Bolt Food


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Что такое приложение bolt food? Заказывайте любимые блюда прямо к порогу вашего дома через приложение Bolt Food. Чего вам хочется сегодня? Может пиццу на закваске? Или мечтаете перекусить темпура роллами? А может вы думаете пообедать бургером? Не тратьте время на поиски ресторанов рядом с вами через Google. Скачивайте приложение Bolt Food и ваши любимые рестораны всегда будут на расстоянии нескольких кликов!

Возможности приложения Bolt Food:
• Простое в использовании, с понятным интерфейсом
• Быстрая доставка продуктов в день заказа!
• Возможность самовывоза
• Отслеживание заказа в режиме реального времени
• Удобная оплата заказа через приложение

Как оформить заказ через приложение Bolt Food:

1. Укажите адрес доставки
2. Выберите ресторан или магазин и добавьте в корзину блюда / предметы
3. Оплатите заказ
4. Отслеживайте заказ в режиме реального времени и наблюдайте за прибытием курьера
5. Приятного аппетита!

Bolt Food - это сервис доставки еды, который был создан компанией Bolt (ранее Taxify). Bolt Food бросает вызов эффективности индустрии доставки еды и продуктов во всем мире. Мы помогаем магазинам получать больше заказов и даем возможность курьерам зарабатывать дополнительные деньги.

У вас есть машина, велосипед или мотоцикл? Становитесь курьером Bolt Food и зарабатывайтее дополнительные деньги:

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Имя приложения Bolt Food
Категория Еда и напитки
Дата выпуска
Обновлять вторник, 16 апреля 2024 г.
Размер файла 81.01 МБ

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Мы переводим деньги более 4 миллиардов евро каждый месяц. Мы позволяем индивидуальным и корпоративным счетам сэкономить 4 миллиона евро на комиссиях за банковские переводы. Хотите бесплатно отправить деньги за границу или перевести деньги за границу бесплатно? Бесплатные международные денежные переводы!

Самое безответственное приложение. Никогда не отвечает поддержка! Что в такси , что курьеры по доставке, заказ 4 часа не едет ответа нет деньги списывают и безвозвратно, отвратительно

Hungry. Terrible service. Didn’t get my order because the delivery guys don’t know how to use the map

Terrible service. Service confirmed the order, but started to postpone it. Support didn’t answer. Finally 15 min of delivery transformed to 60. Food was cold. Choose another delivery service if it possible. Save your time.

Наихудшая доставка из всех. Впервые познакомилась с сервисной поддержкой, которая не решает проблемы, а нагло издевается и измывается над своими клиентами. Ты им описываешь одну проблему - они тебе совершенно про другое. У меня возникла ситуация, что моя геолокация не считалась приложением, я не перепроверила и доставка ехала не туда. Я сразу написала в поддержку, пока они мне отвечали - курьер уже забрал заказ из магазина. Я объяснила, что у меня нет местной налички, чтобы доплатить курьеру за доставку страшного заказ и я хочу сделать новый заказ на верный адрес, но приложение отказывается принимать оплату с карты, с которой только что прекрасно прошла оплата по ошибочному заказу. Я прошу помочь с проблемой оплаты по новому заказу, мне в ответ «очень жаль, мы не можем вернуть деньги за первый заказ». Я ещё раз им пишу, что у меня проблема с ОПЛАТОЙ НОВОГО ЗАКАЗА, они мне продолжают затирать про старый, который мне уже нафиг не сдался. Можно было бы прикладывать к отзыву фото - приложила бы. Они вообще не читают, о чём им пишут и чём просят. Вывели из себя

ужасный сервис. поддержка не отвечает! просто постоянно закрывают диалог! это просто ужас!

Beware the automatic refunds and ALWAYS check what's delivered. Some restaurants miss paid items and do it on regular basis. When customer selects missed items in automated feedback form, Bolt Food will offer a refund but they calculate it “wrong”, with some “maximum amount” they mention nowhere until faced with cheatful calculation aiming someone who's not great at math. Beware.

Перестало работать. Уже больше недели не работает авторизация, постоянно говорит, что слишком много попыток, даже если она первая.

Не даёт удалить профиль. Не даёт удалить профиль

Чай после доставки. Не понятно, зачем чаевые курьеру платить сразу при заказе? Логично же оставить чаевые уже после доставки. А такой функции почему то нет. А то оставишь чай, а они даже в подъезд не зайдут…

Ужасная служба поддержки. Заказал торт, а привезли маленький кусочек, деньги за торт вернули на счёт внутри приложения. При этом чаевые и стоимость доставки не вернули аргументируя что у меня же остался этот кусочек торта который привезли по ошибке. Так же сказали что так как с доставкой не было проблем возвращать средства не будут. Я попросил сделать следующую доставку за счет болт или магазина - мне отказали сказали чтобы я сам звонил в магазин и решал вопрос. Вы совсем чтоли там головой ударились? Считаю что политика компании или это оператор поддержки не клиентоориентирована. Не рекомендую.

Плохо!. На поддержку не рассчитывайте! Работает БОТ! Стандартные ответы машины(( Проблему не решили.

Не работает. Нет доставки на Сурин

My money not returned😡. If your order isn’t delivered you won’t get your money back. They will top up your bolt balance no matter how awful your experience was & that you may be unwilling to ever buy anything from them ever again!

