Uber Eats: Доставка еды


Uber Eats: Доставка еды Обзор приложения

Что такое приложение uber eats: Доставка еды? Вкусная еда. Быстрая доставка.

Проголодались? Закажите доставку любимых блюд из ближайших ресторанов на Uber-скорости.

Еда на любой вкус в удобное время. Найдите блюда по душе одним нажатием кнопки.

Выберите из списка местных ресторанов и точек фаст-фуд или просто укажите в поиске конкретный ресторан, блюдо или тип кухни. Пицца, буррито, бургеры, суши — в Uber Eats можно заказать все, что пожелаете.

При оформлении заказа отображаются адрес и ориентировочное время доставки, а также общая сумма, включая налог и сбор за бронирование. Оплатить заказ можно со счета, зарегистрированного в аккаунте Uber, или с помощью кредитной карты. Отслеживайте заказ от ресторана до своей двери в режиме реального времени.

Сервис Uber Eats на сегодня доступен во многих городах и мегаполисах, в том числе: Аделаида, Амстердам, Атланта, Балтимор, Брюссель, Варшава, Вашингтон (округ Колумбия), Вена, Глазго, Гонконг, Даллас, Денвер, Йоханнесбург, Кейптаун, Лондон, Лос-Анджелес, Мадрид, Майами, Мельбурн, Мехико, Милан, Новый Орлеан, Нью-Дели, Нью-Йорк, Нэшвилл, Окленд, Остин, Оттава, Париж, Рио-де-Жанейро, Сан-Диего, Сан-Паулу, Сан-Франциско, Сидней, Сиэтл, Стокгольм, Тайбэй, Токио, Торонто, Филадельфия и Чикаго.

Через приложение Uber Eats можно заказать доставку еды в городах по всему миру: в Австралии, Бельгии, Бразилии, Канаде, Колумбии, Франции, Японии, Индии, Мексике, Новой Зеландии, Польше, России, Южной Африке, Испании, Тайване, ОАЭ, Великобритании и США.

Нас еще нет в вашем городе? Следите за новостями! Список городов присутствия можно посмотреть здесь: https://about.ubereats.com/cities/

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Имя приложения Uber Eats: Доставка еды
Категория Еда и напитки
Дата выпуска
Обновлять понедельник, 11 марта 2024 г.
Размер файла 375.52 МБ

Uber Eats: Доставка еды Комментарии на

💸 Хотите отправить деньги за границу бесплатно?

Мы переводим деньги более 4 миллиардов евро каждый месяц. Мы позволяем индивидуальным и корпоративным счетам сэкономить 4 миллиона евро на комиссиях за банковские переводы. Хотите бесплатно отправить деньги за границу или перевести деньги за границу бесплатно? Бесплатные международные денежные переводы!

Отвратительно!. Задержали на пару часов - жри что дали! Деньги никто не вернет...

Первый раз в жизни вижу такое.. Нет доставки по Москве. Это самое странное, что я видел. Самый большой и центральный клубок в России не охвачен данным приложением.

Не понравилось. Дурацкое приложение, вылетает так и не заказала ничего!

Абсолютно уныло. Заказы везут крайне долго, все успевает остыть до совершенно холодного состояния. Возврат денег за заказ случается чаще, чем его успешная доставка. Удалил.

Наихудшее приложение из всех возможных!!!!. Худшее приложение из всех возможных!!! Ничего не работает, ничего нельзя заказать, отобразил в Москве в СЗАО где куча ресторанов только 4 места, маразм. Даже из макдоналдса , который в 5 минутах ходьбы ничего нельзя заказать, самое бесполезное, нерабочее, бестолковое и худшее приложение из всех возможных!!

Халтура. Указывает, что круглосуточно работающий Макдональдс — работает с 11 утра. Доставить завтрак невозможно. Скотство.

Грабеж. еду не привезли, курьер сам отменил заказ, деньги списали и возвращать не хотят!! Когда звонил курьер, я брала трубку, но он меня не смог найти, отменил заказ сам!

Ужасно. Не рекомендую , время доставки может произвольно меняться , отменить заказ уже не возможно , так как деньги списывают сразу . Только если опоздание 90 минут , тогда автоматически отменяется заказ .

Единичка. Случайно сделал заказ на другой адрес, мне сказали что могут отменить, но деньги не вернут, хотя я сообщил об ошибке, сразу же.отличная работа ребята. В итоге курьеру повезло поел нахаляву.

💩. элементарно не могут найти курьера доставка по 3 часа

Останетесь голодными. 2 часа ждал , заказа так и не дождался

Проблемы. Прочёл отзывы и передумал, грусть.

Даже не стал пробовать. Пока скачивалось приложение почитал тут отзывы. Удалил, не открывая приложения.

Алло, люди. Uber не работает в рашке. UBER больше не работает в Рашке, Яндекс скупил и все закрыл!

Worst service ever. I made an order and the App showed different delivery address. I called the support but they didn’t care and didn’t help. The delivery guy also wasn’t helpful so it was the loss of money and time.

Просто ужасно. Доставка вместо обещанных 50 минут заняла 2.5 часа. И так дважды. Никакого контроля и помощи. Больше никогда не буду у них заказывать

Бесполезное приложение. Доставка, которая не может покрыть территорию Москвы внутри МКАД, не нужна

Не советую. Время доставки примерное а не точное. Задержки могут быть даже в Макдональдс где еда готовится на потоке. Лучше заказать диливери клаб и не мучатся!

Читайте отзывы! Отвратительно. Полнейшее неуважение клиентов. Сделал первый заказ. Слышал от знакомых, что сервис работает неплохо. Прождал час...тишина. Написал в чат в службу поддержки, спросил будет ли вообще доставка. Они нагло врали в течение получаса, что курьер уже почти на месте, а потом заказ просто отменился. Ещё и деньги возвращали с задержкой. Остались неприятные ощущения. Итог - через 2 часа пустых обещаний дошёл за 5 мин до ресторана, который только что закрылся. Пожалуйста, не обманывайте клиентов.

Ужасный, позорный сервис!!!!. Из 10 заказов только 1-2 привозят вовремя. Еду из Макдоналдс везут 1-1,5 часа, за это время еда успевает испортиться. В обслуживании работает хамло, по телефону связаться нельзя, только через чат, который глючит. Пользуйтесь другими сервисами!

