The Guardian - Live World News


The Guardian - Live World News App Description et Analyse

Qu'est-ce que l'application The Guardian - Live World News? Understand the events shaping our world with the Guardian. Never miss breaking news, dive into diverse opinion pieces, follow stories minute-by-minute with our dynamic live blogs, from world news and politics to business news and sport. The Guardian news app is free to download and offers you a beautiful, intuitive mobile experience, so you can read, watch and listen to our independent reporting whenever it suits you.

To give you a taste of our app, we’re offering you free access to a limited number of articles, which refreshes on a regular basis. If you’re a regular reader, you might consider subscribing. Subscribe to get full access to Guardian articles in our app, so you can read quality, international journalism with no restrictions.

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Nom de l'application The Guardian - Live World News
Catégorie Actualités
Date de Sortie
Mis à jour lundi 15 avril 2024
Taille du Fichier 193.12 MB

The Guardian - Live World News Commentaires et Critiques (2024)

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Je kif. The best paper I know

Make journal great again. Sauvez nous !

Amazing !!!. Amazing !

Ouverture. Journal très bien informé et très ouvert sur la Grande Bretagne bien sur mais aussi sur l’Europe et le reste du monde.

Le meilleur de l'info internationale. Et en plus l'app est super stable même sur un vieil iPhone!

Excellents articles. Compliments

Excellent !. Excellent daily ! Highly recommended

News with insights. Having lived in the US, in the UK and now in France after several other countries, I really appreciate The Guardian for the bridge it offers across these three countries, as well as its broad reach over the world. For instance I had a hard time understanding where Donald Trump was finding his support when he was building up his electoral campaign until I read an article in The Guardian by a journalist who travelled in the South of the US and explored this very question. Meeting with four middle aged men in a coffee shop one of them explained " I have a dog that my neighbors consider vicious but when we go hunting he hunts for me." That said it all and to this day explains the ratings Trump keeps enjoying in the polls in spite of everything! Thank you.

Une information juste. Une information toujours équilibrée et poussant le lecteur à réfléchir. Tout le contraire des réseaux sociaux. Merci

Un pari courageux. Non seulement c’est un quotidien sérieux et bien foutu, mais leur modèle économique m’a séduit. Un pari sur un pacte intelligent entre journalistes et lecteurs

Bright!. Thank you and congratulations for your accuracy, reliability and open-mindedness. You make the world clearer, and by valuing knowledge and analysis, you remind me that in the hectic world we live in (and that you help us understand), there are caring, intelligent and responsible human beings. You are my reference and the one I recommend to all my students, Isabelle Roy, English teacher in France

Simply the best newspaper around. Please consider supporting it with a donation. (They don’t pay me to say that!) I do support them because they are simply amazing idealists with the power to change the world. Thank you ever so much to you for not having a pay wall. Thank you for amazing insights, beautiful photos, incredible podcasts. I am grateful for your ethics of journalism. And for the entertaining bits too.

Opinions sections. Un peu trop de prêchi-prêcha et de bonnes intentions et pas assez d’analyse

Parfaite. Une appli complète, gratuite et sans pub invasive, et surtout une information de qualité.

App ratée. Le journal est toujours aussi excellent. La dernière mise à jour est ratée : - écrase les préférences et personnalisations, j’ai notamment perdu l’édition Europe que je conserve sur mon iphone (allez comprendre…) - il n’est plus possible de supprimer ce qui n’intéresse pas, juste de le cacher (« hide ») merci mais non merci pour les mots croisés de grand-papa, je ne suis pas de cette génération ! - la richesse et la diversité de la présentation de la précédente version est perdue. 😞

Bravo !. Excellente appli, fluide et très lisible. Journal entièrement gratuit avec de très bons articles, tous en libre accès. Possibilité de faire un don au Guardian, je le fais de temps en temps pour que puissent perdurer les quotidiens comme celui-ci, qui ont fait le choix de la gratuité totale.

