The Guardian - Live World News Bewertung


The Guardian - Live World News App Beschreibung und Prüfung

Was ist die the guardian - live world news-app? Understand the events shaping our world with the Guardian. Never miss breaking news, dive into diverse opinion pieces, follow stories minute-by-minute with our dynamic live blogs, from world news and politics to business news and sport. The Guardian news app is free to download and offers you a beautiful, intuitive mobile experience, so you can read, watch and listen to our independent reporting whenever it suits you.

To give you a taste of our app, we’re offering you free access to a limited number of articles, which refreshes on a regular basis. If you’re a regular reader, you might consider subscribing. Subscribe to get full access to Guardian articles in our app, so you can read quality, international journalism with no restrictions.

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And when you subscribe, you’ll unlock:
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What’s more, subscribing to our news app is a great way to show your support for fearless, independent Guardian journalism. As a reader-funded news organisation, we rely on your funding to power our future. Thank you.

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Anwendungsname The Guardian - Live World News
Kategorie Nachrichten
Aktualisiert Montag, 25. März 2024
Dateigröße 193.5 MB

Kommentare zu den Noten The Guardian - Live World News

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Prima.. Zurück zur Standard-Tabbar, das ist schon in Ordnung. Jetzt könnte man sich ja endlich mal der Fehler annehmen, die auftreten, wenn man eingebettete YouTube-Videos abspielt. Zum einen wird die Wiedergabe immer automatisch pausiert, wenn man in die Vollbild-Wiedergabe wechselt. Zum anderen dreht sich das Bild auch auf den Kopf, wenn man das Gerät entsprechend dreht. Ich hatte deshalb schon den Support angeschrieben und man verwies auf Fehler in der YouTube-API. Aber ganz ehrlich, wozu bezahlen Sie denn Ihre Entwickler? Dann muss eben eine eigene Lösung her. Das ist doch wirklich kein Hexenwerk.

excellently broad-ranged and up-to-date reporting&commenting. The Guardian is an excellent serious daily newspaper which offers a great variety of reporting and commenting on political, economic, social and cultural issues. It is often the vanguard of news broadcast. If it weren‘t for my daily intake of the nyt and washington post, I would certainly subscribe to The Guardian which is strong on a global scale including news on the US. I wrote to the WP asking about their rationale for their slogan „Democracy Dies in Darkness“ questioning the wisdom of a serious US journal in seemingly defeatist metaphor. The Guardian doesn‘t have such a dumb slogan. By the way, I never got a reaction from the WP. Mr Reade

The world needs more news sites like The Guardian. One of the best news sites in the world. Always delivering breaking news. Highly valuable and relevant content at all times. Unbiased, objective, open and truthful news source. The Guardian conveys humanitarian values and equality. Thank you The Guardian.

Great paper. I love this paper too much. I often wonder if I spend too much time reading this paper, but I return to it every time I pick up my phone. Quality journalism, not too biased, with lots of extras. I love Ask Hailey, for example.

Balanced reporting during polarising times. As a crowd-funded, editorially independent newspaper, the Guardian tries its hardest to present balanced, fact-checked reporting. So much of what we see online these days is deliberately polarising and designed to incite emotional reactions. Having a news source, like The Guardian, that still sticks to rigorous journalistic standards is worth a lot. Do they always get it right? No. But they highlight, correct and apologise. A sign of high trustworthiness.

Corbyn. Der Guardian gefällt mir seit Jahren sehr gut, aber seit einiger Zeit habe ich den Eindruck, dass der Guardian selbst eine eigenartige Position bezueglich Israels einnimmt. Insbesondere scheint er gegen Jeremy Corbyn zu sein.

Qualität ist was anderes.... Mittlerweile sind die Artikel auf Dailymail Niveau. Reißerische, einseitige Berichte die mer Meinungsmache las Journalismus sind.

Top. Diese App ist Gold wert! Habe zwar auch den Guardian Weekly abonniert, aber mit der App habe ich immer schnell die aktuellsten Nachrichten auf höchstem Niveau!!

