BBC News


BBC News App Description et Analyse

Qu'est-ce que l'application BBC News? The BBC News app brings you the latest, breaking news from our trusted global network of journalists.

Personalise your news offering with My News
Add topics wherever you see the + icon for a quick route straight to the stories you care about.
Stories from topics you add will appear in your personalised My News feed. Here you can order stories by topic or time to stay on top of the news of the day. Topics can be added, removed or re-ordered using the Edit function.

Find content fast
The app can suggest topics based on stories you’ve recently viewed and what’s in the news now.
And you can quickly find topics that interest you using the Search tab. Choose from the familiar list of BBC News indexes such as Business, Technology, Entertainment and Health, or search for your own subjects of interest, whether they’re people, places, things or themes.

More of the news you care about
We offer a full selection of stories from the newsroom, and many ways to read the best journalism from BBC correspondents, including:
- Popular - keep on top of the most read stories and most watched videos from across the BBC
- Video - One-minute World News summary and the latest video stories
- Live - BBC World Service Radio. Expertise and insight from our journalists available 24-hours a day and ready to listen to in the background as you browse

Other features:
- Push notifications for important news stories
- Video over cellular and wifi
- Improved offline experience. Download the latest stories when you have a signal and then read them at your leisure
- Viewing modes. On iPhone see more stories per index by choosing ‘Compact layout’ from the Settings screen
- Settings to allow the app to automatically update in the background
- Share stories to your social networks, or email/SMS to a friend
- Support for dynamic text. Articles in the app will respect the font size in your device settings so you can increase or decrease the story text size as suits your preference
- Related stories, related topics. Go deeper into a storyline with suggestions for further reading and viewing and a range of topics related to each story

If you choose to receive push notifications, a unique identifier relating to your device will be stored by Airship on behalf of the BBC to provide you with the service.
You can choose to unsubscribe from push notifications from BBC News in your device’s ‘Notifications’ screen.
No other personal data relating to you (such as a username or email address) is processed.

The BBC will keep your information secure and not share it with anyone else in accordance with the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy. To read BBC’s Privacy Policy go to

If you install this app you accept the BBC Terms of Use at

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Nom de l'application BBC News
Catégorie Actualités
Date de Sortie
Mis à jour jeudi 26 octobre 2023
Taille du Fichier 69.55 MB

BBC News Commentaires et Critiques (2024)

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Avis. Excellentes news

A bit more efforts. The app is not yet at the quality level of the web version Like with other apps navigation is fastidious, more oriented to data consumers than to information seekers Yet one of the best,

Une vision non française du monde. Enfin des informations non biaisées et sans cocorico

Total support. Plus que jamais, le monde libre et démocratique a besoin d'une BBC indépendante et respectée More than ever the free world needs an independant and respected BBC.

Application indispensable!. Très bonne application pour se tenir informé sur le monde entier...De plus, elle me permet de maintenir et progresser mon niveau d’anglais. Thanks!

Japan. Merci pour les infos japonaises ! Je retweet très souvent ! Best regards from Paris and Kawasaki !

Great app but lacks a search option. When scrolling through stories, it would make the app perfect if there was a chance to search stories on a specific topic instead of hoping the news will just appear. But apart from that, great app, great news, great content !

Fix the Live Option. I really like this app with the exception of when there is ‘Live ‘ news. It shows the headline, the video preview picture shows a picture related to the headline but when you press play, a different story plays. Infuriating layout and design if this is intentional.

Un site très utile. Informations très claires et honnêtes avec de bons développements pour comprendre des situations complexes.

Infos bbc. Informations très réactives

Bon sur deux plans:. Aussi bien sur l’actualité immédiate que sur les analyses de fond.

Un véritable professeur. Avec mes .......printemps, génial pour la prononciation de mon anglais A conseiller

Intrusive video adverts. Please stop the video adverts that come up of their own accord and need to be shut down two or three times before they go away. Just because they are forced upon me it doesn’t mean I watch them, on the contrary, I want to shut them as quickly as possible. This app is getting worse by the day. The reporting of domestic British news is far from impartial. I only use it now for a quick overview of events, no use whatsoever for comment or analysis as reporting is heavily biased in favour of the British government.