Parfait. Français vivant en France. Cette application est parfaite pour suivre la vie politique anglaise.... et les échecs (game).

used to be a fantastic app, now ok. I’ve loved this app for 10 years and have had no issues up till now. Some bugs have recently appeared, especially with the share and save buttons , that I was told could not be fixed because I’m using an older version of the app — my phone being too old to support ios15. I understand this decision to not accommodate all phones but it’s still frustrating to me personally. I teach a class on news and refer to the guardian extremely often in class so was used to sharing articles with students.

The best liberally minded left leaning paper around. This is a great paper - a credit to journalism. It has one fault however - the Guardian is not so liberal as to not sneer on anyone who doesn’t hold to its world view. It also has a lot of click bait opinion pieces that get tiresome. But it is independently funded so can be courageous about truth. It has broken stories other papers wouldn’t touch.

Diversifier ses sources d’information. Le Guardian en fait partie

Excellent app. Fairness of journalism. Pertinent comment

Serious news coverage and clear presentation. As a 50-year-old, I do not like using the small screen on my phone to read articles, but the Guardian app makes it rather pleasant. The content is, of course, always reliable, which is precious in those days of fake news, and the layout makes it a pleasant reading experience.

New “Save for later” device. The latest update has it that you cannot press your desired articles to save them for later any longer without having a pop-up menu coming out of nowhere that asks you whether you want to “save” or “share”. That’s extremely boring and annoying. Is there by any chance a means to de-update ? Any tips anyone ?

Profondément satisfaite. Le Guardian online avec son application très bien conçue est pour moi une source permanente d’éclaircissement du monde.

Excellent !!!. Excellents articles et application très agréable Merci !

Pour un français, ce site permet de compléter l’information. Ce site est très bien !

J’aime le guardian. Mon journal préféré

From my viewpoint. I read the Guardian because I have real confidence that they try to be honest in their reporting, although I also know that I have never ever read a report in any paper, about a story I really know about, to be a hundred percent accurate. For me the guardian’s weakness might be to have a bit too many opinion writers endlessly going on about racism.

Guardian. Un journal indépendant et fier de l’être. Les journalistes sans complaisance. Bien écrit même si ce journal une réputation de coquilles. Soutenez le.

Best news app / Meilleure app d’informations. The Guardian app is by far one of the best and most comprehensive news apps: - the whole of its contents is free; - it’s articles are of high quality; - the presentation and ease of use are exemplary. L’app The Guardian est de loin une des meilleures et des plus complètes apps d’informations : - l’entièreté de ses contenus est gratuit ; - ses articles sont de grande qualité ; - sa présentation et sa simplicité d’utilisation sont exemplaires.

The best newspaper!. Before I retired I used to pay to read The Telegraph and not only it was money down the drain but their frequent racist and bigoted articles used to irritate me immensely. I have been reading The Guardian for a while now and as well as being freely available, it stands out as a beacon of intelligence, excellent journalism and a pleasure to read and be informed by. Thank you for allowing me to be one of your non-paying readers. Angela

Excellent !. L appli eSt d excellente qualité : claire , ergonomique, intuitive et de bons contenus pour ne rien gâcher au plaisir

Exemplaire. Exemplaire. La refonte de l’application est une véritable réussite: extrêmement claire, ergonomique, un vrai plaisir à lire.

Impressions of The Guardian on-line.. Putting party politics aside The Guardian on-line is far superior to, eg. The Times on Line (ToL). It’s range of key issues - eg. the global decline of democracy - is broader and deeper than ToL. I subscribe to both, hence the comparison. The Guardian would have had far higher marks from me if the ability to comment on articles was more extensive. It seems that my subscription offers virtually no opportunity to comment.

Possibilité d’un abonnement “familial” accessible à tous les membres de la famille de l’abonné. Je lis régulièrement Le Guardian mais je suis obligée de le faire sur le téléphone portable de mon mari. Mon mari est abonné, je devrais pouvoir moi-aussi bénéficier de son abonnement et pouvoir lire le Guardian directement sur mon téléphone personnel. Bien à vous

Merci. Merci pour vos articles pertinents, objectifs. Les reportages, les photos sont toujours percutants. Souvent j apprends plus que sur les médias français. Bravo à vos équipes

Un très bon journal. Un très bon journal et qui nous fait voyager sans avoir a prendre l’Eurostar.