Not totally objective. There are many things I appreciate at Guardian, including the diversity of articles, and titles that are direct and honest. However, I feel like In regard to Trump, there are 100% only critical articles. This type of projection of facts on the US president started already during the elections. While, I personally don’t support his policies, I would like to read also the opinions of his supporters. Obvious, I suppose, based on this examples that also in other subjects Guardian allows itself to present only a selection of facts. Nonetheless, the Guardian is my no. 1 choice of news portal. Thank you for your work.

Great world news and editorial. I’ve been using the app and getting the snail mail paper for the last three year’s and am amazed at the coverage. I live in Europe so am always happy to get detailed updates on what is happening downunder!

Every update breaks widget. I’m really sick of every single update to break the news widget. I don’t want your photo widget! Also, I don’t like the new design. I don’t care for super-round corners everywhere. I don’t want generous white space. I want density, I want immediacy, I want the news without having to scroll constantly.

Hit and miss. The app itself is nice and I’m always fond of the culture and sports sections but their opinion writers are depressing. If you only read their opinion section you would think we live in the worst time in the Earth’s history. Climate and pollution aside, we’ve never really had it so good in terms of equality and health, but you wouldn’t think that reading this paper. Things could be better, but couldn’t they always?

Best newspaper in the world. Lots of credit to the Guardian that it chose not to set up a paywall and offer qualitative and insightful journalism on a regular basis for free. That idea in itself calls for voluntarily contributing to funding the Guardian as an institution in the age of payment media and attacks on the freedom of the press!

An important source of information .... ... and a good addition as a careful observer of politics, culture and society ... especially as a voice from abroad I really appreciate my daily look at The Guardian. All main topics are being served and I think it has become one of the leading newspapers and news site at all to me. Congrats.

Klasse. Funktioniert einwandfrei.

Top Journalismus. Sehr guter Journalismus

Beste Nachrichten App. Die guardian app ist um Längen besser als jede deutschsprachige Nachrichten App. Das beste ist, dass sie auch offline funktioniert!

Excellent. For me the best English daily, hands down. The app is perfect and very satisfying to read, view and use. Well worth a subscription, but that’s still voluntary.

Online news. The Guardian online is a fabulous mix of hard news and entertaining features. I have been a subscriber for quite a while and it’s a great service on phone and computer. The football coverage (Barney Ronay) is the best bar none.

Number 1 News App. The Guardian’s reporters are doing cutting edge journalism, only paralleled by the German “Die ZEIT” and I greatly appreciate the focus on environmental topics. Also, the app is reliable and news keeps updating throughout the day. Keep up the good work.

Flawless. Ok, I already liked Guardian a lot, but this app is simply flawless! Beautifully designed and developed in a way that you can configure your whole feed in the settings. The user experience in this makes me want to be in the app 24/7. Love it.

Einfach klasse. Echt ein großer Fan der App. Die wahrscheinlich schönste, am besten durchdachte und informativste kostenlose Nachrichten App, die man so in Europa kriegen kann.

Why the Guardian is so important!. If the Guardian was a compulsory newspaper for every British citisen to know what is going on in their country and the world, many referendums and votes would have had different results. I wish more people would get their informations from the Guardian instead of believing populists headlines. As I am in England regularly I can see how very important and necessary your journalism is! InaJung, Germany

Objektiv und Interessant. The Guardian ist seriös, vertraulich und immer interessant. Wenn es um Bücher und Filme geht, bin ich praktisch immer sehr gut beraten

