The Babylon Bee App Reviews


The Babylon Bee App Description & Overview

What is the babylon bee app? This app was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago, with the purpose of making The Babylon Bee's divinely inspired content even more accessible. Here's what you can do with the power of our perfect app in your hands:

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About Us

The Babylon Bee is the world's best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News. Unlike other satire sites, everything we post is 100% verified by

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App Name The Babylon Bee
Category News
Updated 13 July 2023, Thursday
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The Babylon Bee Comments & Reviews 2024

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The Babylon Bee funny. With all the craziness going on around the world, The Babylon Bee has to Bee (lol) one of the best places to get some relief from it all. Though, do Bee (lol) warned that their headline might just Bee (lol) how the world is in a few weeks time. Also, if you haven’t listened to their podcast, it’s definitely worth your time, Kyle and Ethan are great hosts and they add a humorous twist to many stories and articles. 5 freakin frackin stars 🤙🏻

I wish people would stop hating these guys. If ur reading reviews to see if this is worth downloading. It is. Don’t listen to other reviews. Most of them were by liberals ‘people with overwhelming expectations and people who care to much about what goes on behind the scenes. As a Christian I can only love this app and people who care so much about behind the scenes drama that they put a 1 star r just being obsessive . Attacking the app won’t fix anything. Also I think people forgot what funny is because a lot of the content is hilarious and I’m knew to the bee. And fun fact a right wing Christian advertising his business is not racist. I personally think the interface isn’t too bad either and that means alot from someone as picky as me. Anyway I love the app keep doing what ur doing

Always good for a hoot. Babylon Bee is one of my favorite sites for great laughs. Sometimes they get so close to the line that separates good clean fun from very pointed sarcasm, that I actually cringe. The BB also has their list of sacred targets they never miss an opportunity to take jabs at, deservedly so I might add, (I’m looking at you Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen 😜). I digress. Suffice it to say, I always know there is much jocularity to be had when a new BB headline shows up in my news feed. And hey, you’ll enjoy it, too. I highly recommend it.

For years I have been reading news from cnn and fox and I wish I had discovered the bee earlier. You see, since the dawn of time all news has been fake. The cavemen knew that so that is why they never had news. I thought in this day and age that there was no way to get the actual story until I found the bee. I know that every article in 100% correct and not a joke in the slightest. THANKS BABYLON BEE!

The Babylon Bee is the best. This is the only review I have ever, and likely will ever, write for an app. Keeping the Bee alive is a matter of utmost importance with national security, economic, and civilizational implications. As the Bee goes, so does the world. It’s more important than the New York Times, MSNBC and whatever high school graduation Chris Wallace is currently speaking at combined! Plus it’s the only news app I have had since the 2020 election was clearly stolen from us. The only thing that could make the Bee better is you guys (don’t want assume genders) hire Tucker Carlson if his spot at the View falls through. Ya keep me sane, Bee. Buzz off!

More credible than real news. The Babylon Bee is hilarious. Their content is so relatable! It’s sad when we live in a world where satire has more credibility than “real” news. These guys are geniuses in pointing out the hypocrisy of everyone. However, Liberals especially hate them since Liberals are the biggest hypocrites of all! I love how they can be funny without having to be perverted or vulgar. Keep up the great work since you help bring joy to this evil, sinful world

Laughter in hard times. Seriously in these days and times that we see and are grieved by such blind and foolish evil, it’s a relief to see that God has given insight and wisdom to people that can expose lies and foolishness with such clever wit. It reminds me of Paul in Galatians when he says; “ Why don’t they just go the whole distance and emasculate themselves!”. I so very thankful for the work you do.

The air release valve. The bee is my air release valve that allows me to stay in play on other platforms. I wish to stay in the battle for good on social media but with all the negativity everywhere this app allows me to laugh and take part in the whit, which in turns allows me to soldier on because I’ve relived some of the internal pressures that arise from within. Thank you bee. Onward toward victory fellow patriots! Truth is on our side!

Keep BEEING Awesome. It’s so nice to be able to laugh at the craziness that is our reality right now. Babylon Bee satires touch on the real events that big media refuses to call out and big tech threatens to shut down if it doesn’t tow their line. Today while our 1st amendment is being challenged by the “woke” and “peaceful protesters” are “B”urning, “L”ooting and “M”urdering our big cities, the Babylon Bee proudly and loudly stands as a beacon of free speech and hilarious articles. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep subscribing.

Outstanding, day after day. Love these guys - they are as funny as they are prophetic… some of their stuff hits a little close to home for some of those who drive on the other side of the road - yet they are willing to take a jab at the rest of us once in a while as well. Keep up the good work!

Original reason to subscribe. My original reason for being a paid supporter of the Babylon Bee happened one night when I was reading the headlines on the drudge report and found that the Babylon bee had been removed from Facebook, or somesuch social media platform, for being fake news. It astounded me that they didn’t understand that satire is fake. Idiots!

Sharp political satire. Thank you for churning out pointed and very funny political satire with an underlying message - that of reminding us that our only true hope is in Christ. If I want to know the important news of the day, I open Babylon Bee first. Nothing is too sacred, including Republican icons, church leaders and ourselves. Thank you for keeping us laughing while holding up a mirror to our culture, showing us our fallibility, not to mention sometimes our foolish self-righteousness! Babylon Bee cleverly writes what sane Americans are thinking as we open the news and read about the daily circus that is current American politics and culture.