Скидка 30% на меню, видимо для нового пользователя. не привязывается виртуальная карта американского банка, просто ошибка и всё. с apple pay нельзя оплатить. ну хоть наличкой можно оплатить, но сдача начисляется на баланс, неудобно

Отстой. Сервис по доставке еды - предлагает самовывоз ПО ВСЕМ КАФЕ. Зачем такой «сервис» вообще нужен??? Унылое Г.

Худшая поддержка. Надо стараться поискать настолько плохую поддержку как поддержка Bolt. Оператор если вообще удосужится ответить, то ответит через минут 40-50. Ответы будут хамские, и бесполезные. Если вы зададите еще вопрос, то ждите еще столько же чтобы оператор удосужился вам ответить. 0/10. Wolt лучше.

Bolt. Отвратительный сервис. Мошенники.

Very bad delivery. Regular problems with delivery. They don't deliver the order at all. Then they arrive in a torn package and some of the items are missing.

Отвратительный сервис. Вместо заказа привезли пустую коробку (сразу не проверил, тк был запечатанный пакет). Написал в поддержку, прошло 20 часов, пока они ответили, но! Ответ: «we don’t know we don’t order courier you call the merchant by yourself». И дальше ПОЛНЫЙ ИГНОР. Мерчант спустя несколько часов негодования признался и согласился возместить заказ, но для этого ехать нужно к ним. Почему приходится 2 дня решать эту проблему САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО, когда поддержка полностью игнорит, я не знаю. Если у вас нежный характер и Вы не готовы переживать дополнительно о безолаберном сервисе и наплевательском отношении, выберите другой сервис или сгоняйте в магаз сами.

Worst Delivery Service. They brought the order, which was just dumped into the package. The soups were spilled, other dishes wele swimming in it in a plastic bag. The deliverer said he didn't care about that. Support is not responding. This was our first experience of using it. The quality of food, packaging, delivery and support is below the bottom. We are shocked and will spread the boycott of the app.

Worst experience ever. I'd never recommend to use this service anyone! 1. Customer service is impolite and not even trying to solve the customers problem. 2. Answering with some stupid chatbot alike messages. 3. Personal case - ordered a wine, waited for more than 30 minutes (the courier changed the route at least twice), when the courier arrived, he started annoyingly calling me, although it was clearly written that he needs to leave the order near the elevator. After I wrote to the support, I found out that the courier lied to them and said that I opened the door (which has never happened), and arrogantly didn’t show him the ID card!! And the bolt support was like “we can’t compensate that and if you have any complaints, write us an email, bye”. I lost 17 euros literally in nowhere, as well as didn’t get neither my order nor any help.

Чаевые до заказа это бред. Сделайте по нормальному как в том же Яндекс. Оставлять чаевые после получения заказа. А не на этапе оформления.

Awful service. I would never recommend this app and this service. I’ve made an order with discount. The restaurant messed up the order and we’ve got wrong order at all. After contacting help, they said they can only refund our money. But they said they cannot repeat this discount. Useless service and useless app. I would never recommend it.

I want to leave tips after delivery. Everything before delivery is a price and should be treated as such.

Awful. Correspondence with support is a real horror! We received the wrong order. We even included a photo. Returned the pizza to the courier. Support wrote that the courier mixed up the orders, do you want us to return to your BOLT account? we said no, we want our pizza. after which they told us that we ourselves were to blame, returned the money to the bolt account and closed the chat

Bolt stole my money. I order food in Wagyu to Go. They or Bolt didn’t deliver my food, but took my money. My order is somehow in the app “recieved”, but i didnt receive anything. This happens to me not first time. Bolt is very bad.

A worse delivery service is hard to find.. 2 hours waiting for the order. First, the operator said that the courier was not responding, then it turns out that the restaurant did not start preparing food. After 2 hours of waiting for food, they simply cancel the order and say: order again.

the worst support service. the worst support service

Доставка еды. Привезли продукты Я заказывала в списке воду Воду не привезли

My money was taken without authorization.. I have experienced unauthorized charges for an undelivered order, and unfortunately, the customer support has been unresponsive.

Мошенники. МОШЕННИКИ И ВОРЫ! Не привозят заказы, задерживают заказ на 2 часа, а когда отказываешься после такого опоздания ждать и отменяешь заказ, еще и деньги списывают. Поддержка не отвечает

Love this app. An app always worked as expected to me. Thanks to the team

Плохо. 1. Поддержка отвечает очень долго! 2.Постоянные проблемы то еду недовозят то почему-то деньги списывают!

Не доставлен заказ и Болт отказался возвращать деньги.. Сделал заказ на пиццу. Курьер приехал и не смог найти подъезд, ездил вокруг да около и не смог найти, я отменил заказ и написал в Болт о своей проблеме с заказом. Болт сказал что я не имею право на возврат денег…. В итоге еды нет и денег нет. Лучше Walt пользуйтесь

Курьер потерялся с заказом. Не доставили заказ

Delivery service bad. Customer support terrible.. Don’t use this app. Use Glovo, Wolt or Uber, anything but not this app. They usually late with delivery and every 3rd order is missing item or wrong items. Support rude and non professional. They don’t make refunds for missed items.

The app supports racism!. The app supports racism! I didn't bring the order, just because I'm White and I have another phone number!!!! It's wrong, you need to respect people regardless of the color of the skin and nation!!!