Gerade gekündigt, früher meine Lieblings-News-App. Jedes Ereignis, überall auf der Welt, sogar jeder Film oder TV-Serie, Kunst, Musik, Computerspiele, Mode, Beauty wird nur noch nach Diversity Equality Inclusion-Kriterien bewertet… Wird damit die Sache der marginalisierten Menschen, v.a. der Schwarzen, POC, LGBTQ* unterstützt - gut, wird das nicht getan - schlecht. Und meine Familie hat sogar schwarze und LGBT-Mitglieder, aber es ist einfach nicht mehr auszuhalten, was der Guardian z.T. so heraus posaunt, und wir sind alle das, was man links oder in den USA progressive nennt, aber es geht einfach zu weit, wie jetzt gerade z.B. die Ereignisse im Lande Palestina behandelt werden, wo Greueltaten auf einmal gerechtfertigt scheinen, solange sie nur von den vermeintlich (nach progressiver Ideologie), ähem, “Unterdrückten” ausgehen… Kaum zu glauben, dass Menschenfeindlichkeit im Guardian doch einen Platz hat, solange sie eben nicht gegen BIPOC/LGBTQ* geht, sondern gegen Israelis… Sonst - immer noch Topjournalismus zu Umwelt-, Klima-, Biodiversitätsthemen, die App, UI, sauber programmiert, funktioniert hervorragend wie eh und je… Aber aus den o.g. Gründen habe ich mein Abo gerade gekündigt, meine Unterstützung eingestellt, und dies auch für unser gesamtes Unternehmen getan.

Great newspaper and very good app. I love the Guardian and support them with the small monthly subscription. Important to hold on to a newspaper that provides well-researched articles and that refrains from clickbaiting and the hysteria that you find elsewhere. The app is well thought through. I like the fact that the articles that I have read already are color-marked and that I can store articles for later reading or archive. Above all, it is not optimized for clickbaiting: What they show you in the overview is typically enough to understand whether you want to read the story or not.

Excellent. The app works frictionless and reliable. Great to be able to choose categories of interest. And above all: excellent journalism, always up to date, covering what really matters. So important nowadays to have reliable sources of information! Being based in Germany I peruse the app every day…. Thank you so much!

Good to read. I don't subscribe to the Guardian regularly but donate once in awhile - but I sure do like the excellent quality of journalism a lot. This news media is fast, reliable and a lot of fun to read on top!

Addictive, in a positive way. I probably spend too much time with this app. But since it’s well written, informative and entertaining journalism, packaged in a balanced app, I don’t feel too bad about it.

Exzellenter Journalismus. Mit seinem analytischen, objektiven und vor allem kritischen Journalismus ist die Zeitung für mich DAS Fenster, um gerade nach dem Brexit den Blick auf GB nicht zu verlieren. Detaillierte Informationen und pointierte analytische Kommentare: exzellenter Journalismus

One of a kind. Wirklich einzigartig, sehr zu empfehlen.

Meine liebste Nachrichten App auf dem Phonetik. Top!

My morning would not be complete without reading my Guardian. Living in Germany it gives me all the news l need both here and in my old home. I left before Brexit and my views have not changed. Introduced to it by my Grandfather who told me “there is only one newspaper you can trust, The Manchester Guardian”!

Journalismus und App erster Güte. Der journalistische Standard des Guardian ist über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Ich habe viele internationale Zeitungen ausprobiert, aber das Niveau des Guardian ist unerreicht. Die App passt dazu hervorragend. Sie funktioniert einwandfrei und ist ansprechend gestaltet. Die Lesbarkeit ist sehr gut! Daher guten Gewissens 5 Sterne.

Toll. Beste Zeitungsapp.

My daily News App.. ..even though I am from Germany. The Guardian and the app are just great, well researched articles on diverse topics. The video content is also great- the way people are interviewed and listened to. Basically I read it every day and really enjoy the well thought through usability of the app itself. Check out the infographics, absolutely great.

Immer top aktuelle Berichterstattung. In dem riesigen Angebot sind die relevanten Artikel schnell zu finden. Ich nutze die App täglich.

Notwendige Altrntive. Ausgezeichneter Journalismus

Excellent journalism delivered in an App that just works. The Guardian is one of the most trusted newspapers in the world and the quality of journalism, in my opionion, also is reflected in the quality of the App. It just works and it helps me get to my news quickly. It loads fast, it preloads content, it presents all articles on an easy to grasp frontpage.

Truth. I always find the Guardian to be well balanced, very interesting and truthful. I read the news every morning and also enjoy the apps Today in Focus and Brexit Means.

Why no news widget?. Contents great! Great research, wealthy information, I really enjoy reading it. But I rarely read it because my other daily newspapers have a widget that offers me interesting articles. Why does is it that the Guardian comes without one? Please, please introduce it. Otherwise I only read the Guardian when I'm sitting in the waiting room for a really long time, and that's actually a shame.