Гамбургеры из Внуково. Сделала заказ в Макдональдс. Он находится на расстоянии 500 м от моей работы в центре Москвы. Ждала 2 часа! Программа показывала, что курьер из Внуково ехал. За это время можно было действительно съездить туда и обратно. Жаль, что не могут организовать нормально. Идея хорошая)

Кошмар!. Курьеры, которые не ориентируются в пространстве, просто отменяют заказы, говоря, что не смогли дозвониться, хотя с телефоном все хорошо и деньги за заказ не возвращают

Воруют данные карты!!. Сделала заказ, привезли быстро все ок! Но через несколько дней ночью приходят смс что пытаются списать деньги uber trip. Два раза! Это хорошо что баланс был практически нулевой..звонила в банк разбираться что за списания?? Банк заблокировал карту как мошеннические действия. Теперь придется тащится в банк менять карту и тд

Ужас. Заказали еду из Макдональдса, который находится в 1 км от дома. Писали примерное время доставки 25-30 мин. В итоге время доставки увеличилось до 1,5 часов. Заказ пришлось отменить. Деньги вернули сразу. Разочарована

Uber eats’ support what’s going on?!. I placed an order in the store, it was not delivered and was cancelled, the money was frozen. I wrote to support a few days later with the question: “Why did they write off money from me?” At first I was told that the courier could not contact, so it was my fault, but the order was canceled 5 minutes after it was created. I called the store where I placed the order, the director checked from the reports that the order was canceled and the courier did not pick it up. I reported this to Uber support, provided transaction data, they told me that everything was checked, and I was right. The money was simply frozen and would soon be returned, within a week, in the end only part of the frozen money was returned, but the amount for the order remained written off. I clarified this with the bank support, they reported that the amount was debited from the account and not frozen. I contacted Uber support, they told me that the matter has been transferred to a special department that will contact me, please wait and be patient. Almost two months passed, no one contacted me and the money was not returned. The dialogue was archived and I was unable to write in it again. I created a new dialogue with Uber support and wrote again about what happened and what was decided, but I came across 3 incompetent employees in a row who claimed that I wrote to them late and the money would not be returned. I informed everyone in turn that 10 days had not passed since the payment and the first request (this turns out to be the Uber eats rule, keep this in mind for the future), that during this time the dialogue had already taken place and I had not violated a single rule so that they would refuse me a refund money. I asked to be transferred to a support manager, but they simply stopped responding (the dialogue appears to be active). I created a new dialogue in the hope that an adequate person would communicate with me, but he also stopped responding after the information presented above. I’m still waiting, demanding justice and my $16 illegally taken from me. This attitude towards a regular customer is upsetting, I have already spent a lot of time trying and my attitude towards Uber eats is spoiled. Support manager write to me!

Бездарность приложения 10 из 10. Политика Убер, которую они привезли в Россию из Штатов, не совместима с менталитетом таксистов. Последние только и думают лишь бы получить деньги и не работать, и делают все для этого. Клиенты получают отвратительный сервис, хамство, задержки и опоздания, при этом Убер снимает деньги именно с клиентов. Я давно перестал пользоваться убер-такси. Столкнувшись с тем же идиотизмом в убер-eats, удалил и его. Желаю вам и дальше стоять на своём и упорно терять клиентов, закупая новую рекламу. Дай Бог здоровья!

И что заказывать?. На мой адрес конкретно могут привезти два варианта еды. И оба они в 12 вечера закрыты. Это просто смешно, напротив находится Мак, но доставки нет. Зачем приложение нужно, вообще не ясно. Никакой возможности пожаловаться или связаться нет.

Ужасный сервис!. Люди, не используйте данный сервис, т.к. вы имеете шанс прождать свой заказ два часа и не получить его! И, самое главное, вам не вернут деньги! Нигде и никогда такого не видел. Нет слов - одни эмоции

Отвратительно. Заказ из Макдака, в километре от клиента, доставляли/готовили почти час, но так и не доставили уповая на сильную загрузку, предлагаю помочь им и разгрузить их от непомерной нагрузки. И ещё средства на заказ заблокировали на карте, потом вернули, а потом снова заблокировали. Круто работаете, так держать!

Доставку не дождаться 1,5 часа с ближайшего макдака. Решили заказать с ближайшего Макдональдса 1км от нас . Оплата сразу. Время ожидания сначала было 40 мин, постепенно оно увеличилось до 1,5 часа, все это время инфо о заказе —ваш заказ готовится... Кнопки отмены заказа в приложении нет, надо было писать в онлайн чат, чтобы они произвели отмену. Оператор ответил, так как это первый раз отмена , деньги за отмену не спишут, но в след. раз будут считывать за отмену. Следующего раза, конечно больше не будет, стираю это приложение !

ОТВРАТИТЕЛЬНО. Прождал час свой первый же заказ через это приложение, после чего он был отменен по неизвестным причинам. Просто убогий сервис.

Часть заказа нет!!! Поддержка не отвечает!!!!. Части заказал просто нет, связаться ни с кем невозможно (с курьером предлагают, который ни немецкий ни английский не знает. Как с ним разговаривать? Очень долго искала форму запрятанные в приложении, на них конечно никто не отвечает. В попапах пишут что жаль что у вас есть проблемы с закалом мы ничего не можем сделать но учётом на будущее. И на будущее происходит тоже самое. Ужасно

Бездарно сделано. Хорошая идея, но бездарно реализованная, косячат практически на каждом заказе по времени. От суппорта никакой помощи кроме констатации факта не добиться..

Хлам. Что такси, что доставка!

great!. постоянно пользуюсь, доставляют быстро, и есть большой выбор ресторанов. особенно всеми любимый мак 🤓 в общем, все круто, спасибо!

Ужас. Это просто ужас, сделала заказ (спойлер - его не привезли), каждый раз «примерное время прибытия» повышалось, в итоге его не привезли. Ждала полтора часа! Думаю, ну ладно, бывает, дам последний шанс, заказала в другом ресторане (спойлер - его тоже не привезли), и ладно если бы я позвонила и сказала «привезите мне быстро», но заказ был запланирован! Удаляю, спасибо за два испорченных обеда

Не стоит пробовать. Такая же проблема, как и у всех. Деньги списали, заказ приняли, два часа без еды, отмена заказа, о возврате денег ни слова. Забавно то, что заказ был из Макдональдса, в котором еду готовят пять минут, а идти до него семь минут. Проблема в отсутствии курьеров и сервиса. Мак должен подумать, стоит ли ему работать с убер.

Долго. Из макдональдса было заявлено время доставки 35-40 мин. В итоге все вылилось в 2 часа. В заказе не хватало оплаченной картошки фри и пары соусов. Ни трубочке для коктейля , ни салфеток не было.

нет доставки. не доставляет ни на кузнецкий мост, ни в спальный район - вообще никуда.

