played for a little while because I thought the performance drop was from the 3D graphics, but it just got worse and worse especially after level 5, with barely any new added content each level that could potentially slow the game down. I literally couldn’t play the game and could barely use my phone to delete the app (my phone smoothly runs genshin impact, for reference). It would be fun and relaxing if it weren’t for the performance issues and massive price tag on ad removal.

Crash City. Game could be really great but it crashes all the time and the ads don’t play reliably to earn carts/magnets/plow. Then sometimes you sit through the ads and it doesn’t give you the magnet/plow. If this was fixed it would be an awesome game.

Is pretty annoying. When doing the renovations it forces you to use all of the materials you scraped instead of being able to quit in the middle of doing renovations. Would not get again. Also all mobile games should have it to where you can get no adds for a certain amount of ingame currency And should be fun and playable for more than a couple hours.

Needs fixing!. When I first downloaded the game, it was good other than the multiple ads. After it updated, I can’t decorate anymore. Also, every time I was an ad for the magnet, cart, extra power, it doesn’t give me any of it. At all. Im not wasting my time watching ads if it doesn’t give the reward I clicked on! And when it gives you the options for simple or better decorations, it won’t give you the better decorations after you watch the ad for it. Please fix this!

It’s fun usual…. At every turn there’s a AD. One second you’re enjoying the scraping and then the ADS scraping across your screen. Every. Time. I. Go. For. Payout. AD! …AD! And more AD! Please..I just want to scrap peacefully without…ADS! I understand and respect the ADS and all…but…too many ads are just come on…that’s all.

GAME NEEDS FIX. I purchased the no ads for $4.99 and the game is still forcing me to watch ads after scraping for 30 seconds. I do not recommend this game as it’s solely focused on making you watch ads even after purchasing the no forced ads option. Do not waste your time with it, plenty of other free games that don’t require you to pay and still watch multiple ads.

In app purchases half work. So, I tried buying the starter pack, while I don't get ads anymore I still get ads when trying to get carts, and i thought "free carts" meant i didnt have to do that..

Would give 5 stars but…. I was playing this game and purchased ad free for $5 because I had the extra cash and there are so many ads but I liked the game. Well the game glitched and I thought if I deleted it and redownloaded it and just restored my purchase that everything would be fine. Well the restore purchase button doesn’t work and this app ate my $5.🥲 Would really like it back or for the restore purchase button to actually work so I can keep enjoying the game.

Amazing!. First of all a mobile game exactly like the ad wow love secondly rarely to no ads and pretty boring the start but it’s fun when your playing to for long never thought I could find a game like this since many I found were dumb it’s like crazy because most mobile app owners don’t want there ads to be like there game to pull people in but not you guys

Game broke. One time I had to go do somthing so I turned off my phone on the revonation part and came back the next day and my map was flooded with money and each one gave me like infinite money after all that happend I figured out it was real cause I can upgrade my tools but the infinite money kinda removes the point of the game and the challenge can you fix it?

Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I love this game so much first of all,not much ads at all!!!! Also it doesn’t get boring! And it’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofun. Nothing needs to be changed!

I broke your playable ad. So I found one of your guys playable ads and I broke it. I could play the ad even after it said install and that usually means you won’t be able to move the character but I still could and I could still sell the ice but after some time the sell guy broke too and when I gave him ice to sell he just would not take it and it would freeze for a lil bit and then show all the ice I just gave him on the floor underneath his feet. The game itself is great no problems with it as far as I know.

Relaxing but glitches a lot. Once you pass level 6 it consistently glitches and you basically have to keep opening and closing the app. I was really enjoying it up until level 7 and now it’s just another failed game to be deleted.

It’s alright. The game is fine, i mean the ads are definitely excessive but what ads aren’t lately. It’s as advertised and not incredibly tedious or annoying to level up unlike similar games

Great Game. I like this game a lot at first I thought it wouldn’t be much fun but I later learned that the more levels you beat the more entertaining it becomes

Good but absurd amount of ads. The game is entertaining for about 5 minutes at a time but there are SO MANY ads. Even if you don’t choose to play an ad to get any additional items, the ads are so annoying throughout the game. It takes you away from it multiple times per round.