Ça tape d’aplomb. Excellent de tout point de vue, bravo. Your PM is batty to want to cut your wings, keep a stiff upper cut et vogue le navire !

Excellent. Cela fait du bien d’avoir un peu de professionnalisme et de rigueur dans un média de service public. Si cela pouvait être pareil en France...

Site bien construit et information mise à jour régulièrement. Le site est bien construit et les vidéos sont très intéressantes. Pourquoi est on redirigé via un site russophone?

This App has improved over the years. I’m evaluating the App, not the content. There are still things that need addressing: The LIVE feature is really poor. Either the content is not available in my region, or it takes forever to connect, or there is nothing relevant to see, apart from a headline or photo. For me Live means Live. With a person commenting live feeds. Story links sometimes lead to the “Topic” page , depends on where the click zone is delimited, but it’s a pain point. Finally I can’t move My News and customise it as I would like to. The adds are now less obtrusive- good. Suggestion: have the App update itself with latest news instead of waiting for a load on launch (at least for the text) Otherwise it’s a good trustworthy app in daily use in my case! Ok After a re-read I’ll increase the rating to 4 stars 😆

Perfect for the “Morning News” time. Great application, I use it early in the morning to gain the UK perspective on world wide events. Recently I found particularly interesting to dig into the Brexit articles...and the “mess” at political level on this topic very well reported...

J’adore !. J’écoute la BBC pour parfaire mon anglais et je dois dire que ça marche très bien parce que les sujets sont intéressants voire captivants. A cela s’ajoute le fait qu’il y a beaucoup d’interviews dans le monde entier, ça permet donc de faire son oreille avec plein d’accents différents. Top !

Super pour progresser en anglais. Application idéale pour se tenir à jour de l'actualité et progresse en anglais ! Je recommande

Une fenêtre sur l’actualité internationale !!!. Très bonne application. Je m’en sers pour allier l’utile à l’agréable. Se tenir informé et maintenir et même améliorer mon niveau d’anglais. Les sujets sont divers et variés avec un focus plus important sur les actualités Britanniques et Américaines mais, c’est aussi ce que je cherche donc... merci pour cette appli! Sylvie

BBC news. Cela me sert vraiment beaucoup car en devoir on me dit de rédiger des titres de BBC "BBC new headlines".

Le meilleur de l.information TV. A quand une version française ? Déjà les infos sur Arte sont de qualité mais BBC est d’avantage international... Merci à leur programmes et à ces journalistes

Très bien mais. Bonjour, j'étais très contente de l'appli. Les infos sont présentées de manière bien plus intéressantes que dans les médias français. Les sujets sont fouillés. Beaucoup d'articles restent gratuits. Mais : depuis quelques temps des mots en russe apparaissent dans la colonne des titres et en voulant consulter un article j'ai vu le début du chargement d'une page presque vide en russe. Donc dans le doute je désinstalle l'appli. C'est dommmage.

Des infos avec un relief. Seuls les journalistes permettent d’approcher un peu la vérité dans un monde de masques. Merci à ceux de la BBC entre autres

La référence. Il n’existe en France aucun média de cette qualité et objectivité surtout La BBC est excellente presque aussi bonne que the economist qui demeure la reference mais elle a l’avantage d’être gratuite. Enfin sauf pour le contribuable britannique.

A great news source. For a few days, I only got the headlines. When I tap to get the article, error ´no internet connection ´… and now is back to its great self

Excellent. Concis, à jour, ergonomique

Tout BBC. C’est très bien et Formidable : félicitations...

Pathétique. La BBC, chaine d’information supposément l’une des meilleures au monde ne déroge pas à la tendance globale de se focaliser sur les sujets racoleurs et stupides au lieu de fournir une information internationale pertinente et diversifiée. J’ai définitivement arrêté de suivre cette chaine a l’apparition d’un article sur le record du monde féminin du plus long mulet (sic)….pathétique.