Support does not help, the courier did not deliver the order. The support was deceived that the courier could not find my house, although they sent a photo, the courier just left and did not deliver my order, which waited 2 hours, the support did not help, choose other delivery services, I do not recommend Bolt Food

Деньги списали, заказ отдали прохожему!!!. Закал еду из ресторана Пиросмани. Заказ был с доставкой в квартиру, с указанием этажа и номера квартиры и точным номером дома. В итоге заказ был отдан прохожему на улице. Продержка молчит. Обидно, 60лари коту под хвост.

Регистрация и доступ в аккаунт. В приложении можно попасть, только с помощью мобильного номера, добавьте функцию доступа с помощью электронной почты, на случай потери доступа к мобильному номеру телефона или просто при необходимости сменить номер внутри приложения, не меняя при этом аккаунт.

Плохой сервис, плохое приложение. Ошибся в заказе, в поддержке отказались помочь, приложение не продумано.

Terrible service!. Never using this app again. Customer service is unacceptable. They clearly do not care about their clients. I made an order from Wok in a Box and they delivered the food in disgusting DIRTY boxes. First time I see such thing in my life. I doubt they even use gloves to prepare this. Anti sanitary. So of course I contact Bolt food support. After a 35 minute conversation no solution. Such a waste of time and money. They informed me that they called the restaurant and they said that it’s okay, boxes can get dirty in the process of preparing them. Dirty boxes in which the food is inside is normal for Wok in a box and for Bolt as well, as they said that this is all they can do. I quote the customer service representative Maria saying “There is nothing wrong with your order”. I asked for a refund, they refused. I asked to speak to a supervisor and I have not heard back still. If this is the customer service you aspire to provide Bolt, then count me out. Deleting the app immediately.

Ужасный сервис. Самый ужасный сервис. Курьеры звонят по 100 раз не могут найти твою квартиру. Мне привезли пол заказа, того что я не заказывал. Вместо сендвичей привезли салаты, которые стоят в 2,5 раза дешевле. Написал в поддержку, реакции просто ноль. Прошли сутки, ответа нет, пишу данный отзыв. Удачи вам строить говносервис.

Payment method. Can’t add a card to pay

No couriers. Будьте готовы ждать поиск курьера на ваш заказ минут 40. Нет кнопки «Отмена заказа». Просто сидишь и ждешь.

Стресс. Не получаеться за регестрироваться. Номер не принимает. Разрабочики сделайте что ни буть! Есть хочется. Разрабочики сделайте что! Напишите вашу почту?

Good. Its ok but can you please add a button to make tips for delivery guys. Like you have in bolt taxi. It would be very nice. Thanks

No money and no food. The only food delivery service where couriers will steal your order and the operators will entirely ignore your complaint. Want to lose money and stay hungry? Bolt Food is your choice. That was my second time ever using Bolt Food, before that I used Wolt and Glovo for years, will be using them only from now on.

Worst delivery service. Non-client friedly. Bolt's support is useless. If restaurant delays your order for one or two hours, they will not support you. They will do nothing, because "restaurant already started cooking". They will send one standard message without any readiness to help.

Sushi order. Just be ware. When ordering the food, please pay very close attention to the delivery address indicated on it. In Baku (capital of Azerbaijan) there are 2 places with the identical street address. When I have ordered sushi I have indicated one of these address which was different from my place where I leave. As a result sushi was not delivered to me and money was not returned.

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Болт. okropne podejście do kurierów. Nie ma usługi wsparcia! Długo to załatwiają, odbierają, o ile oczywiście sytuacja nie wiąże się z blokadą, wtedy szybko rozwiązują sprawę, blokując konto.

Worst support. Worst support what I see. 2h no reply

Marcin ty tam nie pracujesz. Obsługa klienta nie kompetentna, miałem doświadczenie w komunikacji z Marcinem, strasznie, w pewnym momencie myślałem, że rozmawiam z robotem (((nie polecam dostawy

-. Czekałem 2 godziny burgera,a deb…l z supporta anulował go…. (Kurier już jechał odebrać zamówienie) ja pi….e

Bad quality of service. Some food from Bolt Marker was bad, especially tomatoes with mold. But bolt did not respond to this and did not return the money and did not ask how they could help

Worst service and negative experience.. Order was prepared by restaurant and marked as ready for pickup in application. But it took almost 2 hours to find a courier and deliver it. You, probably, shouldn’t accept huge amount of orders if you don’t have enough people to handle them!

Stole money. Order was cancelled by restaurant, but money not returned

Не возвращают деньги за непривезенный заказ. Не привезли заказ, служба поддержки не открывается, пишет «сбой подключения» 👍. Буду пользоваться Глово.

The time cannot be changed. I was not able to figure out how to set time of the delivery. They deny to change it right after the order.

Incomplete order. Ordered food and did not bring part of the order, support ignores me for a 2 days

Unreliable Service and Unresolved Issues with Food Delivery. I had a highly unsatisfactory experience with Bolt Food. Here's what happened: I placed an order for breakfast from a restaurant. The restaurant had my order ready within 10 minutes, I waited an additional 40 minutes for a courier to pick up the order, but pickup never happened. I attempted to contact the assigned courier, but he did not answer my calls. Upon contacting customer support, they assured me they were assigning a new courier and doing their best to finish my delivery. Yet, after another 25 minutes, the status of my order changed to "delivered". However, I never received it. When I contacted the new courier, I was informed that my order was picked up by someone else 15 minutes prior. As a result, I wasted 1.5 hours and never received my breakfast. The final straw was the support team's approach to "resolving" this issue. I received a refund, yes, but only as a credit to my Bold Food account, not back to my payment card. And I didn't get even any promocode. They considered that returning money for undelivered order is a "compensation." I cannot recommend Bolt Food due to this experience.