The only Bee in Babylon that has real news. Tired from all the fake news drivel I prayed to Jesus for some real news. I said “Jesus, guide me to find a news source that only deals in facts” well I was stunned when he appeared to me in a bee costume and told me to go to Babylon. “Babylon? Jesus are you sure?” He said “my child buzz your way there, you will see the light” I woke up being stung by a bee and I knew where he wanted me to go.

Best laugh of the day. In an era of politically correct comedy which isn’t funny....the Bee stand out as the one great laugh of the day! The satire is topical, biting, ahead of the curve but also decent. It never descends into name calling or morally flattening someone. Sometimes you do a double take because the headline could almost be true. The mainstream and social media are driven over the edge that they cannot pigeonhole or stifle the Babylon Bee. Here’s to being authentically unique in the days of brown shirt conformity. Keep fighting the good fight Bee! You give us a good chuckle and hope. Debby Beck

So glad you’re back!!!. I love you all; and so does my husband of 46 years!!! Thank you! Some days I have despaired of the possibility that the last best hope which we know as The United States of America shall disappear from the face of the Earth. That’s a paraphrase from our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Perhaps there’s hope for us after all. Dave (aka my husband) have pinned a lot of hopes on the upcoming election.

Thank you. With all that is wrong in the world today, this app is huge! A great compliment to the genius that is “the Babylon bee”. To the creators, never was a time we needed something as as brilliant an idea as the Babylon bee that takes real news and twists it In a comedic way that brings laughter and Godly light to a very dark time in our country and this world. Thank you for creating the app so no matter what big tech does, I still get to find y’all and a smile. God bless

I once was lost, but then the Bee found me.. Wandering the desert of CNN, Fox News, and the National Inquirer, I stumbled upon Babylon. That is, the Babylon Bee. Let’s get one thing straight: They ONLY speak facts. That’s all. Nothing is made up. Sure, the New York Times sometimes gets it right, but when compared to the reliable sources at the Bee, they might as well go back to their day jobs protesting the election four years ago and blasting stay-at-home moms for serving their family. What makes the Bee stand out, you say? One word: Truth. Justice. America. Okay that was three. But if the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, why not those three words? They’re synonymous. Just do yourself a favor and download the app. You won’t regret it.

Humor is the best!. A friend showed me the app that Babylon Bee had put out. When I first looked at the content, I don’t think that I stopped laughing for hours. I thought that this was great satire until the article on the NYT investigating the sexual assault alegations against Biden and finding that he was a democrat. Then I read the NYT article and learned that the Babylon Bee was not satire but actual reporting of what was really happening in this world. Now it is my go-to news source to learn what is really happening in the world!

Be my Babylonian babe bee 🐝 daddy♾. Bee smart Bee natural Bee sharp The Babylon bee is the only news I ever use & I know many things that nobody else ever wants to know ❗️ I send all their articles to all my many FB friends & they all like: “That ain’t even mostly prolly true❗️” & I’m all like : “ what is truth⁉️” Don’t you even know I have the power to kill you or let you go ⁉️” That’s in the Bible. Read your Bible people. the Main Street reason why you think If you never heard something before then that must mean it ain’t so; is because you think you already know everything But you don’t. Not unless you subscribe to the Babylon bee 🐝 & have it delivered to your door 🚪 way every day. Anybody knows that. Love 💕 & Hisses Your pal Honey 🌈🍯 Doodles

Better than prison. I have been free loading the podcast since it's humble beginnings. I decided that it was time to start paying my way. So I became a subscriber, on a Sunday no less. Coincidence, I think not. After using this slick app to read articles and listen to Kyle and Ethan, I can unequivocally say it is better than the 9 years I spent in prison as a 19 year old agnostic. I think that says it all. Keep up the good work guys.

Lifesaver. With all the crazy events going down on a daily basis, I look forward to checking in on the Bee every few days for a laugh or two. These guys seem to just plain get it and are able to show the utter absurdity of many of the people making news today. That some people felt the need to “fact check” them just proves how close to the mark they’re hitting. Please keep it coming, guys - I need it to get through the day sometimes!

Finally, I don’t have to stumble around in the unlit alleyways of mainstream info spitters. I used to feel insecure. What if life is a lie? What if everything I’ve heard is not a statement of correctness?! What if the new iRoomba vacuum is actually a spy for QJPNZ? I used to pour orange juice on the floor hoping to secure my mind. In my past life I poured cold brew off my apartment balcony hoping to calm myself. No more. I found the Bee of the Shadow of Life. The Bee has buzzed my mind and now I see clearly. I refuse to listen to my parents, pastors, and employer, all of which are fakes. I would recommend this app to anyone with depression, diabetes, dementia, demodicilidosis, dirofilariasis, etc. Thank you to the Babylon Bee of buzzing beauty and big breathtaking broadcasts

Finally, News I Can Trust!. I have found the fair and balanced articles to be about 3x more accurate than MSDNC and 2x more accurate than CNN. I use Babylon Bee app on my phone to get the headlines and then I go to Duck Duck Go or Epic Times to get the full story. I also love the books published by Babylon Bee - I buy several copies and give them to my Libertarian friends.

Journalism at its best. Someone once said,”Truth is stranger than fiction.” I agree. I enjoy the fact that when the BB reports the news, it’s open and honest-to the point. No apologies necessary for revealing truth.. To others who may disagree about your sense of humor, I don’t think they know…..I mean, it’s like the emperor has no clothes! Examples; Tent cities, Anti semitism, abortion, open borders … Thank you for not giving in and shying away from these touchy topics! I’d love to have all of you over for Christmas dinner!