Ужасно!!. Пошли в задницу! Дай им все данные своей Карты, деньги списывают и нет еды!!! Уроды какие то!

Обдираловка. Произвёл заказ час назад и до сих пор везут в подержку писал ответили что не возможно его отменить

Глупо. Скачал. На мой адрес нет доставки, но есть доставка на дом через дорогу ( 1 мин от дома до дома.) Удалил

Ужас!. Самое ужасное приложение по доставке! Аккаунт заблокировали на две недели и др сих пор никаких изменений!!!

Awesome. Love it, fast, clear, and easily found my address

Не работает. Ваше приложение не работает, постоянно просит подтверждение номера телефона, в первый раз приходит код, потом нет, кнопка изменить номер не работает, зайти изменить аккаунт тоже не получается, обратной связи нет, техподдержки нет, телефона нет, отстой

Голодные и злые. Отвратительный сервис. Первый раз заказ просто не доехал, ждали два часа, а потом оказалось, что в кафе какие-то проблемы! Второй раз - заявлено было 30 минут, по факту 1,5 часа.. от кафе до нас пешком идти 10 минут. В чате ответили: «курьеров не хватает». Ну, просто безобразие. Абсолютно неприемлемо. И ещё в FAQ написано: если не будете жаловаться, то будет скидка в следующий раз 25%, если не сильно опоздали, если сильно - 50%. И деньги сразу списывают, скоты. Не пользуйтесь данным сервисом!!!!

Доставка. Доставка не по всей территории Москвы

НЕ УСТАНАВЛИВАЙТЕ!. Если вы по какой-то причине установили это приложение, срочно удалите, рискуете остаться голодными, злыми и без денег. Пользуйтесь деливери, меня еще не разу не подводили.

Под оживает не все виды оплаты. Не поддерживает Apple Pay

Ужас. Как макдак согласился на этого поставщика !??? Приложение отменяетесь все заказы!

💰 Вселенная возможностей: Payoneer

Знаете ли вы, что вы можете заработать 25 долларов США на нашем сайте, просто зарегистрировавшись? Получите $25 бесплатно, присоединившись к Payoneer!

Food wasn’t delivered. I used your app for the first time and wanted to surprise my friend abroad with food as a birthday present. When the driver picked my order I saw on the map that his car was going in the wrong direction, I messaged the driver in the chat asking if he got the right address, to which he replied “Ok! I got it” (I have a screenshot). I checked to make make sure the same address was on the app (and yes, it was, have another screenshot). After some time the driver started calling, and said he delivered my order, which was delivered to absolutely different address. I asked if he could still somehow deliver it to my friend’s house, the driver asked for 10$ cash, but in some minutes called back and said that he wouldn’t deliver my order because my address was too far, and he was going to throw it in the garbage (probably just take it). I tried to ask him if there was still a way to somehow meet him somewhere to take the order, but the answer was no. So my order was just thrown in the garbage, even though the driver confirmed the information about the order’s address and the app also showed my address, but magically the order was delivered to a different place. In the end the driver asked me for a pin code and I was stupid enough to say it. Now I don’t even have the possibility to message support that my order wasn’t delivered. The surprise was ruined so as my say. DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS APP.

Does your order appear as delivered or canceled in the app?. the courier brought the order to an unknown place, did not contact me, and the money was debited

Клиентоориентированность равна минус 10000000. Почему у вас в приложении существует ресторан, который физически «закрыт навсегда»!? Три часа ожидания, ни еды, ни денег, ни нормального чата с поддержкой(тк телефон ресторана, естественно, оказался выключен). Т.е на протяжение 3х часов, поддержка не отвечает вообще, хотя я описываю проблему. А после трёх часов, приложение САМО ставит статус «доставлено»!!! Ещё вопрос, вернут ли мне деньги. Спасибо, поела. Даже одна звезда-это много за эту клиентоориентированность!!

Problem with a tip. Nice app But it’s impossible to leave a tip There is an error after confirmation of payment “Error, try again” Could you please fix it? Thanks a lot!

Couriers cancel the order when they want. When the courier goes to pick up an order, he can cancel it at any time until he has picked it up. In total, you can wait for your delivery for hours and watch how couriers change. One courier even went for half an hour on his own business and only then canceled without reaching the restaurant.

Problems with orders. Always have A LOT of problems with orders. 60% of them declines because of Uber Eats. And I should wait my money after that at least for a week!!!

😃. задолбали отменять заказы

As bad as you can imagine!. Worst application ever ! You can’t cancel your order ,while they trying to deliver you for 3 hours ,seriously service is so bad !!!

Awful service. I paid for the order, but never received it, support keeps silence for more than a day yet. Awful service!!!

Ужасный алгоритм поиска курьеров. Отвратительный поиск курьеров, очень странно работает алгоритм. Кафе находится в 10 минутах езды-курьер мало того, что едет на машине, так еще и отвозить сначала заказ в точку дальше от твоего дома, и спустя час стояния в пробках возвращается к тебе. Очень долгое ожидание курьеров впринципе, заказ готов, ждет в кафе-остывает, курьер едет 20 мин в кафе и еще 20 минут к тебе(при условии, что кафе находится рядом).

Когда про пользователей забыли. Хочется просто двоек наставить максимальное количество. Первый раз использую приложение и столько негатива, что просто не хочется его второй раз запускать. 1. Как можно списывать у пользователя деньги до того как идет проверка имеется ли данное блюдо в ресторане? У меня списались деньги, а потом мне говорят что данного блюда нет. Но ведь должно идти наоборот. Ведь потом нужно перевыбрать его, а стоимость уже не совпадает и если ты по ошибке выбираешь тоже блюдо, потому как приложение говорит мы подготовили для тебя то чем ты можешь заменить и при этом блюдо которого нет все еще находится в этом списке и ты по ошибке опять его выбираешь и тогда твой весь заказ фейлиться. Но деньги то уже списаны и возвращаться они могут до 10, а иногда и больше дней. А если у меня на карточке нет такой второй суммы и что тогда, я останусь голодный? 2. Почему бы сразу не писать налог на блюдо. Я выбираю блюдо расчитывать на какой то бюджет, а по итогу мне показывает, что сумма будет больше, потому как налог же еще. Но я не рассчитывал на такую сумму. А может и вовсе у меня ограничен бюджет на карте. И что теперь мне опять искать другое блюдо и как понять сколько оно будет стоить по итогу до того как я перейду в корзину? 3. Приложение периодически раздумывает после того как нажал оформить заказ и после этого фейлиться и ты должен заново проходить процесс поиска своего блюда. 4. Почему в ресторан когда приходишь, там всегда меню на нескольких языках, почему в приложении только единицы показывают меню на альтернативном языке. Как мне путешествуя по странам и не зная локального языка разобраться в меню - это все усложнение. 5. Как можно платить курьеру до того как он доставит? Вы часто платите официанту до того как он начнет вас обслуживать? Поражаюсь как большие компании экономят деньги на специалистах, которые создают положительный опыт для пользователей.