Bad. I added a debit card but can’t pay my order with it

Very bad!. The money was debited, but the courier did not deliver my order! I do not recommend it!

Worst experience, the company behaves like scammers. Made an order today, where courier took extra 15 minutes to pick it up. Then he was trying to find the house for another 15 minutes. After I contacted support they said that courier was unsuccessfully trying to deliver. In the end there was no food and they charged me for courier’s dinner. I hope he enjoyed it.

Never returned money. I ordered dominos pizza in Georgia using this app. Never got my pizza and my money’s gone. Supports not answering. Idk what to do. Huge disappointment.

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Essential function removed. Previously saved delivery address details such as entrance, floor, notes etc. now show up blank. It is pain in the neck to fill them in each and every time. In addition, addresses from Bolt taxi app infiltrate without my permission into the list of suggested addresses. Glovo gave much more thought to their app - please improve

Non-existent support. I made an order, but there were no available couriers and I waited 40 min only for app to find a courier. I saw on a map that this place that I’ve ordered from is just a couple of buildings down the street, and it’s usually available for self-take out. I texted to support If I can just go to the café myself and take my order, as it’s sure quicker than to wait for a courier. I got the answer from the support on a next morning. Order was fulfilled (but still an hour later than expected), but what is the point of support if you can’t respond on a problem with the order while it’s still in work and you can actually do something with it, and not on next morning?

Worst delivery app compared to competitors. Made an order, than suddenly cellular dropped for a while, and when I rushed to the exit to meet the courier, he’s gone. Courier could leave the meal on the security, as competitors courier does in this situation. I had almost ~30 orders using this app, but after this situation I would delete this app, and switch to competitors. Courier and also Support as usually ignoring.

The worst delivery. I’ve made an order late morning, the restaurant accepted, prepared and collected the order in less then 10min and Bolt was searching a courier for more then an 1,5 and than just canceled the order. The support is horrible, service is horrible. I had to reach out to the restaurant to solve the issue and finally get the cancelation that I have asked after 30 min of no courier assigned status.

Lost 30 $ and never see my food. I am using this service long time on different devices and in different countries. Tonight I was really upset and frustrated that my delivery didn’t come, and courier just closed as ”delivered” from his side. I tried to contact him , I was waiting and finally contact support, they replied that my food was deliver according to courier, and after that I am ignored. My money spent for nothing, I was hungry and I didn’t get proper assistance.

Support issues. My order was damaged and looked like trash. I believe that something happens during delivery. I connected with support described current problem and attached picture of delivered food. After couple of minutes I was informed that it’s not possible to have refund in current situation. I asked about other options and was ignored. I’m still ignored for 3 days already.

Worst support ever.. My food arrived in terrible quality and with hair inside. I took a picture and sent a request to the support, in response I received "it's just a fold on the bun" it's just horrible, such a garbage support I have not seen for a long time, they do not care about their customers. I will use other services from now on, because bolt keeps their customers for idiots.

Bad service. Why do you accept orders and can’t deliver it? I am writing to your supporting and didn’t get normal answer or at least canceling my order cause i am waiting for about an hour for picking up the courier! It’s not responsible at all. So 1 star for you. Thank you for stole my money

The support is indifferent. I got my delivery in very bad condition. Drinks were spilled, paper bag was torn and fully crumpled. All the separate dishes packages were crumbled and looked they way someone had been stepped on them. I turned to the support for help but was totally refused in compensation after providing the photos and all explanations from my end. Instead of explaining why I can’t get the compensation- I received a message with a link to a terms and conditions. Great customer support move! I turned to official IG account (@boltfood_ua) to find some help and at least reopen the case (because in the current support dialog I was ignored) Now I am here with a review. Maybe someone reading those reviews and can simply react without being indifferent. The number of my order is #2KQXE. Kyiv. Ukraine.

Awful service in Riga. When I got my order delivered, it lacked one item, and the courier told that the team from the store called him to tell that they forgot this one item, so they knew it from the start. After that I had to address the support of bolt food for 2 days and wait for their responses just to prove them this situation and get money back for that item. And now I don’t want to use this app and the refund they’ve given me in order to not find myself in the same situation.

Nice service as of 2022. I haven’t faced any issues with the app or the service itself lately. Thanks Bolt for finally implementing the tips feature in the app! That one was really needed

It needs some improvements. I like this app, but there are some problems. Firstly, I want to tip the courier after the delivery, not only before. I don’t usually have cash. At the same time, I don’t want to tip before the delivery because I don’t know how fast and good the service will be. Secondly, it would be great to add a “Food preparation time” for the restaurant evaluation points. Sometimes food is great, but the process of cooking is too long and much more than was shown in the app. I also want to write and read reviews about the food and tasty/ tasteless position in the menu.