This game is super fun, but there’s only one thing there is some super fun. The game is super fun, but there’s only one thing there is some ads but the game is really fun still

Great game but too many ads. Overall the game is great it’s fun and enjoyable but there are too many ads. There is an ad almost every 1-2 minutes and it makes it basically unplayable. Takes almost 10 minutes to beat a level past level 5 because of how many ads. If there was an ad after every level you complete or task you complete it would be fine but when I’m having to watch an add 5 times before you complete one task it’s kind of annoying and makes me not wanna play anymore. I get it’s a free game but I’ve played other free games with far less ads.

Fun but ads are excessive. Game is fun, but the ridiculous amount of ads really ruins it, they pop up for every 30-60sec of game time. Removing ads is frankly way too expensive considering they want $5 just to take them out of the game, and then still expect you to keep watching them for upgrades. "Free" game but hope you don't mind half your time being spent watching ads for them!

Too many adds. i play a lot of games. there are several that don't require watching an ad every 30 seconds. this is not one of those.

Great game would definitely recommend!. This game is not like any game! It’s so good not to many ads either I’ll describe it satisfying, and really fun! You should definitely try it out

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Hi. To many ads but otherwise it’s a very good game

too many ads. it’s overall a good game but there is a stupid amount of ads and every time you get a power up there’s an ad, and the power up’s are timed, yet the timer doesn’t pause for the ad.

Too many ads. Too many ads and wouldn’t let me move

So many adds. There are to many adds and it block half of the buttons

Level 4 is broken pls fix it. ^^

Ads. Not enjoyable to play this game with ads all the time

TOO MANY ADS. Listen I like this game, but there is just too many ads and I only get about 1 or 2 minutes out of it. Please make less adds on it or have non so the public can play and enjoy this game

Game frozen. I’m on level 10 and my game is completely frozen, I’ve quit the app then reopened.. nothing just frozen, I restarted my phone, nothing. I can’t do anything

To many ads. 1. I’m on level 7 and it’s not collecting the dirt to progress. 2. I’ve purchased the no ads and then ads popped up again so bought the no ads again and it’s still giving ads, (paid for no ads 2-3 times)

k. too many adds it’s ridiculous. making me wanna delete

Really good game. So good its soooooooo addicting and u can’t get of it

ADVERTISEMENTS!!!!!. Every title gets a 1 start from now on if you bombard me with adds.

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Was fun but can’t pass lvl 8. Is very addictive but after getting to lvl 8 there’s a glitch where the floor is complete but won’t knowledge it’s done and your stuck there also freezes when game is opened as well have tried many times to pass the lvl and opened and close the game and still dosnt work but I had a blast playing till I can’t pass this lvl

All the ads. Forced ads every 30 seconds and a banner ad at the bottom that blocks some of the game content.

Too much ad’s. I played for 5 minutes and i got more then 10 ad’s fix your game with the ad’s

Black screen. When I opened the app all I see is a black screen so I wasn’t able to play😡and I even deleted it and reinstalled it and IT STILL HAD A BLACK SCREEN so please fix this😤and I still waited 5 WHOLE MIN

Bruh. Is ight

No way. Downloaded it for 10 min i watched 9 min worth of ads and played for 1 min everytime i oress screen i get 30 second forced ad wtff i deleted it directly

Was fun, but froze. I played for one addictive day and now it’s no longer playable. Freezes when the character gets to a “site”. I’ve tried hard closing the app several times

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Fun but glitchy. Relaxing easy game play and the ads aren’t too terribly intrusive but the game is glitchy and crashes frequently

Bruh. I can’t get a trailer because the ads at the bottom of the screen block it ngl bad design

It’s an amazing game but…. The ads in the game are crazy, I get the devs need to make money but this is overkill. Would be five stars but all of the ads ruin it.

Good game if you don’t mind ads. This game would get 5 stars is the gems had a purpose.

No good. Game is pretty fun but man there’s way to many ads you get an ad almost every time you go to sell it’s annoying unless you’re going to waste money to not have ads get it

This game is the best thing ever played, but there’s a lot of ads. I love it

Worst bug for me. When loading up the game it freezes. This has been a bug for over a month and the game is literally unplayable. It loads the next stage but completely freezes and it won’t let me move.

Fun. It’s so fun and relaxing it takes my brain away from stress

Bad performance. The game have tons of ads each 30 sec and it’s annoying to play. I give it a thumbs down.