Horrible UX. For some reason I’m not able to change a building number, I always to write it in the comment. For several times I had a trouble with kicking me out from the cart and I wasn’t able to return to it. Also the app didn’t notify me that restaurants were closed that time so I had to place my order in several places for several times.

Awful support. Few deliveries everything was good, but the last one courier messed with address, and delivered to some another place. I couldn't call him. And system closed order automatically as delivered. Tried to contact support, but just got one of standard answers and then ignore. No food, refund on next day Just wasted an hour for nothing. Extremely don't recommend.

Отмена. Не понятное приложение. Невозможно отменить заказ!!!!

I will not use this service again. Several orders were fine, but the last one went totally wrong. First of all, the courier drove by our address three times, but couldn’t find it. I have called him several times, he was just saying he needs few more minutes and asking of how to find the street. Shouldn’t all delivery partners use maps or special applications with navigation? After all, he just stopped answering the phone as he was driving to the completely wrong direction. I could not cancel the order, so I call support team. He told that the order can’t be cancelled (as it prepares by the restaurant) and he will call delivery partner to give him drive instructions. In a minute he can back on line and said that he couldn’t reach driver so he will cancel the order. So a half an hour wasted time, frustration and no order to eat. Well, thanks to the support specialist at least I hadn’t paid for it. Well done, Uber eats (sarcasm).

Не рекомендую к использованию. Заказ пришёл спустя более чем 2 часа. Курьеры не компетентны. Блюдо приехало холодным и твёрдым как камень. Не качайте приложение, если хотите сберечь время и нервы

Horrible service. They took an order, shows me all is processing, courier is on the way and after 40min just cancel my order saying “sorry, technical issues”

Bushi Sushi Wola. Bardzo dobre I szybko

Horrible service, no order, no money back. I’ve got a notification that my order is delivered and money had been take from my card however I never got my order. I tried to call the courier but he never answered. I wrote to the support team but never got a response except standard automatic reply. Are you kidding me??? It all looks like a bad joke. GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK

Terrible app. Have no all photos in menus presented, no ingredients, descriptions or some sort of details at all. No allergens or spicy level.

Too bad. Trash UX: address selection - disaster food selection - disaster order creation - disaster I really do not understand how it is possible to make UX so bad. But you can continue posting these great articles about your app architecture.

Useless support. We made an order for pick up in this app. When it informed that the order is ready I went to the restaurant but found it closed. Support team did nothing with it. They didn’t give an apology that the application works wrong and shows incorrect information about closed restaurants. No money, no voucher, nothing!

Отменяют заказ. Написано изначально было 35 минут, ждала заказ по итогу 1,5 часа и в конце концов вообще отменили! Ужасное приложение!! И это не в первый раз!

Slow and bad perfomance application. Slow and bad perfomance application

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Very bad, ugly support. Never again. Order has arrived without red spicy sauce. It’s part of the dish (Pho), it’s not a Pho without the sauce. I have opened the support ticket about and got answer 3 days after “Sorry, we cannot guarantee you will receive a sauce”. In other app I’m sure I could have at least few dollars for the inconvenience, because I got this sauce in my order 3 times before this order. I had this sauce in that restaurant. And you’re telling me that it’s not a part of the dish, it’s “addon”. We have spent all spicy sauces we had at home to save that dish as we could. Uber eats — for me, never again.

Bad delivery option experience. I like what uber does but I really was disappointed of the app delivery option. When i first tried to checkout, my house was not in the list yet. There is no option to select delivery destination right on the map. I had to select some closest. Next time i selected exactly my address but surprisingly it was in the middle of the street so courier waited for me there. Also all couriers have land line phone set as a contact what most cellular operators doesn’t include into package minutes. So i had to top up my cellular account. Very inconvenient.

best delivery app. 1. Support is slow and does not answer questions. 2. after subscribing for a month, the application is charged for an annual subscription.

they don't return money. Couriers often take orders and go home, but I wait about an hour for a new one to be appointed and in general it takes a lot of time. But the worst thing is that the restaurant did not supply us with one item for which I paid, in the end Uber eats wrote that the return was sent and will be within 10 days, in the end almost a month has passed and there is still no return!!!, there is no way to write to support with such a non-standard question, there are only templates

Don’t like. 1) No order cancel option (just created order and realized I ordered it to wrong address. Wanted to cancel - but button disappeared immediately. I’ve contacted support to cancel my order, and Polina told me that I will be charged full cost of order ($20), as it is already in progress. But it was only 2-2,5 minutes from order placement. 2) no change delivery address option. Instead, client should contact support through ugly web chat, which every time disappears, if you switched window on background. Then you should contact them again. Will use Glovo from today.

Worst support ever. I had been ordering from UberEats for quite a while after I moved to Amsterdam, as well as in other cities, and it was okay. Sometimes, the delivery would arrive faster, and other times, it would take longer. However, the support I received during the few times I contacted them was just awful. They didn't seem to care about the requests and simply closed the chats. About the app - why do they state a delivery time when the actual time often exceeds at least twice? Or why to tmention the latest delivery time and then change it every five minutes? This was my last time using UberEats.

Really strange delivery service. I have ordered burgers with french fries. And after delivery guy picked up the food from the restaurant I have received a message that he will deliver one more order on his way to me! So I received my food cold, fries were like smashed potatoes. But the most annoying fact was support reaction. First of all you can’t contact them directly and have to investigate where you can write them. But after I have reached them they simply answered that they are sorry, but no refund or any other compliments will arrive from their side. Do you really think about your customers’ experience? You implement absolutely strange optimization (your clients pay twice for one delivery guy service, you are so smart), client is totally disappointed. But you answer that you will not do nothing with that. So, one star and one more disappointed client

Worst service ever!!!!. I made an order and it was damaged, so I asked "support" for a refund for damaged items, and “support” replies - "We cannot make a refund because your order was placed more than 48 hours ago" - although I did order and then immediately after receiving, I wrote to "support" (no more than 1 hour has passed since the receipt of the order), but they already answer me - after 12 hours. When I sent them the evidence, they again replied with a prepared text that did not fit the situation. Terrible service how you can use something where you are not protected by law and your money can steal.