L’essentiel vu du UK point de vue.. Passionnant de suivre les rebondissements du Brexit au jour le jour vu du U.K. alors que l’on en parle assez feu en France.

Very nice design, clear and easy reading. Reading my old comment from years ago, I realise that every inconvenience was corrected quickly and this new app did not have them. It’s technically perfect, no glitches and no unintended behaviour. - I give it one star less now for the content. Nearly no article allows a reader discussion now, whilst the forum was an asset when I started reading the Guardian. I enjoy the new design, it's well done, modern and distinguishable from other newspapers. The pages are not crowded with decorations, so reading is easier if you do not see so well. I regret two things from the old app: if you download for offline reading, there are no longer snippets of reader comments at the bottom. Second, it seems you can't change the first articles on the home page, even if you can choose the rest of the chapters. The possibility to get a photo larger or several pictures for some articles is nice, the pictures look great on an iPhone screen. Personally, I'd prefer that the feature needs a definite click / touch. I often trigger it with a swipe by error. Overall: a great app, I'd say the best I have on my phone.

De l’international. Enfin des articles non egocentrés sur un pays. The Guardian parle du monde et c’est bien.

Simply the best!. Le meilleur de la presse européenne. Concis, exhaustif, factuel, informé. What else?

The only paper I trust. To me this is the only independent British paper. The others are owned by press oligarchs. The classic was the shift in newspapers viewpoints two weeks before the Brexit referendum. The Guardian tells the truth. It is truly independent and insightful. I like also the fact that on Flipboard and other apps, whilst other papers such as the Telegraph Times and NYTimes force you to sign up to read their articles. The guardian nicely asks for a donation. So those that cant afford it can still get independent unbiased news. I have now subscribed as I want to keep the Guardian going. It is the ONLY subscription I will pay for.

Le meilleur quotidien anglais. Pour être informé des étapes du Brexit, mais aussi de la politique américaine sans barrière. De centre gauche.

Un journal ouvert sur le monde et sa diversité. Un grand merci pour des reportages originaux sur une grande variété de sujets tout autour de la planète

Journal utile. Une vraie couverture inter

The most beautiful website. Magnifique un excellent journal et c’est un français qui écrit

No horizontal scrolling please!. Merci de revenir à l’ancienne présentation. Le scrolling horizontal sur IPhone ne permet plus avoir une vue rapide des titres. Please go back to the previous version. Horizontal scrolling is just too much of a drag. Previously you could just scroll dozen quickly. Now for each section you also need to scroll horizontally in addition. This literally kills the flow.

Support the Guardian. Regardless of one's political affiliations, The Guardian is worth supporting and contributing to as it is a rare and precious thing in this world of misinformation and distortion and prejudice: a genuinely independent voice, one of the very few in the world not owned by powerful business interests focused only on the maximisation of profit, and therefore free to pursue serious investigative journalism without interference. This is amply demonstrated by The Guardian's determination to remain free of a 'paywall' and thus available to a broad international readership (despite only a tiny fraction of its readers being prepared to actually make even a modest contribution in order to preserve their access to this valuable resource....). So..... please support The Guardian!

Le Guardian, c'est du grand journalisme,. L'application ne nous donne pas la possibilité de laisser des commentaires. Donc pas grand intérêt et particulièrement frustrant.

Une excellente application pour un grand journal. The Guardian est ma principale source d'information. L'application est parfaitement efficace. Et le journal lui-même, parce qu'il défend avec talent et continuité ce qui compte le plus, fait honneur au journalisme.

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So much better than French newspapers. One of the few reliable media left. Thank you for honestly informing citizens and providing unbiased analyses.

Assessment on the Guardian.. Great great internet information site. English/British journalism at its best. Always a great pleasure to read articles mostly written in perfect English enhancing how subtle this language can be. Always interesting and sometimes challenging to listen to our fellow Brits. My two cents from Paris.

Cant live without it.... Especially the Food section

Not perfect but essential…subscribe!. Has it ever been more important to support this kind of journalism in the face of the client journalism of the Right? The flagrant lies and propaganda? Stop just reading The Guardian and do your civic duty by PAYING!