The Bee is great. The interface needs a little work. The Babylon Bee is a great site with hilarious content. This reader has worse navigation than the website and lacks a search function and maybe even sharing options. Plus they sign you up for emails that remind you about stories you’ve already read. But at least I can reliably get a Bee fix, even if Snopes manages to demonetize then from Facebook.

Good for a laugh 🤣. I quit watching and reading all news. I gave up all social media. I got tired of all the negativity and division. I realized main stream news & social media was literally hacking my reality and dictating my mood/happiness. Now every couple days I’ll check the BB for a good laugh. Life has never been better. #ThrowAwayYourTelevision #MindControl Everyone lighten up and laugh! Life’s too short. ❤️

THE BEST NEWS SOURCE EVER!!!. The Babylon Bee is my favorite satirical news source because they make me laugh at the news no matter how sad or depressing it may be. They write great stories that brighten my day & make me feel connected to the outside world, all the while educating me on US news. They have brilliant writers who put their time & effort into their writing, and they have funny pictures to back it up! 😂 Don’t stop.

Yes It Really Is Satire. How do these BB writers get in my head so consistently, finding ways to make me laugh - yes, out loud sometimes? I have finally found an outlet for the outrage I often feel. A dear friend of mine accused one of your satire pieces as "not real news", clearly not getting the joke. I couldn't believe he took it seriously! It made me sad that I had to add him to the small group of CNN zombies I know. The ridiculous behavior perpetrated all around us....well the Bee gets it, and puts a perfect spin on it. As for me, I get my fake-but-sorta-real news-but-really-it's-satire from Babylon Bee.

An idiot fact checked this ? 🤪🤣. I heard about how Twitter banned this site a while back and that it had been fact checked in past articles. So I looked it up….These articles are hilarious and I laughed out loud - even by myself. I think we all need more joy in this world. This is as funny if not funnier than the onion- and you can read the content as a guest without signing up or having to subscribe to anything. Fantastic. 🥂🤓

Great app, and you should become a Subscriber!. I have been a paying Subscriber to The Babylon Bee’s website since December (so around 4 months at this point). This app is great. They have a lot of nice content just for the Subscribers making it definitely worth the subscription. Even if you don’t pay to subscribe, the app offers access to their podcast, the headlines (all the way back to 2016 when the site began), and a search function to find specific topics of the articles. Also I will say if you just see the Headlines on social media (or their site, or in the app), you’re definitely missing out on their true brilliance, as almost every Headline has a great satirical news story written. Well worth the time to read each article! Their podcast is great too, and from the app you can adjust the speed, so if you’re like me and prefer to listen to podcasts at increased speed, you can! If you’re a paying subscriber, you will also have access to additional material in the podcast which is right here in the app. Download today! 😄👍 PS “I really miss Adam Ford” 😉

1 Star - BAD news source. The Bee started out great, I could go every day and never have to see anything real. The podcast was funny, the photoshops were great — But then IT happened. They published REAL news. It was sneaky, they started with a bit piece about Robert Jeffress betraying Trump. It was scary close, but key details were a little off. Then, they run a headline about Hillary Clinton selling re-election. That was worse, but the quote wasn’t quite word for word. But when they struck thrice! Dread and doom! They ran a headline about a WaPo article on socialism being behind a paywall. I WAS ABLE TO FIND THE STORY AND REPLICATE THE EXACT PICTURE IN 60 SECONDS!!!! I felt so betrayed. There was no falseness in the article at all. Trash website, awful podcast, 0 stars I miss Adam4d. Sent from my iPad

The Best Fake News Out There (Believe Me). It's absolutely the case that other news outlets exist, but why bother when you can get your worldview from a news outlet you can trust to be inaccurate? In fact, all Babylon Bee articles are guaranteed to be incorrect for at least three months, until reality catches up and the people involved actually say what the BB predicted they would. A Modern Oracle, 5/5

(This review fact-checked by Snopes). This site, The Babylon Bee, is by far the most irresponsible news organization that we’re angry at for being truthful this month. Their biting wit—which is, of course, a hate crime when directed against the left—has confused half-dozens of careless readers into believing that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib refused to save the Earth “after learning that’s where Israel is,” when everyone knows that they would simply amend any such bill to remove Israel from the Earth entirely. The fact that it is satire, as well as the argument that perhaps any reader believing that CNN has literally purchased an industrial washing machine to spin news may simply be dumb, is not considered valid by us here at Snopes—in fact, we take issue with such insults to our authors and readers. Rest assured that we will be applying the exact same standards to any political parody parody produced by The Onion, just as soon as it is no longer owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors.

What to make of Social Media?. In a time, when self promotion is the name of the game, Babylon Bee gives us all the proper perspective to filter all the crap that people post to get our attention. The Bee provides the relief from the stress that comes from living, makes us reflect, laugh, ponder our own decisions about the use of our God given time on this earth. Thank you Babylon Bee.