To many ads. There is way to many ads it’s a money gimmick every time you turn in cash twice there’s an ads

To much ads. I loveeeeeeeee the sooo much but it will be better if less ads thank you for reading I love it❤️❤️

Too many ads. Its a really fun game however there are so many ads you can barely get anywhere there are more ads than there is a game

frozen. the only problem i have is when the game completely freezes it comes back but sometimes it’s frozen for days.

SCAMMERS!. Don’t buy the $9.99 pack! Waste of money. You don’t get a free cart. You still have to watch an ad every time you want to use it. Obviously these app developers don’t care about stealing your money!

Game. Game has more ads then playtime. 4/10

I love it <3. Relaxing mental exercise for a permanently disabled adult right before my birthday. GOD is in control. :)

Game would be better. This game has way to many ads I refuse to pay for ad free. Ads pop up right in the middle of your turn and are super annoying.

To many ads. Pretty pathetic that you can’t play with forced ads every 30 seconds

Love this. I love this game so much and it is really cool thank you so much

Far to many ads. Can’t even play the game 30 seconds without an ad popping up. Game freezes up as well.

I Found a glitch. In level 6 it shows I have a tile (I don’t) and it won’t let me move on.

Fun wile it lasted. They game was super fun with not a ton of ads but keeps freezing on me on the third level

Re. To many commercials

Great game. Stop all the advertising in the middle of the game

Freezing. Game keeps freezing. The first time at level 6 and now at level 7. Cool game that keeps you occupied.

Ads make game crippling to play. Fun game but the insane amount of ads makes this game completely unplayable. It also tried to connect to all my local devices, which is pretty ridiculous for a game like this.

Annoyed. Could use less adds every five seconds

Good idea. Really good idea for a game

My report. It’s really fun but the ads I hate

Ads. Way to many adds. The game seems fun but ads none stop.

Would be 5 star but... Too many ads

Upgrade warning!. I was loving this game so I paid the full $15 and there are still A LOT of ads!!! Good silly fun just beware that purchasing for “no ads” is very much a lie.

Wont even load. The game doesn’t allow me to get past a blank screen. I don’t even get to see the anything.

Love it. I love this game you get so much money every time🥰💕

Froze. I played level one then it froze when I was renovating on level 2 is a fun game from what I played tho

Honest review. Played the game for at most 10 seconds and got a video ad

Fun. Super fun but I can’t stand that after every time I turn in stuff for money boom ad oh I’m trying to upgrade nope hers another ad chill on the ads guys and I’ll re download but untill then deleted

Review. It’s a really good game just way way to many ads

Well would be better. I love the game but I bought the starter package and it had no ads band free carts. But I still get ads and I still have to watch ads for carts.

Lower the game adds. Every time I sell there is a add. Please fix this devs

So satisfying. Download now best game there are adds but who cares SOOOOO satisfying

not that good. it’s almost unplayable with the amount of pop up ads otherwise fine but repetitive

Can’t get past level 4. It won’t let me get past level 4. It just freezes on a truck. Also, far too many ads in the middle of whatever you’re trying to do

I like this game. I like this game

Game Issues. When I downloaded the game I went to play it and it went straight to a black screen and nothing happened so I just deleted the game.

Game freezes. Game keeps freezing and cannot progress any further.

To many adds. To many adds

Freezes + Too Many Ads. Fun game but it freezes at a certain point and then when you pay for no forced ads you still get them. I need a refund

Another Watch-To-Play Game. Might as well start charging to even get the app in the first place. I’m used to the ads after every right but this game has one every 10 seconds, making it an unenjoyable experience.

Makes me feel relax. Best game ever

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Scrape Master 1.1.2 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Rules

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Scrape Master 1.1.2 Games Screenshots & Images

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Language English
Price Free
Adult Rating 4+ years and older
Current Version 1.1.2
Play Store com.armnomads.scrapemaster
Compatibility iOS 12.0 or later

Scrape Master (Versiyon 1.1.2) Install & Download

The application Scrape Master was published in the category Games on 21 March 2023, Tuesday and was developed by ZPLAY (HK) TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED [Developer ID: 1301067319]. This program file size is 422.57 MB. This app has been rated by 12,544 users and has a rating of 4.6 out of 5. Scrape Master - Games app posted on 20 November 2023, Monday current version is 1.1.2 and works well on iOS 12.0 and higher versions. Google Play ID: com.armnomads.scrapemaster. Languages supported by the app:

EN Download & Install Now!
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