Took my money, no order and no refund!!!!!!. I would rate it as -1 star! It’s the worst experience that I have ever had. I placed an order with a 30 minutes delivery. The courier took my order and decided not to deliver it to me. I was waiting for one hour and a half and the courier canceled my order. I placed another order and was waiting for 2 hours. Another courier took my order and marked it as a delivered order. The courier didn’t even leave the restaurant. So, my money was taken, I never got my order and I never got my refund. I am trying to get my refund for the second week! The first agent in customer support wrote that my refund was done successfully but the second agent wrote that my refund was not done. They offered me my refund again after a week passed! I will never order again!!!!!!!

Do not use this app. Bolt to no help your issues they just want your service fee my courier didn’t come to me and no contact and left food on the street and someone took my food and bolt customer service do not refund my money back they do nothing stupid this app use glove much better

Service that makes yr brain explode!. Ordered a delivery from restaurant in 2 km. Waited for 3 hours. Asking them where is my order and they just play games with me and cancelled order after 3 hours of waiting for delivery! And thats not the restaurant (they made a meal) its just the terrible bolt food service! Will never recommend to anyone!!!

Monopolies bold food thinks his customers are idiots. I had an issue with support. They were ignoring me and my questions and behave rude and unprofessional. I ordered food at 9pm of 11 of September and was waiting for the food for 2 hours and the order was not delivered but Bolt notified me that the order was delivered to me successfully. I contacted support but nobody answered me until the next morning. The next morning, support asked me for a refund but had been ignoring all of my questions for 2 days. At the end support decided to choose a refund method by themselves and to continue to ignore me. No funds were returned to my card at all.

Horrible service and problem solving!. For over 2 hours there was no service available. And then my account was suspended for suspicious activity for absolutely no reason (and nothing was done with that). I asked to refund my bolt balance (also no result). Don’t get this app you are just money to the them, they don’t care about you. #PartyRuined

great delivery. very fast and good delivery! I recommend! much better than Glovo and other companies!

Useless support and lack of adequate drivers. My order should have been delivered in 1 hour (that’s literally ice cream without any cooking time). In 5 hours after my order, I’ve got nothing. My courier hasn’t been moving for ~3 hours. Support was ignoring me for these 5 hours. In the end, they just cancelled my order and provided a refund. No bonus, no explanation, no apologies - nothing. That happened with me in THIRD TIME for the last couple of months.

Support team not responding to issues. Yesterday I ordered a set of sushi. The courier delivered the order. but the order was not what ordered. Within 5 minutes I wrote to the support service, they answered that they would contact me and so far no one has written or called. I would like to resolve this issue.

Application update. It would be much better if clients were able to mark the favorite restaurants

Food delivery. I had a lot of positive impressions from this app and overall service. But the worst thing is when you really have no time to make some food and waiting for Bolt delivery and they just can’t find a man to deliver your order. Even if it’s not far from you. And you have no compensation of your time and spoiled mood. That’s not good guys.

.. Hello. Delivery is always late, because you can’t find a courier for a long time and the food comes cold, the support service does not answer! I pay more than other delivery services to get my food on time! Moreover, recently there is an extra charge for a "small order". What the heck? Why is there no refund for delivery if it is very late?

Disappointed. The policy is not customer friendly at all. You can’t cancel the order which was preorded even though it was not started being prepared by the restaurant. The support is just for check, doesn’t solve anything at all, sends the same irrelevant responds, not possible to talk to real managers.

Bad service. If you have a problem, they will not solve it, their support is awful and I didn’t get refund, they can change the time of delivery, and than they be like “oh, sorry, your order was utilized, cause you didn’t answer your phone”, so they change the time of delivery, than courier called once, and they don’t answer me in support. Nothing personal, just business and nothing more.

Worst support. I’ve made an order, waited for 4 hours, called the restaurant they were saying that they 10 minutes to deliver it every time I called them. After 4 hours I got an message that order is delivered. But it isn’t. Bolt support isn’t responding for 2 hours. Can’t get my money back. Worst delivery application I’ve ever used.

The best delivery in Ukraine. It’s includes a large selection of restaurants. In 9/10 cases customer me get my order in time, and even there was some issue with order the support explained every thing and left some bonuses as reimbursement. Also they provide a weekly discounts for delivery/food. If compare with Glovo or ect delivery companies where, really, when you order sth, you got nothing or in hour late in 6/10 cases and customer support is untolerant . I think that Bolt is much more better. Also it’s my first comment in AppStore at all and I left it cause I don’t know why for what reason other customers(maybe it’s just a fake comments) left such a comments.

Trash. If you want your food to be cold order here,95 procent of orders cold,because bolt bags is not holding normal temperature,couriers always taking couple of orders at same time so your food will stay on this bags like 20-30 minutes,also couriers always late to pick up the order it can stay done in restaurant for 15-20 minutes,support is useless time of respond 30-40 minutes for them,so if your country provide wolt take there,you will save your mood,time,money,because its impossible at bolt to receive at least warm order(

Bad support. My order was made right before the air alert started. When the alert started, the restaurant was unable to prepare and give the order to the courier. I tried to contact support to cancel the order, but support ignored my request. After the alert ended, when my order was no longer relevant to me, support informed me that they could not refund me my money, offering only a 50 UAH compensation to my bolt account, which is not even 10% of the amount I spent on the order.

Best delivery but the worst support ever. Hey there, foodies! I gotta say, Bolt Foods is legit one of the best food delivery services out there. Their delivery is like Usain Bolt on steroids - fast and furious! But, here's the catch - their support team is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. I'm pretty sure they're just bots programmed to ignore support requests. It's like talking to a brick wall, only less entertaining. But hey, I'm willing to put up with their lackluster support because the food is just that good. So, if you're looking for a tasty meal delivered in a flash, Bolt Foods is the way to go. Just don't expect any help from their support team - they're too busy taking a nap!