Best News Ever. I can’t start my morning without checking the Babylon Bee first. I know I can trust the Bee with its insightful news articles and photography. I am so down on all the other ‘news’ outlets and how they refuse to admit their depressing and partisan points of view. Then there is the Bee which pokes fun at everyone and puts a smile on my face every morning. Long Live the Bee! Susan Haake High Bridge, NJ

Step aside You Version, there’s a new player in town!. Having an old man’s voice read the KJV to me while I fill my Instagram with pictures of mountains and paint splotches that featured random verses out of their context was getting old. Now I can get my spirit fed with Truth and wisdom that is Snopes approved. Why read the scriptures when you can get it from the Bee that covered the story live as it unfolded? Go straight to the first hand witnesses and avoid all the FAKE NEWS that seems to be slipping into the history books (I’m looking at you “The Message” version!) Do yourself a favor and download the app that was forged in the throne room of God. You won’t regret it!

The right info, satirically. This is 99.9% agreeable satire, at its BEST. Many memes that I’ve made and continue to make are covered here. It gives me time to run my business and enjoy my family. Prior to subscribing and supporting this group of scientists, I didn’t believe in science. But now, it’s just science EVERYTIME I POST their satirical statements that explain the INSANITY in CAREER POLITICIANS TODAY, as well as a lot of other subjects. The irony is that it all makes sense. Majoritorially speaking of course.

I once was blind…. I was once walking through the valley of the shadow of the dimly lit and low visibility part of life with a negative prognosis and large medical bills, until a messenger from above came with a message of good news…. no, seriously, it was my upstairs neighbors…. and a new app came into my life and I felt a new man, all washed clean (after my afternoon shower) and ready to take on the world, armed with all the fake news you can trust. My cup runneth over…. and when it does it takes me like half a roll of toilet paper to clean it up…. what a mess!!!

Babylon bee. Wow. Even though it’s satire, these people are so much smarter than the people who try to write “news” today of course we all know most of it is propaganda. This is not this is giving incisive witty sharp commentary on real news. I love the Babylon Bee love love love love love And as a former print reporter… Back in the days when journalist actually tried to give you the real story and report the news and make sure you were informed… What you get outside of the Babylon Bee and a few others is pure propaganda, not reporting.

American Politics are a joke. American politics are a joke and the Babylon Bee fake news app perfectly captures that fact! Parodies that even the most serious political person can laugh at are articulated perfectly in this app. And in some cases captures current political events so well, you can hardly tell it’s fake🤔I hope this app doesn’t go away anytime soon. But then again, if the American left have their say, it just might.

Great, when it’s working.... This app used to work, weeks ago. That said, at that point, there were inappropriate ads showing almost constantly — manga/anime characters making out, ads for ‘hot Arab women.’ I’d report them to Google, then get shown the same things over and over again. Within the last few weeks, first the favorites stopped working, then none of the articles would load. I have 100% WiFi and did try it on data. But it just won’t work. I contacted the developer and answered their questions. I hoped that this new update would solve the problem, but it’s worse than before. I can use the website on my browser of my phone. It’s just less convenient. Two stars because the content is great when it works. Minus three because it just doesn’t work anymore and the ads are so inappropriate. (I’m an adult, but I don’t want to see characters making out or half naked people. Show me ads for shoes or a barbecue — something inoffensive I can use.)

High-quality “News”. I’ve long been bothered by the type who gets their news run-down from Fallon, Kimmel, or Colbert. The Bee presents their tongue-in-cheek “news” with the understanding that it’s satire from the beginning. Left unspoken is the implication that you will need to find the real news bit to understand why this satirical take on the ridiculous reality is in turns funny and sad: funny because of the absurd level to which the news issue has been taken, and sad because the world has become so ridiculous that the Bee’s job is getting harder to say something so absurd that it won’t be reality mere weeks later.

This is actually good christian media. A lot of Christian media is held back and hindered by the fact it has to meet many of the standards expected of it by christians, and the message it must push along with its goals in entertainment. To be labeled the “christian” version of something is often taken as an insult. But not the Babylon Bee. This is one of the funniest, most creative sites I have ever seen. It is relatable, and it covers a broad topics from the church to politics. It produces reliably funny content, and always makes my day. My only complaint is that there isn’t enough content produced a day. I have probably read every article, and heard almost every podcast. This isn’t a christian version of the Onion. This is a better version.

Expressing what the rest of us are afraid to say. I am a recent new user of the Bee. They pretty much hit every nail squarely on the head with their witty biting satire, saying the things anyone with good judgment is thinking, but is afraid to actually say. Whether it’s politics, church life, or the culture in general, count on the Bee for the most entertaining and enlightening “fake news” available. Keep up the good work, Bee. The emperor has no clothes and you are the spotlight that demonstrates that reality.

Always a day brightener. I’ve enjoyed the Babylon Bee for a couple of years now. I usually read it after I read the regular newspaper. Help me get over the gloom and doom or what I’ve been reading and see humor in the ridiculousness of politics. I also often learn about something going on when I read a story I don’t understand and then check with regular news sources. The irony is that so often Babylon Bee article really is not that far off from the actual event. In other words, sometimes the writers don’t have to work too hard at writing satire. I recommended this too many of my friends and we often share articles, etc. in order to brighten each other’s days.

I’d give you 5, but then you might get lazy. I believe in my soul( if I have one ) that humor is one of the most essential of all gifts bestowed by God ( if there is a God ). I have often laughed out loud at the wonderfully funny headlines….. your sense of the ridiculous to remind me there will always be evil, stupid people around is an option … to laugh instead or rage or cry. With most sincere gratitude, and a devout hope that all those a*****es will stop taking themselves so serious, but still maintain a level of moronic behavior to provide fodder for the fantastic Babylon Bee, I remain a faithful fan. Soldier On!