Order not delivered, no proper communication. My order was not delivered, the delivery guy just disappeared. At the same time, The status of the order was changed to “delivered” I know this happens from time to time. So I contacted the support team. After their message that things like that happen and they will contact the delivery guy - no response. It’s the second time I have troubles with their support team. Other services (eg Glovo) seem more reliable for me in terms of troubleshooting.

Customer support. Dear UberEats Ukraine! Could you please hire more managers to be able to respond to the client's request promptly? Because I've been trying to reach the Ukrainian office for 4 hours already and still get any feedback. At least to be sure that my complaint is in process since I and my friends haven't received the food but you have charged the money (pretty big amount) and I would like to know WHEN I WOULD GET MY MONEY BACK! Looking forward to hearing from you.

No money, no food. I do not recommend anyone to download this app, unless you want to be left without food. I ordered food from an Indian restaurant. The delivery must have occurred between 18:15 and 18:35. At 18:22 I called the restaurant to ask about delivery, they told me that the order had already been canceled, and according to their rules, the courier can cancel if he considers search long enough(but there are 13 more minutes left till estimated Tim of delivery). It is impossible to contact Support, because on their website non-working number, only an Q&A system works. Do not recommend!

Sorry, but Glovo is better. Very unfriendly UI; a mix of popular places, specific dishes, and ads make the navigation very confusing; impossible to contact support (it’s almost 2020, like what are you afraid of, Uber?); if one courier cancels for an imaginary reason a minute after the status changed to “picking up”, Uber Eats doesn’t reassign it to another courier and simply cancels the order. Rating as 2 stars only because the addresses sync with Uber, but that’s all the pros. Sad.

Terrible service. My order was marked as delivered although they delivery guy never arrived. So I wrote a complaint to customer service and after 30 min the only message I got from them was to confirm that there was no delivery. There is no other way to contact them. And I still don’t have an answer although the money for my order was taken.

a. stupid application, I wanted to use it a month ago, but didn’t, and a month later I was charged my 11 dollars for no reason, before that I tried to turn it off, but you Uber just specifically made it so that you can’t turn off this function, and because of this, he writes off money, you don’t even have a support service, return the money to the rat!

Ordered canceled, no refund. I have ordered from a restaurant and my order got canceled by the restaurant after a few minutes. The app said that I will not be charged. At first customer support ignored my case at all saying that 2 days have already passed. When I asked for a receipt for that transaction they told me the app shows I was not charged so there’s no issue. After being a customer for a long time I am disappointed. Customer experience is awful, money are withdrawn without any reason. Will never risk to order food using this service ever again.

Cheating for money. They decided to cancel my subscription, even though it was paid for, and did not refund the money. The situation happened because they were considering my request to cancel my subscription for 1.5 months. Then they wrote that they were cancelling it, and I said that it was no longer relevant and I was still using it. They cancelled it, didn't refund the money, and everything just burned up, even though it was still active. I'm uninstalling the app and don't recommend it to anyone. Terrible customer service and zero customer focus!

The worst delivery experience ever. It is the most illogical app. You can't cancel your order ( there isn't any button for this feature), you can't change the address after you have created the order. Courier said that he would be fired if he delivers the order to the changed address, but in the support they said to change the address only for the courier!!! It's weird! Support can't help at all and say only " it's your problem", but you HAVEN'T GOT ANY BUTTON TO MANAGE YOUR ORDER.

Awful user experience. 1. Returns error when try to pay by Apple Pay. 2. Asked to setup password when tried to use a card as payment method, but I was logged in by phone number. By the way, asked to create a password after I’ve create an order and fill in a payment information. 4. Not obvious where to setup password. It told me too long to make an order. Awful user experience.

Lame beyond belief!. This app and the customer service are just awful. They scam users by allowing to place orders with certain special requests (such as replacing a certain sauce one might be allergic to), only to eventually deliver the dish with that allergen and claim they can’t guarantee or compensate anything. Never using this scam fabric again. Uninstalled.

Terrible!. I was robbed today by Uber eats. I was waiting ages for my order and courier was changed. I was getting impatient that it takes so long and was checking my app constantly. Then all of sudden I received a call that courier is trying to contact me. I have sent her a message immediately and tried calling her , I was at my door as my order said “meet at my door” but there was no sign of anyone trying delivering my order . She would read my messages but simply ignored them and didn’t answer. On the app order was marked as “completed” but I never received it. I was trying to sort it out with customer support but they simply refused and didn’t even bother checking records. Later invoice arrived and even invoice had a wrong address that is not mine and wasn’t in my order. I ended up processing another order which has arrived cold and soggy… and then deleting my Uber eats account as I don’t want to experience this ever again. Horrible!

Terrible delivery service. We ordered 2 McDonald's menus and only received one. We spent PLN 60 and when we tried to contact support, all they did was refund PLN 5.70. When we try to contact again, the app shows the same message "we solved your problem". I am very angry because of such negligence and urge you to never use this application. The service is terrible, there is no opportunity to ask someone for help and no one will return the money. BIG dislike!

No refund, nonexistent support. Support doesn't exist. I've got half of my order (the most expensive items were missing) and there is no response from the support for days. I had another issue with them weeks ago and the support answered me with “get back to you as soon as possible” - never happened

Don’t recommend!. Used this app 4 times. First time was okay, the second time was a bit longer, but at least I could eat something. The third and the last time my order was simply not delivered after aprox. 1 hour of waiting! Terrible service with awful user experience. Definitely recommend to use another app for food delivery

bad experience. The courier did not deliver the food to me because he said it was too far. I don't have my product, when I tried to call the support service, they told me that you can only write a message, after they considered my question, they somehow decided that they delivered my order, only partially and wrote that they will return only part of the amount paid funds Give me my money back!

App has bugs & support doesn’t help. I ordered some food from the restaurant and couldn’t apply my promocode. I was thinking that I can ask support to fix the issue but it is 100% non-adequate and they just 3 times explained me that it is my fault. Awful experience - I don’t recommend. Other delivery services work much better.

New version of tracking. I understand the safe side of tracking delivery guys, but it is so terrible to understand when and what time the order will arrive! The estimate time is so not true as it should be! My delivery just ruined the day! Unbelievably worst experience since this new update! Hope u fix that. Before I didn’t have such bad experience w/ app and so! Oh the store use their own delivery people which u can’t track … that’s bad …

Where’s My Refund?. I recently placed an order through Uber Eats. Unfortunately, the courier delivered it to the incorrect location, a few minutes away on a different street. Despite my attempts to guide him, including sending my Google Maps location and the name of my hotel, the courier failed to deliver my order to the correct address. Subsequently, I noticed that my order was marked as completed. This incident significantly disrupted my event, leaving everyone hungry. I contacted Uber Eats for a refund and provided all the necessary details, but my request was denied. The responses I received seemed generic and unhelpful, giving me the impression that my messages were not being read thoroughly. Based on this experience, I cannot recommend this service.