Horrible service and problem solving. Bolt food is the worst delivery company in the world. I have a problem with this app for 2 months already. Whenever I want to place an order it keeps saying ‘processing order’ and that’s how it ends. As I tried to solve this problem with support service they told me different things every time. Firstly they told me I have a problem with my bank card, even though I don’t, and even after I tried paying with 3 or 4 different cards it still didn’t work. Then geniuses who work in bolt food support offered me to reinstall the app, but of course as it always happens with this app, after I told them it doesn’t work they just start ignoring me. Every time I told them that what they say doesn’t solve my problem, I’m getting ignored. + I had to wait for them to respond to my help request for around an hour every time

Scam service. We ordered the food with the address we usually get our deliveries to. Then, the system for some reason decided we are located at another address. The Bolt customer services decided it’s us who made the incorrect address input, and did not return the money back, nor delivered our order. Amazing service :) - money, - time, - desire to use the service ever again NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE!!!

Not completed order, slow support. Delivered only half of the order, the support responded very slow, only 2 days later I got the compensation.

Unprofessional and irresponsible service. Recently, I ordered the delivery. The carrier was late. I approached customer support to report on that. They responded, they would monitor the situation and if the order was late they would provide me either a refund. The delivery time was changed for 5 times and eventually the delivery was late for more than 20 min and I got cold meal. Obviously, I reported on that, and customer service claimed that it’s ok. When I rejected this nonsense and demanded further communication, they just sent me a message saying that that was not the case under their responsibility so they would report to the restaurant, HOWEVER the latter prepared everything on time! I tried to get a response from your customer support for almost 2 days but they even didn’t read my message! It’s awful attitude to your customer and an irresponsible behavior! I deleted the app, and not going to use your service anymore!

Awful service. Interesting business model… when customer should pay for company mistakes.

Bolt support in the app is terrible. I did not receive my order. Restaurant says the order was picked up and courier says they has no order. So order just disappeared! So what do I expect? I expect I go to the support tab and get some help there. However, there is no response for more that hour! So there is no food, no money, no response. The most terrible experience that I could have - delivery service cannot provide online support during my order is in progress, so cannot provide service at all

It’s terrible!. It’s been already 3 times I made the same decision by ordering something from Bolt food. I will never recommend this service to anyone and never again using this app. Every time the delivery time changes from 30-40 minutes for more than an hour. Terrible.

Unexpected errors and charges within orders. The app always fails trying to load different views. When I finally managed to make an order I found out that there is an additional unexpected charge is applied. I contacted the support and they answered that it was applied due to certain debt on another Bolt service and app, which is not Bolt Food and that I should contact support of that another app…

Disgusting. Worst delivery in the world. Almost every delivery is delayed. Twice in a row I wait for hours for delivery, and in the end, an hour later, the courier simply does not deliver your order. As a result, the mood is spoiled, there is no food. They still don’t return the money and don’t apologize in any way, they throw the balance on their bolt to feel the suffering once again. I don't recommend it to anyone

Broken. Every time I open the app, it prompts me to login. this is really annoying - you have to enter the address every time, etc.

Support does nothing. Getting a reply from support is almost impossible, they’ll just ignore you or reply you back in several hours. Couriers can be just ignoring your calls and texts and everything, so getting your food from bolt is really a miracle. From my personal experience, Glovo is much better in all ways, so my advice is to save your time and use another app instead of this

Poor support. Poor support, lack of communication, orders that should be delivered in 1 hour are getting canceled without any warning. When you try to report this to customer support they send saved reply and close the chat manually. Awful service, wouldn’t recommend to anyone

Lacks basic function. Courier can’t deliver or cancel. Support not answering after two hours of trying to reach them by courier and me. How come the courier can’t cancel the order he did not yet took out from the restaurant in case of an emergency. I’m hungry and angry

superhero courier. If you want your dinner to arrive spoiled due to improper transportation and cold because the courier mixed up the doors and left it with the neighbors (apartment numbers are written clearly and large), then feel free to order in this application! Lately there have been problems with couriers: sometimes they are late, sometimes the location doesn’t work, or they even completely spoil your order along the way. With a free soul, I am deleting this application and will no longer be a user :)

Improved. Imo improved greatly since launch, especially in customer support department First time I had to contact it took 2 hours to get a response. The most recent one was quick in both response and solving the problem Other than that the best thing about it is discount offers other apps don’t have. Have been using it more than other food delivery lately

Tips. I don’t use cash, so every time I got my order - I don’t have tips for couriers :( Add this feature inside the App after finishing the delivery

The word food delivery ever. I’m writing the review before deleting this app. It works awfully in Kyiv, Ukraine. 2h were needed to find a courrier and didn’t find, the technical support wasn’t replying my messages. Good that in the end I got my money back… No phone number to call (and I inderstand why - you have too much angry clients).