Amazing!!!. The Bee is a totally credible news site. It will give you the latest news all the way from financing to politics allowing you to stay in on the latest trends and will enable you to stay social active in any topics that come up in your daily life just like CNN!!!!!! This app is a must have for anyone who wants to stay up to date on the latest news honestly phenomenal!!!!!!

Hilarious and Intellectually Stimulating. The Babylon Bee has a unique perspective on the news. The articles, headlines, videos, and podcasts are all really funny and draw attention to the narrative being pushed by politicians and our mainstream culture. The Bee highlights the subtle (and often not so subtle) irony in it. It is so rare to find clean, uplifting, Christian entertainment that also makes me think, and that’s what I found the Babylon bee to be.

Witty, funny, Voted best satire at next year’s Oscars. I love the short reprieve from rediculous conservative Christian bashing left slanted news. This ap works great and always gives me a good laugh. I particularly love how madly the liberal media hates it. I believe it competes with their fake news and they know it! The podcast was surprisingly serious. I listened to a very touching interview with Sean Connery. He spoke about forgiveness for the man that kidnapped his family when he was in the military. Awesome interview! Check it out, it’s called “Forgive the Man that kidnapped my family”

Finally, a news source with integrity. When I visit the Bee I know I’m going to get quality news, not the kind of made up trash you find in the so-called “mainstream media”. Also, it’s refreshing to be able to read stories covering less pressing topics that most people would otherwise ignore, like impeachment inquiries, but also stories that get to the substantive, culturally defining matters that affect us all, like how many minutes a worship pastor can fumble with his cap before getting fired. Babylon Bee is synonymous with quality, and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

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10 Out Of 10. Before the Babylon Bee I was blind and blind by chains of fake news of CNN and Fox but now the Bee has removed the scales from my eyes, I was blind and blind but now I see and I am free! The Bee is the Truly only news source you can trust...haha Great work guys, appreciate the humour.

Believable fake news you can trust.. The only trouble is that the world is so fake that the fake news becomes real

Hilarious!. Amazingly clever and funny

Best News App. The only news app I actually read.

Best American politics and religion funny summaries.. You guys have funniest news on the internet. I wish I could write for you, but am not American. Could write science articles though as have a B.Sc. Lol.

My sides have almost split in laughter. Can’t believe I’ve only just discovered the Bee. Why isn’t this on the iPhone news feed? Seriously, people need this!

Fantastic app and great content. Glad that the satire is well and kicking.

Good. Great work is done by the people at The Babylon Bee. The app works very well and has no noticeable problems. They don’t over use ads or promotional products. It’s a very good experience for the average user.

Too funny!. This news service delivers. Parody, sometimes is truth :D

Excellence in entomological exegesis. A wonderful source of truth - comparable to Snopes in its reliability and trustworthiness.

Love the satire and common sense. Talk about pointing out the obvious! Babylon Bee mocks the alternate universe by hi-lighting how absurd their point of view is!

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Wow. Just wow. Absolutely phenomenal. The satire is on point. We truly don’t deserve a gift as great as this!

A voice of reason. Using humour to try and make sense of the nonsense

THANK YOU. Thank you, for your daily dose of satire, laughter, and sanity, which I need and enjoy! 😄 Keep up the good work, Bee!

Great app to watch for fun!. Fake news that I can trust!

The Bee is the Best. The only thing getting any of us through this lunacy is laughter at all of it and top of the laughter charts is the Bee!! Keep up the great work.

My favourite app!. I don’t miss a day, it’s so funny. I just wish they had a Canadian version of their site called “Babylon eh?”

The most hilarious 😂 app in the universe. The Babylon bee are geniuses it’s so bad I can understand most of the stuff there mocking they make some of the best sarcasm ever! Please keep on adding more articles i love this app! Update: wile the Babylon bee is amazing there has been a big problem with the Babylon Bee it has been at least 2 days since the Babylon Bee has posted any new articles and videos on their app there literally has not been any new videos or articles for 2 solid days! I do not know if it’s the developers fault all I know is it is a big problem and I might have no choice but to delete the Babylon Bee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not enough stars.. I’m only allowed to give 5 stars. This is worth at least 10. Many more stars are needed.

Witty and Fun. The Bee holds a light up to the extremists in society from the snow flakes Berkeley, Harvard and Princeton to the cup cakes in the White House

Ever the truth. Babylon bee you are the best at pointing out the obvious with a great sense of humour and decency I might add loyal and true subscriber

Best political satire ever😀. Best political satire ever. I bet it comments on issues the way most people feel, but are afraid to express their low opinion of the woke left liberals.😃

Best Site Ever. I actually laugh out loud every day. Brilliant writing and societal commentary on the woke.

Luv me Babylon Bee!. I love how I can both read the articles with a light heart and, from the satire, pretty much surmise what is actually going on👏🏻👍🏻😄

Great. Elegant and hilarious!😂✌️ Perpetually positive energy! A source of hope.

Best Fake News Available Anywhere. Great app and source of soon-to-be true news available anywhere. A great start to the day that reminds me what is important, what isn’t, and how to spot the difference. Surprised it hasn’t been bought out by CNN or NY Times - would be more efficient to generate “source” material. Better writing as well.