Order wasn’t delivered. I didn’t receive my order. What kind of service is that? I was at home the whole time and didn’t here anyone ringing the door. My place is easy to find and basically is across the street from the place I was ordering from. I contacted Support team, they said that it’s not refundable as “The delivery partner followed our policy and waited the required amount of time at the delivery address”. However, I didn’t get my food and didn’t hear anyone buzzing the door. It just seems that the delivery guy wanted to it my pizza. I am extremely dissatisfied with the service and we’ll never use it again as they can’t even protect their customers and provide them with their orders.

Bad UX while accepting orders. Order confirmation in this app is really inconvenient and disappointing at all. I was just searching for a particular restaurant and at some point I encountered payment approval but didn’t have a purpose to do that. For crying out loud, why did you do the payment approval without any warning screen??? Moreover, when I contacted their service center, they advised me to be more careful with the process of choosing a restaurant. Sounds like a joke. Hope Uber will fix that UX bug and customer service center. Good luck!

Scammers. The worst app that I have ever used for delivery. What a situation we faced. It was near 11pm, we ores minimum required order, of course we were changed at once, and after 10-15 mins a cafe from which we ordered from called us and said we will not bring your food because you didn’t order enough, but obviously we did if the app accept our order. We tried to reach Uber support but all what we got it’s “wait, maybe your delivery near the door”. I tried to reach for few days and o got the same message. And !! When I reached it with god blessing support told me that we can’t help you with order after 48 hours. First fox your app. Scammers

Robbery. I was just trying to receive my two bigmacs and called the driver , he talked to me for two minutes and told me that he gave it to smone else, after my questions he hung up the phone and of course they just suggested me to give money back but I don’t f$$!ing care i just want my 2 bigmacs Your drivers are rude let this guy come to hell merci

Never again. Fortunately, there are other food services.. We’ve been waiting the order almost three hours. Contact and find out that the order is not possible. During this time, we changed the delivery courier. The he disappeared then appeared on app. After 2.5 hours we were able to contact the courier. The order arrived barely warm. The app. doesn’t support online.

no delivery. The courier refused to deliver food to my number because he indicated that he believed that it was not safe, the result is that the courier did not reach my apartment did not provide me with my food and when I answered his messages he stopped answering me return my money to me my order was not delivered otherwise, this is a scam or cover-up on your part, I will write in the reviews that you are doing the wrong, dishonest work, Also, the courier did not contact the security guard to call me back, the courier simply did not have the opportunity to call, I assume that he did not even have the Internet either his mobile phone was not topped up, return my money to me, this is theft on your part

It’s a scum. I was waiting for refund 3 weeks (firstly refund was approved by customer support ) , after that I was trying to connect with support again , all what I had - automatic responder, wich was cancelled previous history about order also I didn’t get normal food and cash back 🙌

3 of 5 orders stolen by couriers. After picking up couriers just go home, 30 km away from me, or cancelling the order after picking up and waiting for delivery for 3h, couriers never answer to texts, support refuses to help in English and demanding me to speak in Portuguese, then simply canceling the chat if you keep to speak in English. I’m sick of not receiving my orders.

I was charged for app mistake. I in Costa da Caparica, Portugal and I tried to make and order and you app show a mistake. I went to Bolt food and order there. Then your app shows that you actually accepted an order. I tried to cancel but your manager DiogoC told that is impossible. I asked to contact a manager he told that he will not do that and finished a chat. After 15 min of opening and closing a chat again with thin DiogoC my delivery was cancelled. As I see, Uber and Uber’s support can lie for their clients. Everyone need to know that.

The worse app ever!!!. It not allows you to make an order. After pressing “Confirm an order” and paying with my card I see notification: “Something wrong. Try another time”. No, I will not try another time. I’m on quarantine in another country and can’t go outside to buy food. I’m hungry now, not another time. Just removing an application.

Orders got canceled. In Warsaw. Super confusing location setting, which can get easily your order cancelled (tried twice). Messages from the currier don’t appear in the chat as well as he/she cannot get any back. The only way to contact a courier is to call. Don’t recommend

Order wasn’t delivered. I have ordered a meal and it wasn’t delivered because courier wasn’t found. The restaurant had already cooked my order and offered to take it by myself with 20% discount. I don’t want it, ‘cause it is already cold, I’m sure. I was waiting for 1,5 hour. I’m puzzled. I live in 600 meters. The app is very strange. My restaurant was working when I ordered. But after my order was cancelled, the restaurant stopped working in the app.

Worse search. On my experience worse designed food delivery app. Everywhere you can just scroll down across all available restaurants but in uber eats is just categories and same restaurants over and over again. Really don't like it at all.

Bad. Stupid app I can’t register and I can’t find my old email address which I used to register , very limited app

Not possible to contact Help. All my promo codes suddenly disappeared. I wanted to contact customer care and ask why, but it is not possible to contact Help if you have issue not described there

Can’t login, bad experience. I have an account in Uber signed up with phone only and do not know or have password, also I have ex account with my email already register for other user. And can’t recovery password cause phone user cannot apply my old email and can’t either recovery to Uber eats, without email. It’s stupid.

I've been duped. I was charged for nothing. I placed an order, was charged 31 euros, then I understand something happened on the restaurant side and they said they couldn't fulfill the order (I got a notification from Uber Eats). I went into the app and saw no order, nothing. But no one gave me my money back. Contacted customer service I was answered off-topic. Disgusting customer support service

never use this delivery.. the courier did not bring my order,but it noticed as if he gave me. at the same time sent a photo, as if he delivered ,but I had only pizza ,and there the whole package of food ,but the support did not bother. after that, in support was said ,that will not return the funds.

uber won't return my money!. I made an order on 24th of December and it was canceled by restaurant. Today is 12 of January and I still don’t have my money back. In my bank manager said that transaction is successful and even not frozen. Uber don’t have normal support and I even cannot write to you in email!!!

Order not delivered. Made quite an expensive order from restaurant. The courier picked up the order, moved for like 100m and then stayed still in one place for several hours (based on tracker in app). Tried contacting him - no response. A bit later I check the order in the app and it was shown as delivered. Filed a complaint in app, got no response from Uber and no money refunded. And there is no way to call them to sort this out. Also several times got a delayed delivery when food was already cold. Nobody cares. Will never order from them again, unreliable delivery service and zero customer service.