Beaucoup (trop?) de titres sur les US,. BBC jouit d' une réputation ( justifiée) de grand journalisme, je suis quelque peu surpris de l'étonnante quantité d'articles sur les États Unis, surtout en Top Stories.. S'ils demeurent (encore?) la première puissance mondiale, ils font actuellement preuve d'une extraordinaire médiocrité, au point de penser que leur chef suggère d'avaler du chlore, leur religions, à force d'être sur leurs billets de banque en font des demeurés (creationisme, prières qui guérissent le Covid etc..) Ce n'est pas tant les religieux qui sont en cause, apres tout ils racontent des contes pour enfants depuis des millénaires!... C'est l'éducation du XX, et XXI siècle qui en fait d'insondables ignorants.. il est vrai que les peuples méritent leurs dirigeants, puisqu'ils les choisissent... ou les supportent! Je crains qu'ils ne méritent plus les titres, bien sûr, ils restent globalement plus supportables que les russes et pis encore, les chinois.. BBC, ne Devens pas des bateleurs, restez de vrais journalistes!!

Plus possible de personnaliser. Une bonne ouverture sur des pays et des sujets non traités en France. Mais il n’est plus possible de choisir les rubriques - en conséquence, il faut désormais se contenter de beaucoup de politique, de faits de société et de sport anglo-américains.

Formidabele. Verg verg god News gathering.

Excellent. Une source d’information exceptionnelle avec des articles de société qui peuvent aussi être des sources d’inspiration.

Bug iOS 17. Bonjour, pour votre information, l’application BBC News ne fonctionne pas sur iOS 17 mise à jour essentielle. Très belle journée.

Bof. Bof : style décousu, un paragraphe pour chaque phrase, répétitif Très people et faits divers On fait mieux du côté de la presse de référence US !

Was better before….. As an expat the original appli was excellent for catching up on news from England.. the app was customisable to give priority to the news which interested me most. Since the last « upgrade » I no longer have English news and the app contains too many news items from the US. There appears to be less variety in the topics too. For UK news I’ll probably switch to Sky.

Qualité à copier. Pas énormément d'articles mais fréquemment renouvelés. Contrairement à leurs homologues français les articles sont fouillés et bien documentés (et généralement impartiaux)... Avec souvent la petite touche d'humour British qui s'impose ! Et en plus on pratique son anglais presque sans y penser ! Les média français feraient bien de regarder ce qui se pratique ailleurs au lieu de se complaire dans leur médiocrité. Bravo, continuez !

La référence absolue en la matière. Infos excellentes, concises, précises et toujours objectives. Contraste total avec celles des média poubelles Français qui se contentent d’articles bâclés.

Very good job! Congrats !. Excellente application avec des articles de haute qualité et variés. Je lis plusieurs articles par jour ou écoute le Live une ou deux heures quotidiennement et cela m a permis de progresser considérablement. J’ai recommandé cette radio à mon entourage et continue à le faire sans hésitation. Everyone is doing a tremendous work of journalism! Very good job! Congrats !

Toujours intéressant. Et cela me fait réviser mon anglais en plus... what else ?...

Regret updating my old app.. What happened to the customisable features? Where’s My news? Why do I keep seeing the same articles over and over whereas other versions of the app were so constantly updated it was hard to keep up! Why do I see so many tags sport-related? There’s no personalisation possible, I truly regret updating the app! This is not the experience I was used to, im afraid it’s, sadly, going to be deleted.

BBC. Intéressant et vivant articles très divers Articles riches et souvent fouillés Certaine impartialité bien que Trump fasse souvent la une Permet de maintenir mon anglais Quel malheur que le Brexit va nous séparer de nos amis Anglais!

Malédiction cyrillique. Oui, pour un Français, l’approche BBC de l’information mondiale est intéressante, et permet de maintenir ou améliorer son anglais. J’ai pourtant effacé l’appli de mon smartphone voici quelques semaines, excédé par les notes fonctionnelles... en russe (donc cyrillique). Pas de réglage pour opter pour... l’anglais! Je suis pourtant un peu russophone, mais ces adresses permanentes en cyrillique m’ont exaspéré. Aujourd’hui, je charge à nouveau l’appli en espérant que ce bug a été corrigé.