Disappointing moderation and home screen. I’ve been using this app for years, spending hundreds of $$ every month. The app has consistently gotten worse. Complete lack of moderation (I keep seeing the same menus and foods, with the same photos in “different” restaurants and prices). I informed the support about countless duplicates and this is still the case. Not only that, the app homepage is designed so you see the same places a few times (under “save on delivery,” under “promotional offers,” “our favorites,” “order again,” and “get it fast”). So you see the same places, plus the “different” places with the same menu, and you spend more and more time figuring out what to order scrolling through the same food like an idiot, because of a complete lack of moderation and poorly designed homepage. Found myself using competitor apps more often because you actually choose the food, rather than try and find 10 differences between each place.

Worst delivery ever. Awful support, I’ve got a burger with rare meat and pieces of rare potatoes, sent photos of my order to them. Support ignored my request for a refund for an inedible order. If you’re going to place an order through this application, please note that they aren’t responsible for delivery, food quality, for their actions and actions of the establishments they represent. Support operator answers with ctrl+c ctrl+v and not even tryin’ to make your experience better, they don’t care about their customers. So in a bad case you’ll spend your money to stay hungry and to feel yourself a fool.

Incorrect location. Drivers usually arrive far away from my place. Point in theirs application is far away, but my endpoint is still my home. I’ve tried to change point manually, but it didn’t help. I’ve tried to chat with support but they just advice to speak with driver directly. Why do I have to call delivery each time? Fix it please!

👉 Продвижение сайта стало проще

EasyHits4U продвигает вашу рекламу среди наших участников. С 2003 года мы предоставили нашим участникам миллиарды просмотров рекламы и посещений сайта. EasyHits4U — бесплатная и простая в использовании программа — одна из самых известных программ интернет-маркетинга в Интернете! Hemen üye ol!

Отвратительно. Не доставляют по моему адресу. Живу в пределах Харькова

Block. After a month of using the app, they blocked my card and account. To solve the problem, they want a photo with my face and passport... maybe i can also get a loan for you and kiss you in the ass ?!

Expensive and not that qualitative. When free delivery period ended (which is not free actually, but okay) delivery became extremely expensive (maximum 7€, average ~4€). Couriers are nice but bad at English.

Scam. -270 czk and no have any order, support is not supportive, service is awful

Does not work with 3D secure. Very often credit cards don’t work, web confirmation window closes itself and the order process hangs

very slow support response. Very slow support respons

Отказ от использования продукта. Вы зашоренные тупоголовые нацисты

Food not delivered, rude courier and missing chats. All of the above and the service does nothing about it… very poor experience. Make sure that the support sees all iterations with the customer

incredibly cheap delivery and excellent choice of meals. + got my order in 20 mins 😍

НЕ ПОЛЬЗУЙТЕСЬ ЭТИМ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕМ. В поддержке написали, что произвели возврат, списанных из-за ошибки приложения, 80$, а в банке сказали, что никаких возвратов не было. Деньги так и не вернули. Обманщики.

Самая худшая доставка из всех что я видел. советую ей не пользоваться если хотите качественную доставку В новогоднюю ночь курьер просто пропал вместе с моим заказом и мне даже не дали никакую компенсацию

Where are the animations. Please return back beautiful animations for order status

nice. nice app, responsive... but so sad that in latvia there are no business lunches at all. from other aspects - nice app!

Ласна. Сделайте первый заказ, бесплатная доставка. Когда Ласнамяэ появится? Самый большой район столицы

Kurýr nepřijel. Kurýr nepřijel. Dokončil objednávku, řekl, že bude brzy, ale už není hodinu


Опыт в Таллине. Отвратительный сервис . При выборе ресторанов рекламируют 25-30 минут доставку . Через 1:20 перезвонили из поддержки и извинялись за задержку . Я отказался от заказа но деньги сняли . Первый раз воспользовался этим сервисом и похоже последний . Удалю все приложения bolt и в игнор эту Котору .

Обратная связь?. Сегодня мне привезли неполный заказ из КФС, я жду ответа от Вашей компании уже несколько часов в чате в приложении. Это полное неуважение к клиенту! Нет телефона для связи, никакой поддержки клиента!

Супер!!!. Спасибо за сервис! Отличная бесконтактная доставка и очень удобное, симпатичное, быстрое приложение🧡

Проблемы с определением адреса доставки. Ошибается с выбором адреса по GPS. Нет возможности указать адрес вручную.

Отвратительная поддержка. Привезли испорченый заказ, все залито супом. Звонят мне и выясняют, чего же я из этого буду есть. Салат же бл хороший, только супом залит весь. В итоге решили не возвращать полную стоимость.

Супер. Молодцы болтфуд

Нельзя привязать карту. Не даёт привязать карту в приложении

Decent app, sub par customer support. Nice selection of delivery promo’s. Decent app. Customer support agents have no idea of what a good customer service is.

Подглядите у конкурентов. Почему заранее, изначально не писать о том, что нет свободных курьеров, а не после того как я все выбрал, ввёл данные карты и квартиры??)

Nedoručená objednávka, strhli peníze z účtu. Několikrát jsem psala stížnost na to, že kurýr nedoručil objednávku! A nulová reakce na to. Peníze z mého účtu určitě strhli, i když jsem nedostala nic… navíc k tomu už jsem několikrát setkala s tím, že když jsem byla v izolaci, kurýr nikdy nechtěl doručit objednávku do bytu. Ostuda. Kdyby vám záleželo na své reputaci, aspoň byste nějak reagovali na moje zprávy, které jsem psala už asi 10krát.