Best news site. Highlights the most crucial issues with an international focus and helps raising awareness and taking action.

Perfect. Too many great things about this app, but overall the quality is number one for me.

The right choices of news and thematic. Interesting, original and well documented articles in all possible subjects

Efficient. It is an efficient tool to be kept posted about what is going on in the world daily.

A Lifetime with the Guardian. Having begun to read the Guardian at the age of 15yrs old ( I am now approaching 70yrs) because it seemed the one newspaper aligned to my juvenile politics I have never stopped.i have grown up with it. I love its journalism, I love the fact that it never gets stale, it’s innovative and challenging. Long may it continue!

Fabulous, interesting, heart wrenching sometimes, a beacon, and I do love all your journalists.. Fabulous, interesting, heart wrenching sometimes, my beacon, uplifting, makes me feel alive, give me the idea that I can change things for the better

Not as good as previous app. I love the Guardian and have been a subscriber for years. I found the previous app far easier to use and never had any problems. The new version is very erratic. Only one article in two displays properly and many articles I am simply unable to read. It also regularly fails to identify me as a subscriber. A dilemma, as much as I like the paper, if I cannot read it it is hard to justify the subscription.

Basic features missing. I’ve just deleted from my iPad and will stick to the website from now on. Two issues - 1) no search function on the app, and 2) it’s playing video clips automatically with no obvious way of shutting them down. Can’t be bothered.

Excellent app. Wouldn’t want to do without the Guardian: always available on phone and iPad. Regularly updated, and the Guardian is the Guardian, with the added convenience of online access.

Wouldn’t be without it. Bonjour : first thing I read in the morning. Then check it off against other online news sources. Still comes out best. Thank you. I appreciate the diversity of opinions. It’s the only piece of journalism I fully trust to represent what is.

App doesn’t invite full access to guardian journalism. I frequently learn through social media of articles that never appear on my version of app

Great app for a great newspaper. This app is great, allows for offline reading, which is cool when you’re underground. It could be tweaked to get yet more awesome (like choosing the background colour or another font). And of course, the editorial quality is second-to-none. Highly recommended.

Excellent!. Super helpful and easy to use. Great quality in the articles which are much less biased than many other media’s today. I would advise to anyone!

Guardian review. I really value the content of the guardian and trust its sources. I feel it is very important that the media can be trusted to provide the facts as they unfold in these uncertain times.

My Go-To Newspaper. The Guardian has been my main source of news for several decades now and I have always found articles of interest on every sort of topic. I find the digital edition easy to use. My sole regret is to find some lightweight articles given prominence.

"It's the content that makes it a great App because it's journalism". No fake news, real journalists doing their job, in my eyes crucial for democracy! Carry on!

A great European source of information. Thank you. Certainly one of the best source of information. And it has become so rare, almost unique.

Love the paper. I have read the paper for 25 years++ and find it informative and straight in its insights Remember it as a young man as the Manchester Gardian When the author Howard Spring made contributions best most influential paper

Beautifully designed app. One of my most trusted sources of information and quality journalism, but not just that - try reading the delightful Country Diary for a bit of light relief from world news!

Great Virtual newspaper. The app is great! The content superb. All the articles are written with detail and the journalist who wrote them are very well informed on the subject they’re writing about. Great app for news reading 👍

The best online newspaper. I wake up with the G on my iPad. And I go to sleep with the white G in its blue background. The articles are sharp, to the point and in all sections. Art and culture economics, politics and , and, etc.. my subscription is well worth the money I pay. Thank you “Guardian”-Angel

Great and accurate analysis. One of the only media who gave us a real understanding thanks to their deep analysis and clear understanding of the situation. Thanks!

Easy to read, informative. It’s easy to read and choose an article. Informative. One of the best for me.

The UK’s most authoritative news source. The Guardian is the UK’s most authoritative news source, written with style, wit and an unerring sense of decency. It reflects the best of British values. I didn’t write the above — at least I don’t remember writing it — but I agree with every word.