Not convinced it's actually Babylonian. They are known for construction of perennial, colonial nests from wax, for the large size of their colonies, and for their surplus production and storage of honey, distinguishing their hives as a prized foragingtarget of many animals, including honey badgers, bears and human hunter-gatherers. In the early 21st century, only seven species of honey bee are recognized, with a total of 44 subspecies,[1]though historically seven to eleven species are recognized. The best known honey bee is the western honey bee which has been domesticated for honey production and crop pollination; modern humans also value the wax for candlemaking, soapmaking, lip balms, and other crafts. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the roughly 20,000 known species of bees.[2] Some other types of related bees produce and store honey and have been kept by humans for that purpose, including the stingless honey bees, but only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees

Gut busting as well as heady stuff. Where does the Babylon Bee find their writers? This is consistently some of the funniest political commentary anywhere but also makes you think. It’s the best satire since the heyday of the (now sadly stale) “Onion”. SNL, eat your hearts out!

Brilliant satirical comedy! Every. Time.. Love it all - keep it up!!

Just grand. I wait every time, holding my breath for the next memorable laugh from the Babylon Bee.

Babylon Bee. Best satire in years. Love what these guys are doing. Hilarious

Pretty cool app. Loaded with stuff to watch see do

Thank God For The Babylon Bee. The Bee represents a voice of sanity, albeit a hilarious one, in a world gone insane. Thank you for your incisive humor and indiscriminating wit in eviscerating our society’s various sacred cows.

Funny & Simple!! 5 Stars!!. This app is funny. It makes me chortle!! Sometimes even uncontrollably!! I like that!! :)

No longer parody….. The Bee has become a leader in factual news.

Funny 😄. Babylon Bee is the funniest satire site 👍.

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Mostly One-sided. Parodies are funnier when they pick on all sides of the political spectrum. Your website throws hardballs at the Left and throws softballs at Right. It’s as if you are afraid that MAGA people can’t take a joke. Then again, maybe they can’t and that’s why you are afraid of offending them. I wish your website was more like the ONION, equal opportunity jokesters. Parody websites should only have one agenda. Not to push an ideology but to make all of us learn to laugh at ourselves.

Um.. yeah. With chaos at the border, with ridiculous gas prices and inflation,With all Major sea ports a mess, with big tech and big pharma running the country suppressing freedom and the government mandating people into social classes (vaxed/unvaxed) in a way even Hitler would be proud of… um… yeah… we need some comedy !!! But soon the CRT will have comedy outlawed.. Cause comedy is racist, right? .. LOL. Babylon bee brings it and it’s hilarious.. thanks guys and girls at the B!!!

It’s time for the truth. The Babylon Bee, writes in sarcasm, with a generous dose of humor. As in all genre, there has to be truth in the idea presented. The kernel of thought that finds the inconsistencies in an argument. And the ability to apply this rational to all sides of an argument, or ie: as more gentled people would say, a lively discussion. Babylon Bee does not pull it’s verbal barbs, punches, or it’s white privileged point of view no matter what! Yes, Western Civilization is truly the greatest repository of human imagination and safety on this planet. Not with standing, No Bat Lives Matter. No, back to my dungeon, master, can I eat the wings off the flies?

Welcome to Clown World. The Babylon Bee has made us laugh during these hard times. Voted (by myself) as people I most want to go to lunch with, it is nice to have this satire and not have to be on social media. It’s strange how crazy and funny can be so true. Sad times. But funny. But really, really sad. But….

Subscriber podcast. Hi all. Cool app. I subscribe. A couple suggestions. When I pull my privilege pods from my ears the podcast does not automatically stop. Also, would love to have the option to download the podcast so I don’t use data when I travel around. Please don’t boot me from your audio yacht. Okay. Bye. Thanks.

Hats Off to the Bee. Bee writers have a keen sense of humor directed to both parties but focused more lately on Bumbling Joe Biden, who works at being the worst president ever. Their articles are focused on the hot issues, but are crafted for an easy, hilarious read. Pick up an edition and try it. You won’t be sorry

Thank you Babylon Bee for real (funny) news reporting!. It’s so refreshing to see the lighter side of all the crazy mixed-up news that is purported to be serious when in fact viewed through the BabylonBee lense really makes us wonder how crazy and mixed up the world is. Does that make sense? The Bible says laughter is good medicine for the bones! I agree! Thank you BabylonBee.

I can’t believe you can read my mind. The Bee is the funniest thing to have on my phone notifications. I literally saw my phone flash a notification banner and when I checked my phone I spit my Diet Pepsi when I realized I was urgently notified to learn ‘John Cena to undergo spine implant surgery!’. I need that in my life these days. Thanks for the laughs, Bee. God bless you all!

Hard-hitting truth and factual studio laughter.. I already got all of my news from this incredibly trusted, and super reliable news source. But now they have a small VIP studio audience that adds hilarious laughter at the end of every hard hitting truth. Entertaining and life-changing. I can’t imagine the darkness I would experience without the Bee!

It is best real news I have ever read.. I am surprised at the accuracy of their news stories. My 4th grade daughter has learned more from this source than any other news station. Its amazing how the eyes of a child can see the world. Thank You BB keep up the good work.

Golden satirical news. Better than the Onion. I get a kick out of these cleverly written fake news stories. Some of them are so funny and some of them you could easily imagine CNN or MSNBC actually publishing the articles as original real news stories.

The Penultimate Satire. I guess my “sense of humor” is pretty much a duplicate of the Babylon Bee’s because I always enjoy its cutting edge satire….. In fact, I have a “discussion group” of about 20 people whom I send your “Breaking News” bulletins to almost every day and most of the group enjoy them. Keep on firing.