Contribution. Tres crédible et toujours à jour !!! Maintenez le même Cap!!

Thanks for appli!. Super pour pour l’english training ainsi que pour la qualité des infos

Thanks a lot BBC. Parfait Pourvu que ça continue pour toujours

Une institution vénérable. Et pas seulement à cause de son grand âge!

Disappointing update - will probably stop using. This last update is very disappointing. Looks good but is less functional. Besides what the other latest reviews mention (all true, sadly), the live sound button on the top right side, which I used daily, was replaced by a tab with live video and no longer allows the user to check other news at the same time (it stops the “radio”). Taken together, the new features in the latest update, will mean I’ll use this app less and less and will probably stop.

Extra !. Je lis tous les jours quelques articles de ce remarquable journal. Continuez, on vous adore 🇬🇧 !

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Best news in the world!. And it’s free...thanks so much for this when there is fake news everywhere

A good app with good content. I find the app has a pleasant and easy to use interface, and the customization gives me quick access to topics that interest me.

Red to black 😳. But why on earth did you abandon red for black? What a crazy idea!

Very well designed. Absolutely essential! Thank you so much for your high quality analysis Chris

Terrific app. Great app where I can be informed of what is going on all over the world . Quality news that is what I was looking for . Nice job Guys keep up the good work .

Updated app terrible. The old app was much better. Can no longer swipe through items. The topics are not at all ones I'm interested in or an order that works for me. Why is US and China always first? What happened to my news?

A reference in news apps. Super app with interesting content. Keep up the good work.

Delighted. Breaking news 24/7.

Fake news. I don’t appreciate at all the numerous times that your news title is assertive while the article is in the subjunctive.

Wow… so bad. Are you kidding? All these negative reviews from the people who really matter and nothing has changed. I really can’t believe that you think this is acceptable. A great news app…. now a load of crap!

Deleting the app. Used to be my number one app for news, but the new format is not user friendly, I do t want the news and pop culture in the same feed and after waiting tos we if there’s any improvement and not seeing it I’m deleting the app after more than a decade using it.

Change for the worse. The new app format is not user friendly, on my iPad it doesn’t automatically update. I can no longer choose categories of news to quickly go to. I will be looking for an alternative news app.

Great journalism. One of the last great news outlets, factual and professional.

Tim Wilcox. Every time I see this androgynous airhead I feel I’m going to be sick. Why can’t the public decide on their preferred presenters? It’s our money.

Useful and complete. This app allows you to keep up to date with the events worldwide. The coverage of each event is complete and unbiased.

Adverts are too intrusive. Shame about ads, Live is not very good on iPhone Like videos

Thank you!. Enjoy the short frequently updated articles not too long for present conditions’ oblige short attention span. Thank you!

Excellent. Super pour maintenir ces connaissances !

Awful update. This was a useful app. You could choose what topics you were interested in, it looked pretty good. Then the update - now it looks like a poor website and has less features what was the point?

Remove the intrusive ad !. An advertisement is always coming right in the middle of the screen and ruins the experience. I can understand the need for publicity, but not when it prevents you from reading news. Else, you are a very reliable and concise source, well documented. Remove the intrusive ad !

One of the best in the world. Short clear nothing redundant Mainly news not seen elsewhere Always interesting Class

Update. Not enjoying the updated app. Really miss the my news tab. Not easy to find the topics you want. Disappointed

Tired of seeing celebrities on here who cares focus on important issues. .......

Can’t chose topics. New update but still no choice of what news we want to follow. Pants !!

Only Facts and Analysis. Very good medium to get News from UK, Europe and Worldwide ! Jean from Paris

Victim of cost cutting at the Beeb?. Is the Beeb even looking at this feedback? It seems pretty clear how badly the update was received so I find it hard to believe they are ignorant or dismissive of this? I can only assume the new format requires less resource to maintain - so is a victim of the overall cost cutting drive which, trumps customer experience.

Disappointing. What happened… Where has the possibility gone to have personalised news section? No way to log in. This needs rolled back!