Fraud. I placed 2 orders at the same time: one order was for 2 pizzas worth €20, and another one for products from the supermarket worth € 55. In 37 minutes after placing the order, I got message saying “congratulations your order was delivered earlier than expected“ when basically carrier did not even appear in my area, he marked that he delivered my order, stole food (€55) and never replied me back. I called 3 times immediately after I received notification about fake delivery- nobody picked up the call. The first order was delivered without any problems. My credit card has been charged for both orders and support has not replied mw yet. There’s no number to call them, I wasted an hour trying to figure out how to report about an incident, because this app glitches. It’s a total scam.

Terrible service!. We were in france, told that we didn’t speak English in the comments to the order, they sent a guy that doesn’t speak even 2 words in English, he couldn’t find the entry to the hotel! He cancelled the order which was paid and the support simply told they can’t do anything! The worst!

Problem order # 2A56D. I have a payment problem with order # 2A56D (Papa Johns Kasprzaka). Poland, Warsaw city. So I order pizza and have a problem with online payment but restaurant cook and delivered, I paid by my card for man delivery. After Uber app try to charge me again for this order! But I paid for man delivery (by card). Restaurant don’t need to help, they said restaurant don’t have contacts with Uber app and they said I need to contact Uber app support. Please someone help me ?

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Uber Eats Mexico. I have made an order via Uber Eats in Cancun. The order has never been delivered (the status of the order is still In Process lol). Trying to call the restaurant - they aren’t responding. And the money - gone :( No help from Uber/restaurant/anyone. Super frustrating.

Отзыв больше не о McDonalds, а о доставке. Слишком дорогая доставка. Если цена на доставку ниже, то появляется какой то непонятны сбор, итого становится не столько дорого, сколько неприятно

Скатились до уровня яндекса. Заказ из одного и того же ресторана на один и тот же адрес стоит по-разному с разных аппаратов. Постоянно вылетает ошибка при попытке оплатить заказ. Ошибка без описания, просто сиди и угадывай, что пошло не так

Difficult to find adress. It isn’t user friendly app at all, very difficult to add my adress

Courier doesn’t see my last name in his app. I ordered a delivery and the courier couldn’t access my entrance because there is my last name on a door bell and as he showed me in his app he only sees the first name!

They would just cancel the order after 2 hours of wait without even a promocode. They would just cancel the order after 2 hours of wait without even a promocode or even saying sorry. Worst service ever!

Трата времени. Зачем делать такую долгую регистрацию, а затем писать, что адрес вне зоны доставки. Нельзя сразу об этом сказать?

Невозможно!. Как я не пытался оплатить доставку в Великобритании через это приложение - Ничего не вышло!!! Зачем это нужно, если это не работает! Вопрос через поддержку решить невозможно.

Push notification spam. Sends spam in the form of push messages, which cannot be turned off.

Good service, terrible marketing. Good app to order some stuff, but that marketing pushes and terrible and very annoying. Thinking about to delete the app just by this experience

App says €0 delivery fee, then charges €0.9. It's okay to have paid delivery, but apps should not lie about it I'd attach a screenshot if I could.

Nonsense charge.. I tried to cancel uber one membership but they still charged me the fee and refused to refund me anything. I haven’t used uber one even once this month. Garbage. Also, I had intoxicated from the food I had this summer and they did nothing.

👎. I ordered food in the state of North Carolina.The driver did not arrive and canceled the order.I was deprived of the opportunity to make a new order and I was left hungry.

Bad UX. Careful, if you press back before you pay for your order, they may take away your promo code for nothing

Местоположение. С определением местоположения у приложения проблема

Плохо. В приложение войти невозможно. Ошибка-слишком много запросов. И так уже давно. Править будете или вам не надо?

you can't count on it. totally sht app. I placed an order and sold it for an hour, after which it was canceled by the restaurant

Extremely bad service. Extremely stupid couriers, cancelled orders with no refund, 20 steps to get some kind of bad support afterwards, have you all a bad weeks just as you give customers bad days with hours of waiting for nothing but lost money.

Развод на деньги при оплате наличными. Оплатил заказ наличными, оставил хорошие чаевые курьеру. Так они после оплаты записали всю сумму заказа в долг. Претензию или сообщения по заказу невозможно отправить, нет такой опции. И связаться очень трудно. Долг распространили и на убер такси. Позор.

Very bad support in app. Very bad support in app

It’s impossible to get any support. Several times I ordered and the delivered items were missed. The courier could just apologise, and you cannot connect to support, just stupid instructions. It’s also impossible to call them. Don’t use this app, in case of wrong order you won’t be able to fix it or to refund.

Обманщики , не доставили еду. Обманщики

Dark theme???. Please add the dark mode. It’s been forever since apple’d introduced the dark mode. And still. The light theme is just blasting right in my face.

Bad drivers. They are not read the comments for order. Taked the order and heaved up the price(if Iam not agree with driver,they are dropped my order) Drivers without documents and can’t come inse in port(crossed security door,cause they don’t have documents)

Карты. Платежные системы нетраьотают уже 2 день

Приложение не работает с казахстанской картой виза. Приложение не работает с казахстанской картой виза

Complaint. I want to write a complaint today at 1:50 ( 22.08.2021) I got my order ( N7 9BJ London , Caledonian road ) and saw only half of my order !!!

Promcode didn’t work. I entered the promocode which supposed to give me £15 discount. I’ve got success message that promocode was added, but nothing appeared on my account and I needed to pay the whole price. And it was not allowed to enter this promocode the second time.

Треш. Код не приходит. Удаляю.

Waist of time and money .. pig attitude towards the client. I ordered priority delivery, the courier ignored my instructions and left the order on the street. I am unable to go down with a broken leg. Uber refused to refund the money. I advise you to use, for example, the fork application, perhaps they are more client-oriented

Не работает к сожалению. Показывает отсылку к Яндекс еде и то что невозможно заказать .

Apply 3ds authentification!. You need to apply 3ds authentification! People knowing your card information can just steal your money via your app as no code from sms is needed. This is not secure.

My telephon not updating!!. Hi, I am a client and I need to amend my telephone in my Uber profile. The code that comes with SMS is NOT WORKING!! Please enter my new number +48721518809 Thanks, Andrey

Почему убер худшее что случалось с человечеством. Не фильтруют кого берут на работу, поддержка никчёмная, можно прождать час просто для отмены заказа. Отменить заказ невозможно, отсылает на ту же ненужную поддержку которая не отвечает.