Something seems a little off here. Thank you for helping heal- laughter is healing and it’s the only way we’ve been able to get through this nightmare. You guys rock. Tsherafenna- I’m honored to meet and know you! You have brightened the world in its deadliest hour and will be forever immortalized!

Incredible!. Since big tech, The New York Times, Facebook, USA Today, and others are all freaking out and trying to “fact check” y’alls Christian Satire, you gotta know y’all are doing a great job! Just subscribed not to long ago and MAN (yes, in a non-binary, non-gendered, non-GMO, totally human-surpremacist way of engendering the “MAN” statement)... Y’ALL ARE AWESOMENESS!!... oh, and the app is good to!😂

Great News Site!. Witty and hilarious, you can always tell what’s real and what’s satire when it comes to the Babylon Bee- and sometimes, when you see the article’s title and have to second guess if this is real life or not- those are the best parts. Unafraid and bold; that’s the Babylon Bee, and I’ll keep reading for a very long time.

Awesome and hilarious. Amazing to see a satire media outlet that is funny and helps relieve some stress in these hard times and yet still more appealing than what is supposed to be real news yet tells bigger lies then the actual media which is obviously joking. Thank you Babylon Bee and keep up the great work!

Awesome satire but small aggregation. Incredible satire that obviously hits close to home when it gets “fact checked”, which just adds to the hilarity. There are very often amusing photoshopped or other images accompanying the articles. I often wish the app allowed me to zoom in so they could be better appreciated.

Detox Christian news!. I am growing up in a Catholic family, and almost everyone in my family uses the bee. It’s humorous and funny, yet not toxic, AND CHRISTIAN! and yet people usually prefer the dirty, good-for-nothing social apps, this is a more healthy way to have a social app. Yet it’s news.

Great Fun!. I’ve been looking for a more reliable news app and Babylon Bee tells it like it is. When the other news sources have me wanting to go live in a cave until this apocalypse is over, BB gives some the courage to at least get dressed and leave the house.

Top notch satire. I used to read the Onion in college 30 years ago, but it has turned into uberleft, filthy garbage. Satire is supposed to be funny, and, to be funny, it has to contain a grain of truth. Babylon Bee has figured out how to be consistently clean, funny, relevant, and insightful. Keep up the good work!

Great fun!. My kids and I love checking out the Bee for their fresh takes on current news. Occasionally I haven’t heard about the story yet and then have to look it up on a news site. Great writing. Keep up the fabulous work!

Babylon Bee is the Bee’s Knees. The headlines are captivating, and will make you ponder daily news in a fun and enjoyable way! I have had family and friends ask me if the stories are real. They are very well written satirical takes on daily events. If your day is just going so/so, the Babylon Bee stories will have you laughing out loud!

Best satire on the web!. I reach for The Bee every morning to enjoy with my morning coffee! Fair Warning: You may find yourself cleaning up a lot of spewed coffee as I have! If you have to read today’s news, I strongly encourage you to read The Bee. They help us find humor and take the edge off of what is really happening in the world.

On target satire. Satire requires a kernel of truth, and the BB delivers that every day. In a world of algorithms designed to create angst, anger and sadly, even hate, the Babylon Bee lightens the mood with on target humor. The BB and the Onion are two worthwhile antidotes to the self-important, candidly poorly executed mainstream media outlets (where yes, you can and should still tease out the facts of yesterday’s news today).

The Antidote to biased News coverage. I downloaded this app after seeing a particularly hilarious story poking fun at some Hypocrisy Du Jour or other. Now, I wait every day for Babylon Bee’s latest scathing-but-always-humorous and spot-on take on the stories to which I’m subjected in the “regular” News Cycle. Babylon Bee strikes a much-needed blow against the ridiculous, often-hypocritical MSM Narratives of the Day!

How did I live without these updates?. I can’t believe I never heard of this site until recently. Absolutely my favorite app and makes me laugh so hard and helps to put into perspective any negative feelings you may have over politics. I’m sure it won’t be long until it’s canceled.

Tired of boring real news? Try fake news!. I can’t tell you how boring my life was before Babylon Bee. Now I have something to keep me preoccupied from the terrifying fact that I’m alone and have no one special in my life. Where would I be without fake news! Dead? Probably! Thanks Babylon Bee!

Nice break from reality 😊. ...But the absurdity is this: that it is so close to reality that I often have to remind myself that this is the big yellow BEE, and I laugh out loud . If only reality was the joke, and the Babylon Bee was the reality. Thank you all for casting a warm glow over the dark shadows we face every day.🙏🏻

Simply the best satire site in the world. I can always count on the Babylon Bee for at least a handful of laughs per day. What more can one ask for? Their videos and articles are equally hysterical. I also enjoy their round table, discussions, news of the week, and longform interviews.

Thanks!. A HOOT! Just what is needed in this day and age. None of us should take ourselves too seriously - SERIOUSLY! First thing I read every day - I share with friends and 9 out of 10 …. No, 10 out of 10 times you’ve hit the nail on the head and my comment is always the same “The Bee Delivered Again”! Thanks for the laughs!

Love The Bee!. The Bee once made me laugh so hard I shot tea out of my nose. Ok, maybe that’s TMI, but Bee stories are what my family most shares on our group texts. We are proud supporters of the Babylon Bee and so often when I’m a bit stressed about all the insanity in this world I’ll open the app just to laugh for a bit.