Bester Journalismus. Großartige App für besten Journalismus

One of my core apps. Great content and easy to use. Love the read-later feature as well.. Great content, smooth app usage with no weird behaviours. Love it.

best political news also for Germans. being myself a German journalist for many years I have to confess that the Guardian is the best news-media for politics for me, giving information about Europe, the US and (to a smaller degree) other parts of the world. informing about many countries, giving room to more than one side of a conflict, also citing different opinions. Much better than any german paper/news-portal. For European and world-news much better than for example Der Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, FAZ in my country. And also bit better than NZZ from Switzerland.

Zoom Funktion fehlt!. Warum wird in der App ( nach sehr vielen Updates) immer noch keine Zoom Funktion angeboten ?

Please fix the display glitch. I am a great fan of the Guardians online news offering ever since Brexit loomed on the horizon and I was looking for better information than that provided in my local German press. This iPad app has worked well at delivering content. Until now. There is a very annoying glitch in the display that causes all left side headings including larger image to disappear just when you scroll down to see the full image. This has been going on for over two weeks which is far too long for such a high quality service. Please fix it soon.

Best News worldwide. This App is definitely a good place to start getting independent news. Help support it so we can continue to have in-depth investigative journalism. Think of Edward Snowden. May he long live.

Great app for news and more. Works well and basically never crashes. Has an option to sign up for alerts. Access to quality news and journalistic content for free.

Used to be better. Too many interruptions in spite of full payment for subscription. The new- payed for articles really necessary???

Best News app ever. I prefer the Guardian over any of my countries newspapers - and this is probably in no small part due to the excellent Guardian app. You can heavily personalise the app and build your personal “homepage” within it. Tagging of important subjects and moderated comments are an additional bonus. You get the chance to register as a supporter, thereby paying for the journalism and editorial work whilst not overburdening a stretched purse. Keep on, Guardian!

💰 Payoneer

Wussten sie, dass sie durch ihre anmeldung 25 US-Dollar auf unserer website verdienen können? Verdiene 25$ kostenlos indem du dich bei Payoneer anmeldest!

paywall. had the app for 10+ years. daily reader. now there‘s a paywall I can‘t afford. no way around it. no more guardian for me, I suppose :‘)

Can’t sign in. The journalism is brilliant, but since registration is now obligatory, sign in using google doesn’t work on the app, so it’s unusable.

Very satisfactory articles; has potential to be world paper in future.. Too much on local UK issues.

Best news app out there. I use The Guardian mobile app almost daily. They deliver news better than anyone else in respect of clarity and arrangement following major occurances. I am from Austria and continually use the app for international news. 5⭐️

great app. definitely a must have

Very intuitive. Great reading experience.

Great app. -to get informed

Guardian, meine Informationsquelle zu Meinungen und Stimmung im UK. Ich benutze die Guardian App, weil ich im Ausland lebe und mir trotzdem ein Bild zur Situation im UK machen möchte. Die App funktioniert immer super.

Solid News. Nice frontend for a great news portal.

An app like the newspaper. The Guardian isn't just one of (if not the) best newspapers in the world, it also offers an iPhone app that performs well.

Multiple year PAID subscriber review. The Guardian is good, but not perfect. The lastest app release has articles that scroll off of the iPhone screen. That never used to happen and it makes some articles unreadable. The other issue I have that is so bad one can only call it lazy and unprofessional is when there are factual errors in an article, you take time to try to help them correct the article and provide references, but they let their inaccurate story remain.

Review. I e hoy this app very much

Great App!. Best newspaper app.

Super App.. alles drin - alles dran

Ace. Well programmed and easy to use. Great content!!! That's the best.

The best!. The best and succinct Journalism I know . Congratulations

I Like it. Amazing App

The best news app. It is easy to use with a fantastic search function, and has the best English language news content.

wunderbar. nett und übersichtlich, informativ

Very fast app. Not to mention the quality of the news! Absolutely great!

Mr.. Top notch app for news and views.