кутакбас. Хотите понервничать вечером а через 2 часа получить свою остывшую еду? 😊 Советую смело заказывать. Отвратительный сервис, один курьер на весь город. Заказ давно приготовили, а курьер в конце города, с каждым обновлением приложения время ожидания возрастает

Useless. Can you add an order again function? All fine good app had it. Why I need pick 20 ingredients again and again?

disgusting. support in the application does not work, no one answers the phone. The courier cannot help.

no more cool animations(. where are cool animations for order status?

Guuuys. Favorite restaurant and dish search is a must for a food delivery app. Even though you guys offering great discounts I’m still choosing to pay more using different apps for the good user experience. It’s not that difficult, cmon.

Awesome. Really good app, simple and useful. 5 star

cool but..,. The app and service is quite good, and useful, i like it, but i have suggestion to add search a meal not a restaurant, for example i want to find all beef food everywhere, would be awesome to have such feature!

Регистрация. Нельзя зарегистрироваться. Не вводится код номер страны Украина.

Добавить ApplePay. Добавьте ApplePay в способы оплаты - будет вообще супер.

Scammers !. You can’t pay by Apple Pay in this app. Just use wolt (they do nat pay me for this, I recommend it only because it is comfortable) And they want you to link card in this app, but you CANT TO DELETE IT ! Support said that they can’t do it. It is the worst app !

Sht. Can’t add a card to pay, dumb app , which bags does they fixed nobody knows

👌. Очень крутое приложение. Привезли все быстро!

3dsecure не работает. В итоге сделать заказ невозможно

Best in Prague. Hi. You are really the best in Prague. But, I don’t know why, when I start a conversation in app about some problems in restaurant, I can’t read the answer. Just can’t download the dialogue. Can you fix it, please?

Ужас. Ужас

Рекомендую. Наконец-то появилась альтернативная служба доставки еды в Вильнюсе. Быстро и качественно. Спасибо!

Poor functionality. As minimum you need to add: 1) Full search by dishes (in all restaurants) 2) as a customer I want to add restaurant in favorites 3) I don’t have any options to change my work and home address 4) add more restaurants and cafes

Пожалуйста, подождите! Bolt Food Загрузка комментариев uygulama...

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Что вы думаете об Bolt Food? Можете ли вы поделиться своими жалобами, опытом или мыслями о приложении с BOLT TECHNOLOGY OU и другими людьми?

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Bolt Food Uygulaması Снимок экрана и изображения

Bolt Food айфон, айпад, яблочные часы и яблоко тв скриншоты, картинки.

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Цена Бесплатно
Возрастное ограничение 4+ лет и старше
Последняя версия 1.64.0
Магазин игр ee.bolt.deliveryclient
Совместимость IOS 13.4 и выше

Bolt Food (версия 1.64.0) Загрузите и установите приложение

Приложения Bolt Food были опубликованы в категории Еда и напитки понедельник, 19 августа 2019 г. и разработаны BOLT TECHNOLOGY OU [ID разработчика: 675033633]. Размер этого приложения составляет 81.01 МБ. Это приложение создано пользователем 633 Он был оценен и получил 4.3 из 5. Bolt Food - игры, опубликованные вторник, 16 апреля 2024 г., текущая версия 1.64.0 и хорошо работает на IOS 13.4 и более высоких версиях. Идентификационный номер магазина Гугл игры: ee.bolt.deliveryclient. Языки, поддерживаемые приложением:

AZ HR CS DA EN ET KA EL HU LV LT PL PT RO RU SK SV UK Скачайте и установите приложение!
Другие приложения от разработчика BOLT TECHNOLOGY OU
Имя приложения Счет Комментарии Цена
Bolt Restaurant App 1 Без комментариев Бесплатно
Bolt Driver 4.4 1,574 Бесплатно
Bolt: Закажи поездку 4.7 48,628 Бесплатно
Bolt Courier 2.8 13 Бесплатно
Служба поддержки клиентов приложения Bolt Food, примечания редактора:

Исправление ошибок и прочие улучшения

Список лучших бесплатных Еда и напитки Uygulamaları приложений

Проверяете ли вы результаты своей SEO-работы? Или вы просто смотрите на рейтинг ваших ключевых слов в Google? Если вы не можете правильно прочитать данные из вашей работы SEO, вы теряете много!

Список лучших бесплатных Еда и напитки Uygulamaları приложений
Имя приложения Pазработчик
Поваренок - рецепты c фото Ruslan Balkarov
Специи! - приправы и пряности для всех рецептов блюд Ancle Apps LTD
Рецепты Ivi Andrey Lyubichenko
Oh She Glows Glo Bakery Corporation
YogicFoods Gary Saggu

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Список лучших бесплатных приложений

Jasper — это генерирующая платформа искусственного интеллекта для бизнеса, которая помогает вашей команде создавать контент, адаптированный для вашего бренда, в 10 раз быстрее, где бы вы ни работали в Интернете.

Список лучших платных приложений
Имя приложения Pазработчик
Real Clean Driver Dreamguy's Technologies
Big Chic King Big Chic LLC
Archasmart Beatriz Loureiro
AI - Plant Identifier Amit Lakhani

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Adsterra — наиболее предпочтительная рекламная сеть для тех, кто ищет альтернативу AdSense. Adsterra — идеальный выбор для новых сайтов с низкой дневной посещаемостью. Для размещения рекламы на сайте в Adsterra, как и в других рекламных сетях, требуется определенный лимит трафика, возраст домена и т.д. Строгих правил нет.