Only independent journalism left. It is a blessing that The guardian continues to exist as all other newspapers news is subject to commercial pressures to distort the news

Behind the times!. The app won’t update. Right now it will only show the news from two days ago. I presume it is because I haven’t paid for it. I am happy to have adverts but being unable to access up to date news is irritating.

Why I enjoy reading the Guardian. Never Boring , up to date And well written articles ( though , Not always impartial about The E U !! But , nobody is perfect !! Not always exact ( political matters ) , but : the Arts section : Excellent, and well written

The newspaper I read everyday. The Guardian opens and closes my days. It also makes them.

Great journalism. Having been mislead for years with low based international media’s I’ve become very optimistic seeing the Guardian as a very democratic and realistic newspaper like I’m used to read in my Helvetic country. Thank you so much....merci....Dankeschön

Brit politics. Thanks to Guardian. It keeps me aware about Britain in details. Detailed info, latest news, best coverage.

I enjoy a lot. Thank you for your news always interesting. Much more than the French newspapers. And ... I’m french 🤗

Great articles, also for teaching. Great articles, always very well written. I sometimes even use them to teach, as I’m an English teacher.

Balance. The Guardian offers balanced news and opinions readily accessible from abroad. Where would we be without it?

A must have. One of the best news apps, undoubtedly. The Guardian journalists are amongst the best in the world and the articles and investigations are always enlightening. A must have in the age of fake news and propaganda.

Very accurate and reliable. Reliable information

Guardian. With Le Monde you are amazingly the best weekly journal. Your topics are rich and always interesting, your commentaries are wise and deep. I am a guardian fan!!! Please continue to be independent.

The reference in serious uk press. Easy to navigate Great and extensive content Fine presentation Politics notwithstanding this is my favorite news app well don’t the guardian

Great morning read!. I enjoy every morning my news reading with this appealing app. Very easy and intelligent ! Just a real pleasure with my coffeee...

Real journalism at its finest. Current information about the world presented clearly and early. Numerous opinion articles offering varied and argumented points of view based on information. Funded by readers and not corporations.

Easy handling and good online stories. Easy reading and handling and sending of articles. High quality of articles and stories behind.

Comments on Guardian. : lack of political vision for the country : : Not enough analytical articles. Too many opinion pieces. John Harris, Chakraborty stand out. Society/Education pages usually good : very little exposure of corruption. Corruption treated as the norm. It seems paper is afraid to attack powerful interests : Too much lifestyle material. Like to present lifestyle issues as lifestyle choices rather than interrogating the need for institutional reform In addition: : Too many comments are repeated when click on Newest. : Difficult to save articles or email them

The best online news site. It’s clear, well laid out, the articles are well-written, relevant and there is a lot of information about social and environmental issues

Great content and user friendly. Would recommend!

Thanks for inside. When things get better financially I’ll be able to get the premium level

Second Rate Journalism.. How can John Crace and his fellow political journalists at the Guardian sleep at night after producing articles so full of negativity and unpleasantness ? They really should get a course in anger management. The Guardians editors should take a leaf out French news outlets and just present unbiased information for us to make up our own minds. Load of boloney

Covering the entire world. Articles with always a lot of content. Continuous care for fact checking. Covering the entire world.

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Langue French
Prix Gratuit
Limite d'âge 12+ ans et plus
Dernière version 11.59
Play Store
Compatibilité iOS 16.0 ou version ultérieure

Installation et Téléchargement de l'application The Guardian - Live World News (Version 11.59)

L'application The Guardian - Live World News ios a été développée par Guardian News And Media Limited [ID développeur: 340425658] et est sortie dans la catégorie Actualités le mercredi 19 janvier 2011. La taille du fichier de l'application est de 193.12 MB. Cette application a été évaluée par 13,036 utilisateurs et a une note de 4.8 sur 5. La dernière version de The Guardian - Live World News publiée le mercredi lundi 15 avril 2024 est la 11.59. Le logiciel IOS 16.0 et supérieur fonctionne correctement. Google Play ID: Langues prises en charge par l'application:

EN Téléchargez et installez maintenant!
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Note du développeur d'applications The Guardian - Live World News:

We've been busy improving the app: * Ensures all users have access to the latest designs and My Guardian feature.

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