I love it. Everything u need to know...;)

Great app. This is a great app

Interesting. Interesting for an Austrian, too!

very friendly. very friendly

my most trusted english-speaking paper. In terms of grounded structure I prefer german-speaking papers like Handelsblatt. But among all papers I can read in German or English, I love the Guardian most of them all for its versatility, wide international scope, truthfullness, reporting on our repressed/blind spots like climate & environment and pronounced to formidable comments from war to arts. For diving in deep on special issues (Ukraine to greentech, China to political backgrounds,..) - and with videos - I appreciate Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, SouthChinaMorningPost, BBC, CNN.

Fully Accessible. Asside from the balanced content, which is excellent and thought-provoking, the app is totally accessible for a totally blind person like myself. Many thanks for a great newspaper! Mike in Vienna, Austria

Laurence. The Guardian offers the best insight into world affairs without a doubt

Great App. Very informing

One of the best news services available to the English speaking world.. Independent journalism, with integrity. One of the best news services available to the English speaking world. I pay a subscription to support independent journalism, and it’s worth every penny.

Really Great!. I use the Guardian app to stay up to date on the topic of politics. I am not even British nor do I live in the UK but it's still a great source of information and the UI is pretty nice too

Big news with little ads. Guardian keeps me updated on everything important all over the world. Only a few ads, I hope you can keep it like that.

Much needed Information.... cut through todays noisemachines and get to relevant news.

Works very well.. Would prefer a paid version without ads (for non-British users), though.

tadellos!. super app und in meinen Augen guter Journalismus! danke!

Rational. The news from guardian are the most rational. They try their best not to take sides. Long live guardian

Beispielhaft. Die beste News-App. So geht Zeitung heute und morgen.

Better than some PBS. Amazing Journalism

Sehr cool!. Intuitiv!

Works good. Works good

A joy to use and read!. Great improvements have been made since its beginning and apart from a few little bugs (loading of outside links through the app, "can't connect..." pop-up at the beginning and some links in articles not working like in web version) it is easy to use and the content is always interesting.

Brilliant. Excellent content, fair reporting, user-friendly and, whilst some (ahem, Austrian newspapers...) might claim it’s not exactly vital, bloody gorgeous. I’d be lying if I said that The Guardian’s font and impeccable, continuous design weren’t half the reasons for me not getting my news from elsewhere. In an era of seemingly constant, often depressing news, at least it’s easy on the eyes.

Excellent!. Excellent App!

Great reading!. Love the Guardian! High quality journalism at the fingertips!

All the news I need. Top!

Request to Guardian coders. The Guardian is a great newspaper. My only issue with the app is that I cannot zoom to read the text and it is just a tiny bit too small for my eyesight. Would it be possible to either have the text larger, or to give the reader the possibility to enlarge the text ? Thank you!

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Top quality journalism. Not a regular reader but noticing relevant stories brought up by the Guardian ahead of the other media. True benchmark. And I love to have the opportunity to read free of charge: thank you very much! Very best regards, Sibylle Yaakov, Frankfurt/Germany

Thank you. Dear social-media-team of "The Guardian", I am thankfully about your application because the news are without costs and avaible for everybody. I wish you the best for the coming future and keep cool.

I live in Germany. You are my daily informant about the CHAOS! It makes my heart bleed to see what‘s going on in GB at the moment. I take my hat off to your journalists for their pragmatic reporting. Thank you and keep it up! Serena Petrides, Brit AND German Bad Homburg, Germany

Broken since last update. Cannot open app as of a few days ago - crashes and quits immediately upon starting. iPhone XR, iOS 14.2. Normally excellent otherwise, of course

guardian. love your paper, disappointed that I can no longer buy it in Germany but have subscribed to the Observer

The Guardian is the best paper in the world. Keep going and tell people what’s really going on❗️

Not for free! C'mon, this must be worth something!. Guardian is the best thought-out news app that I know. It even has an amazing archive. However, just because it‘s not hiding behind a paywall, it‘s not really free. Great journalism costs money! The Guardian relies on us readers doing the right thing and supporting them. In my case, that means subscribing to the print edition, which I love and use as well. Maybe even love a bit more!

Real news. Only daily paper worth reading. Factual, interesting, a cut above the rest. Keep on doing what you’re doing!