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!. My 40 year old son turned his 66 year old Mom to the Babylon Bee and I’ve been hooked ever since! It’s always gives me the chuckles but most importantly hope that the younger generation is not being hoodwinked by what is happening today. I’m proud that fellow Christians are speaking out Gods truth and not afraid to do so. Thanks.

Funtastic. I’ve never before found a news source that can reliably predict the future. Thank you Babylon Bee for having the foresight to write stories so outrageous and unbelievable that they have the potential to become true. I now depend on you for my daily inspiration.

How it all works really. Once upon a time we watched network news and read the daily paper to understand what was going on but it never really added up or made much sense. Now with the Bee the haze has lifted and it has all become clear, really clear, really really clear.

Best satire on planet earth. No joke!. I love the Bee. I will often read articles to coworkers who need to cheer up, and it never fails because the Bee publishes great satire about a range of subjects from politics to Christian culture or just every day life. If you have a sense of humor, this is the app for you!

Satire or news?. I know, it’s satire. But the Babylon Bee is frighteningly accurate - in theme if not in fact. But that’s the point of satire, and the Babylon Bee does it better than anyone. As far as the app goes, I haven’t had a single crash. Categories are convenient, and the “favorite” feature is handy for recalling and sharing the best biting Fake News the Babylon Bee specializes in.

Babylon Bee - awesome. You all nail it just about everything. Hilarious and witty and spot on stuff. I will say God has blessed you, and at the same time, sadly there is a ton of material to write due to so many poor examples of humans. Keep up the good work, we can all use some good satire!

Satirical Geniuses. The Babylon Bee hires a witty staff because their content contains some of the most highly intelligent and hysterical satire gold that I’ve ever read in my life. Whenever you are having a rough day, go read an article by the Bee and you will surely get a laugh, unless you happen to be a smug lefty 😉

The Best. The best source of genuine fake news since Jonathan Swift. Lord knows, the world could stand some laughter, and the Bee dishes it up big time. Simply the best. So good that some people actually think it's real news and have to be helped by snopes to see it as satire. Now that's high quality fakery!!

It’s satire guys... that means it’s a joke and it’s so funny. Maybe the best part of The Bee is that so many members of traditional news take it seriously. Anyone with half a brain will realize that every story is a joke and that no fact check is needed. The quality of the humor is fantastic and no topic, person, or group is immune.

Babylon Bee is where I come for the news!. Cannot wait to see the latest news daily from the Bee. Witty, clever and always right on the mark. They are the best and now am enjoying them on Truth Social! God Bless and keep up the great work you are doing for the American People to keep our spirits high!

Sarcasm Becomes REALITY. Who would have ever thought that sarcasm about make believe fantastically absurd leftist wet dreams would ever become to actual life. The BEE can see into the future. I hope they start making stock predictions so we can all get rich (or at least back to where we were before Slow Senile Brandon Boogersnot got elected).

Less ads, more glitches. It’s more glitchy, which I don’t mind because it cuts down on the weird third party ads which exist on the website and sometimes on the app. It still hilarious and the top voice in satire in my opinion, so it’s a net improvement over the website.

Humor w/ a Little Bite. I’m pretty sure that The Most Interesting Man in the World from the Dos Equis commercials reads the Babylon Bee. God bless’m for addressing ALL of our biases with a little satirical Tang. If you find nothing to appreciate at the BB then may you be woken up in the middle of the night by your irate Columbian mother beating you with the lamp from your night stand.

Most reliable news source. It’s a sad state of affairs to be sure, but I primarily find out news from the Bee first, and then look it up for further research. The app also gives me nice access to the video channel (you guys should move it off YT!).

The titles are hilarious!!. I was searching for a news app where I wasn’t being tracked and hunted like a deer in deer season. I found the Bee. I haven’t even created my logon yet. This is hilarious!! Many lol and interruptions of my hubby’s football game to read the headlines alone.

Reliable. Most accurate news out there when compared to places like cnn. They also predict an insane amount of things that end up happening.

Most trusted fake news source.. Reading Babylon Bee every morning has become a regular routine. It restores my sanity to within relatively healthy levels to find out that there are others who also believe the world has gone crazy. Thank you!

Wonderfully Amusing: From Rapier Wit to Graoning Sarcasm. I’m delighted to be able to read the Bee—especially in these era of virtue signaling boorishness and depressing cancel culture idiocy. Humor is a behavior that distinguishes humans from all other animals—that and knowing that we’re eventually going to die. So, why not laugh until we get there? Top of the thanks to the grest folks at The Babylon Bee!

Best since the onion. This is the best website for real fake news… I often quote the Babylon Bee when it’s crucial I get my fake news facts correct… You can’t do better when researching fake news.. I would recommend referencing the Babylon Bee for fake news over CNN any day…

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Language English
Price Free
Adult Rating 4+ years and older
Current Version 2.11
Play Store com.babylonbeellc.babylonbee
Compatibility iOS 14.0 or later

The Babylon Bee (Versiyon 2.11) Install & Download

The application The Babylon Bee was published in the category News on 13 August 2019, Tuesday and was developed by The Babylon Bee, LLC [Developer ID: 1475189791]. This program file size is 14.52 MB. This app has been rated by 48,157 users and has a rating of 4.9 out of 5. The Babylon Bee - News app posted on 13 July 2023, Thursday current version is 2.11 and works well on iOS 14.0 and higher versions. Google Play ID: com.babylonbeellc.babylonbee. Languages supported by the app:

EN Download & Install Now!
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