Не вернули деньги. Заказал еду сегодня ночью, а ее так и не доставили. В тех. Поддержке отказались возвращать деньги. Это был последний раз когда я заказывал еду

Non-existing support, delivered only half of my order. Charged for the whole order and delivered only half, support is not replying

Poor support system. My order arrived much much (x2-4) later than ETA and I even cannot chat to a support team once the order have got the status “confirmed”. I was also deceived by a support agent who I was chatting with while the order was in the “preparing” stage for ages that I’ll be able to discuss the compensation further — that is just not true. So, if your order arrives 4 times later than it should have, beware no one cares and they won’t pay you any compensation for that. The most irritating here is that I even can’t reach a person to talk, they don’t have a chat option when the order arrived. Also the search and filters and many more features work worse than in many different delivery apps.

Другие страны.. Вот я приехал в Мексику. Что бы что то тут заказать я должен знать испанский. Перевода нет. Не все приложение переведено. В чате с курьером нет переводчика. Товары и блюда на испанском. Но можно было хотя бы состав блюда перевод что бы было понятно что тебе привезут. В общем не доработано много. Пришлось пользоваться вторым телефоном что бы перевести. Заказать можно только в своей стране. В другой вы ни чего не поймете.

Самое тормознутое приложение. Потратил все нервы пока сделал заказ… много ошибок в момент оплаты

Support doesn’t read requests. They don't care that they will bring you the wrong order and instead of 150 pesos they will return you 40. They will not answer your questions, but will write the same thing ignoring you

Worst help for not delivering my order. Courier before taking my food drives to airport for his own reasons, I am waiting way longer than should be, then he cannot find me despite biggest helpful description and advices that I gave him through his 3 phone calls. He said he would wait for me not more than 3 minutes and left like a girl. What did Uber replied? Just bot replies and that’s it. Worst app. Worst support, rename it to useless bot chat

Worst service. The worst app that I used in life !

Good. Please make an ability to add photos, so it could help drivers to find the right place

For supporting the drug business. For punishing Jess. She found drugs, and you punished her. You are encouraging the drug business! Here's your one star.

Awful support service. I waited for the order more than an hour courier didn’t move and I asked the support to cancel the order. But they said that i need to wait more So after another 30 minutes I asked to cancel it again. After several attempts they cancelled the order and made it like nothing happened. So don’t recommend you using Uber eats if you really want to get the food fast and without complains. Order #7EDC4 Lisbon

Order wasn’t delivered and no money came back.. I have been waiting for that order about an hour and courier didn’t deliver it. Order status in the application moved to “Delivered”, but there is no food delivered to my apartment. After that I wrote to support but I had no answer, just the automatic mail said that someone will handle my situation. I have no food and the money was charged from my account. Terrible service!

Uber Cash———. Бесполезная функция лохотрон если вам важны свои деньги то не кидайте в программу

Доставили неудобства а не заказ. Прождал заказ на час больше положенного, и еще полчаса потратил на его отмену, заказ так и приехал, в чатике всем было просто очень жаль. Отлично получилось прождать заказ вечером и потратить кучу времени и ничего не получить. В магаз идти уже поздно

awful service and no way to contact them. Be careful ordering from the restaurants that are close to closing. System will accept the order, take your money and ghost you. You can’t really contact Uber Eats so all you have to do is wait a day or two for them to register it and only then maybe return your money. Very unprofessional.

Chilean version doesn’t have chat. There’s no option to have chat for restaurant or courier , only calls. And it’s awful. 1. I don’t speak Spanish 2. I’m autistic and having really hard time talking to any people sometimes especially strangers, what if I was fully no verbal or hear impaired? It’s ableist what are you doing when you force use calls everyone. I get bad service just because restaurants or couriers couldn’t contact me.

Пожалуйста, подождите! Uber Eats: Доставка еды Загрузка комментариев uygulama...

Uber Eats: Доставка еды обслуживание клиентов

Что вы думаете об Uber Eats: Доставка еды? Можете ли вы поделиться своими жалобами, опытом или мыслями о приложении с Uber Technologies, Inc. и другими людьми?

uber eats: Доставка еды айфон картинки 1
uber eats: Доставка еды айфон картинки 2
uber eats: Доставка еды айфон картинки 3
uber eats: Доставка еды айфон картинки 4
uber eats: Доставка еды айпад изображения 1
uber eats: Доставка еды айпад изображения 2
uber eats: Доставка еды айпад изображения 3
uber eats: Доставка еды айпад изображения 4

Uber Eats: Доставка еды Uygulaması Снимок экрана и изображения

Uber Eats: Доставка еды айфон, айпад, яблочные часы и яблоко тв скриншоты, картинки.

язык русский
Цена Бесплатно
Возрастное ограничение 12+ лет и старше
Последняя версия 6.207.10001
Магазин игр com.ubercab.UberEats
Совместимость IOS 15.0 и выше

Uber Eats: Доставка еды (версия 6.207.10001) Загрузите и установите приложение

Приложения Uber Eats: Доставка еды были опубликованы в категории Еда и напитки понедельник, 6 июня 2016 г. и разработаны Uber Technologies, Inc. [ID разработчика: 368677371]. Размер этого приложения составляет 375.52 МБ. Это приложение создано пользователем 8,411 Он был оценен и получил 4.5 из 5. Uber Eats: Доставка еды - игры, опубликованные понедельник, 11 марта 2024 г., текущая версия 6.207.10001 и хорошо работает на IOS 15.0 и более высоких версиях. Идентификационный номер магазина Гугл игры: com.ubercab.UberEats. Языки, поддерживаемые приложением:

Другие приложения от разработчика Uber Technologies, Inc.
Имя приложения Счет Комментарии Цена
Uber Eats Orders 5 2 Бесплатно
Uber Eats Manager 1 Без комментариев Бесплатно
Uber | Заказ поездок 4.0 63,828 Бесплатно
Uber Driver - для водителей 3.2 1,389 Бесплатно
Служба поддержки клиентов приложения Uber Eats: Доставка еды, примечания редактора:

Мы стремимся, чтобы приложение Uber Eats работало быстро и надежно, и потому регулярно обновляем его. Например, в последнем обновлении мы внесли следующие исправления: - Performance improvements - Localization updates Нравится наше приложение? Оцените его! Ваш отзыв поможет нам сделать Uber Eats еще лучше. Есть вопросы? Нажмите «Помощь» в приложении или посетите Справочный центр Uber (help.uber.com).

Список лучших бесплатных Еда и напитки Uygulamaları приложений
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Суши Мастер - Доставка еды FLORISH, OOO
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