Does the Guardian censor critics of Israel?. A few days ago ago I read an article From a journalist who happened to write a critical article about American aid to Israel. He was cancelled by the Guardian. He was accused of antisemitism. Is that right? He also criticised the attitude of the Israel government against Palestinians. Anti governments does not mean antisemitism.

Excellent free source of (mostly) news. Some brilliant writing to be found, from a handful of great writers, whom you’ll learn to distinguish from the opinionated barrow pushers no other reputable paper would touch!

Awesome. Great App. Great Newspaper. I would also highly recommend their podcast „Today in Focus“. Amazing work, keep it up!

I'm a German Reader and find These Independent news great. Deep-dive analysis on political issues, great and Independent newssite

Such a Great App. better than any other news app and I love espaecially the football notifications, just penalty shootouts would be really nice, maybe like × • • × • - × • × • ×

iphone headlines widget disappeared. The Guardian app is much less useful without the Guardian widget. Why has the widget disappeared?

Great articles!. The app has also good usability

My only newspaper. I always find enjoyable, informative reading in the Guardian.

Widget. What happened to the news headlines on the widget? That was my first to go place for the news. Now it’s just some photo.... Could we have a choice please? (Photo, or top stories)

Best news app.... ...with constant improvements

Best news app I know. Knocks everything else for six. No German press apps get even vaguely near this app for usability and performance, but most importantly, content. Brilliant.

Simply the best. The Guardian is one of the best newspaper on earth. Well investigated stories, unfiltered new an a clear separation between message and opinion. Great to have you Guardian!

Fabulous Journalism. I am a huge fan of The Guardian and particularly enjoy their perspective on global issues as well as their national political observations. I can only recommend.

Congrats to THE GUARDIAN. Always up to date and well-balanced in its approach to deal with news items.

Global News. brilliant Jurnalism on global politics- enjoy also well researched podcasts on a range of topics!!!

The Guardian. Magnificent! My favorite newspaper. I do enjoy each section and of course the book’s reviews Thank you for that great journalism!

Great source of independent news. Always up to date on the newest news great app with a few adds

Climate Apartheid. The Guardian consequently , regularly and factually reports on the threatening state of our global ecosystem and exposes the major criminal industries and corrupt governments and politicians responsible for profiting from the destruction of our common home, “Mother Earth”!

The only News app you need. Works great, looks great, optimized for iPads but useable on my iPhone too.

Clear, catchy, simple, understandable, great strucure, balance of articles. Cannot ask for more!

A balanced source. The Guardian makes news still palatable these days.

Best British newspaper. I‘ve been a regular reader of the Guardian for years. To me it provides the most balanced, best educated view onto British politics, economy, culture and lifestyle. Very much recommended!

Top articles. John Crace makes my subscription when while

Brilliant!. Top class app and great reporting. Long may it last!

Great!. The app is as well thought out and intelligent as the paper. Adjustable, flows well, fast, all good.

News you can still trust. Only news I know that still can be trusted, are detailled and neutral and informing on a broad international level

To the point.... The information are in most cases ahead of many other newsletters in EUROPE...

The best news source there is. In these troubled times it‘s good to hear the warrior cries that sound throughout the Guardian‘s content, calling for humanity.

back to 3 stars. Love the paper, the app is annoying, every 2nd update loses your saved/favorites and you start at zero again…why? Please fix this! No point saving anything ever, as it will just get lost

Balance. Not too much analysis, no junk, good balance. Please carry on.

Best news site. The best source for well-sourced, non-biased, fact-based news.

New Design. Oh my God. It looks awful, only black and white. Where is an individual identity? I also miss the notification for singe football matches for German Bundesliga very much. Please improve.

Engineer. Like G because of objective reporting and deep knowledge articles trying to stay neutral as well as offering discussion articles from people with opposite thinking and meanings!

Terrible new rounded corners in the UI. Not going to give less stars, but the new rounded corners and margins around pictures are just horrifying! Please don’t do this..

BeBea. Excellent journalism beautifully presented, clear and to the point. I would appreciate more positive articles on Europe and the EU.

Best source of intelligent, independent news. The title says it all. And the best bit is the daily headline offerings into my email inbox, plus the ease of use of the Guardian app. Couldn’t wish for more.