International or domestic - all you need!. Excellent app. Short articles, which give you the essential information and neat little videos of the day

Great service. Fantastic news coverage

Latest version is garbage. Seriously, what have you done to this? It was so user friendly. So disappointing.

App doesn’t work abroad. Downloaded this app to keep up to date with the news. I’m a Brit living in France. This app does not work in France. Text is ok but the main video/picture feeds don’t. Tried it with my UK vpn and guess what everything works ok.

Dreadful new app. Who is the weapon grade moron who decided to remove access to the top ten stories ?

Science topic problem. The science topic doesn’t show up in ‘my news’ even though it is part of my selection. Any way to fix that problem? Thx

Perfect for the “Morning News” time. Great application, I use it early in the morning to gain the UK perspective on world wide events. Recently I found particularly interesting to dig into the Brexit articles...and the “mess” at political level on this topic very well reported...

Appalling update. The previous version was perfect. This new version is unusable. I do wish there was a way to install the previous version which gave one a ready view of world news, not just a few large photos of no interest.

Pretty good but room for improvement. I like the fact that I can decide what news interests me. However I should be able to order the tabs as I wish not as the app determines!

Quality News but App Crashes. Great app I use it everyday for my news. Negatives it crashes sometimes and the advertisements are based on cookies which are irrelevant.

Downgrade please. I can only add my voice to the multiple reactions to the latest version… please bring back the opportunity to log in and personalize the news !

Thank you so much. You provide us with impartial and trustworthy informations the world over and a expected emphasis on British questions Jp Quinet

How do I find my topics in new app???. The new layout doesn’t give me an option to save my topics. I don’t want to scroll through endlessly to find news about Ukraine, or tennis. I used to have a list of “my” topics that I could get to quickly - why have you taken this away?

Best news site in English. My number one source of information

The upgrade is a disaster. The presentation and the lists of themes are completely changed and are awful. No way to personalize unlike before and less up to date news

Does its job well.. It works fine and gives you access to all the content. What more could you want.

When will "My News" come back?. This used to be my main news app. Uninstalled when the new version proved to be a big disappointment. Really miss the old version.

Terrible app, upgrade has taken it backwards. The new app is a retrograde step, no way to customise and choose what news has interest, no way of seeing news by timeline.. Feels like an ‘agile’ dev team had a deadline and de featured to hit the deadline and pat themselves on the back. In my business I wouldn’t even sanction this as a MVP (minimum viable product) Terrible

Keep in touch!. Thanks for the interesting articles

Please fix the last update ASSP. The latest update seems to have lost some of the functionality of previous versions. Most importantly, there doesn’t seem to be any way to select/restore/customise views. I rely on a daily dose of UK and European news but can no longer access these pages.

Unusable. The new version (2023) is virtually unusable. It seems necessary to scroll thru news from china, India and several sports in which I have no interest in the vague hope of finding some UK news. I have yet to discover where cycling news is hidden. Bring back the prior version please.

One of the best. Great information Channel !

Rating. No news service should be so introspective or unsure of itself as to be constantly asking for ratings. The news service itself is good, but readers shoulder not everlastingly be asked to give ratings and write reviews. If that is the case, then it must expect poor ratings as a result.

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Langue French
Prix Gratuit
Limite d'âge 12+ ans et plus
Dernière version 2023.1.0
Play Store
Compatibilité iOS 13.0 ou version ultérieure

Installation et Téléchargement de l'application BBC News (Version 2023.1.0)

L'application BBC News ios a été développée par BBC Worldwide [ID développeur: 344138454] et est sortie dans la catégorie Actualités le jeudi 1 avril 2010. La taille du fichier de l'application est de 69.55 MB. Cette application a été évaluée par 3,770 utilisateurs et a une note de 4.5 sur 5. La dernière version de BBC News publiée le mercredi jeudi 26 octobre 2023 est la 2023.1.0. Le logiciel IOS 13.0 et supérieur fonctionne correctement. Google Play ID: Langues prises en charge par l'application:

EN Téléchargez et installez maintenant!
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Note du développeur d'applications BBC News:

This update includes some significant underlying technical improvements to the mobile app. We have also upgraded the look of the app with a new layout.

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