Lazy programming. I got a premium account and still have to read that I am not doing something for journalism. Please correct the programming.

perfect. The Guardian mirrors a very impressive and always touching way of liberal and widespread thinking any newspaper in europe could really take a leaf out of its book!

Pushes never work. Since a while now the push notifications deeplink isn't working. It always shows a blank page.

The best digital form paper I’ve ever read. I’ve tried plenty of newspapers and services. None reaches to guardian, level of convenience, comfort and professionalism.

Unfake News. The best most reliable and informed source of both information and comment. Invaluable in our world today. THFC 1882spurs

One of the best news info portal. Please support guardian One of my top favourites if it comes to world news and even specials on local news Please go ahead !!! I did sign a abo ... normally quite rarely I subscribe

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Unbiased, in depth, and truthful. The only place to go for unbiased and intelligent reporting backed by human vaules

Great idea but consistently failing at logging in. I used to like this app, but I am unable to login with my AppleID to customise what I see. Get an unhelpful error message saying “something went wrong”. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling - still breaks.

Journalism at its best. Intelligent and honest reporting. The Guardian delivers daily a balanced view of what is happening both in the UK and in the world. Its investigative reporting is excellent and its arts and science articles are pertinent and interesting. The Guardian has some first class journalists who steer clear of sensationalism retaining their integrity in a media world that is somewhat untrustworthy today.

by far the best newspaper app. Just love it !

The Guardian. the best newspaper, worldwide. the app is well made

Best News App Around. Easy to navigate & customise your home screen. Great writing & always there with new content & news as it happens.

Quote from Mark Twain. “If you don’t read the newspapers, you’re uninformed, If you read them, you are mis-informed.” I desperately miss the investigative journalism that I started to pay you for. But you are the same than all the others. It’s nothing more than sensationalism, copy-pasting and negativity. Maybe I’ll consider restart reading “The guardian” again, when I read something about the class action, for example, that is being prepared about the PCR tests or that a positive test is not an infection or about the thousands of experts and virologists that have a completely different and neutral - in this case more positive - view, as they read the statistics as we were taught in school. (absolute figures vs. relative figures). Even if you think that those (optimistic) views will not sell. I will take you seriously again, as soon as you get a team of investigative journalists working on pharmaceutical industry and lobbying and the dirty role of the WHO and others that might profit from this strange situation. One hint: follow the money! I will restart to read the newspapers when you finally do your work as the 4th power. Otherwise I’ll stick to my books. It just makes me feel better and I really do something for my education.

Great app, designed well & relevant news. Great app

Guardian. Very good newspaper.

Brilliant. Quite simply the best newspaper app ever.

Very nice app, great for travelling. Offline mode useful

Guardian App. Great app for quality news in English, especially because most of the content is available w/out extra payment

More and more partisan with less independent analysis. Increasingly left leaning mainstream newspaper with diminishing depth of critical analysis and doubtful independence from lobbyists and big Pharma commercial interests.

A most necessary European voice from UK. A most necessary European voice from UK !

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Sprache German
Preis Kostenlos
Altersgrenze 12+ jahre und älter
Letzte Version 11.57.2
Play Store
Kompatibilität iOS 16.0 und höher

The Guardian - Live World News (Version 11.57.2) Anwendung Herunterladen und Installieren

Die Applikation The Guardian - Live World News wurde am Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011 in der kategorie Nachrichten veröffentlicht und von Guardian News And Media Limited [Developer ID: 340425658] entwickelt. Diese anwendungsdatei hat eine größe von 193.5 MB. Diese App wurde von 14,387 Benutzern bewertet und hat eine Bewertung von 4,0 von 4.8. Die neueste auf Montag, 25. März 2024 veröffentlichte Version von The Guardian - Live World News ist 11.57.2. Es funktioniert problemlos auf feräten mit mindestens IOS 16.0 und höher. ID-Nummer des Google Play Store: Von der App unterstützte Sprachen:

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The Guardian Editions 4.7 19 Kostenlos
The Guardian - Live World News Anwendungsentwickler-Hinweis:

We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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