BBC News Bewertung


BBC News App Beschreibung und Prüfung

Was ist die bbc news-app? THE BBC APP: News, stories, videos and live coverage from our trusted global network of journalists.

BBC STORIES: The latest, breaking news headlines, articles and videos, including coverage of world News, UK News, elections, BBC Verify, and more. More stories and videos covering business, innovation, culture, travel, Earth, and much more.

LIVE COVERAGE: Follow live news updates and live global sport in our Live section.

BBC VIDEOS: Watch BBC News videos, BBC Sport videos, and video stories about climate, sustainability, science, health, technology, entertainment, and history.

BREAKING NEWS ALERTS: Sign up for breaking news notification alerts from BBC News, delivered straight to your mobile device.

• Log into your BBC Account to save articles and videos for later on the app and
• Watch videos over both cellular and wifi
• Increase your font size for readability
• Choose dark mode for a dark-background reading experience
• Share stories and videos to social platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp, and send to friends via SMS and email
• Opt-in or opt-out of breaking news push notifications, you decide

If you choose to receive push notifications, a unique identifier relating to your device will be stored by Airship on behalf of the BBC to provide you with the service. You can choose to unsubscribe from push notifications from BBC in your device’s ‘Notifications’ screen.

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Anwendungsname BBC News
Kategorie Nachrichten
Aktualisiert Donnerstag, 21. März 2024
Dateigröße 73.75 MB

Kommentare zu den Noten BBC News

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Wir überweisen monatlich über vier milliarden Euro. Wir sorgen dafür, dass privat- und geschäftskonten 4 Millionen Euro an überweisungsgebühren einsparen. Erhalte deine gebührenfreie Überweisung

Die ads nerven. Nachrichten besser als anderswo. Aber Reklame ist super blöd

Sehr gute App!. Falls man sich für die Sicht anderer Medien auf der Welt interessiert, hat man hier neben der Webseite eine sehr gute Basis gefunden. Leider stört das Geoblocking manchmal, wenn man in die Tiefen der App vordringt, aber daran kann wohl niemand etwas ändern.

Nervig. Prinz Harry heiratet. Das ist eine Push-Nachricht wert? Schlimm.

Informativ. Bringt Informationen die man hier von den Öffentlichen nicht erhält zeitnah

*****. Beste Nachrichten App ever!

Sehr gut und sehr aktuell. BBC News um Klassen besser als Spiegel oder Focus, inhaltlich vergleichbar mit dem Ersten ARD in D, wobei ich BBC für wesentlich übersichtlicher und auch etwas schneller bei neuen Nachrichten halte.

vorbildlich!. die beste news app, die ich kenne! seit der spiegel seine app kaputtdesigned hat, ist dies meine bevorzugte app 😍

Warum auf russisch?. An und für sich ist die App ja gut. Aber warum sind die Untermenüs auf russischer Sprache? Der Support meldet sich trotz mehrmaliger Anfrage leider nicht zurück-schade.

1. Wahl für Weltnachrichten. Das Gegengift bei Tweets von Männern mit orangen Haaren.

Weiß nicht was ich denen glauben soll. Hab grad nen Artikel gelesen, zu dem ich mich ähnlich schon in mehreren anderen Medien informiert habe und auch persönliche Erfahrungen zu habe. Nun, schlecht recherchiert oder lobbyistisch verfälscht, je nachdem was man bbc unterstellen will. Ab zum löschen

BBC News. Sehr gut und interessant herübergebrachte Informationen. Die Aktualität ist unschlagbar, verglichen mit den deutschen Nachrichten. Die News sind bei mir die allerersten Inputs des Tages. Da ich kein native speaker bin, ist das Lesen aller Texte eine Goldgrube!

Welt Nachrichten im Überblick angelsächsisch gewichtet. gibt einen guten Überblick, was in der Welt geschieht.

Aktuell aber manchmal lange Wege zum Ziel. Immer topaktuell, journalistisch perfektes Handwerk mit Aufmachern die Appetit machen. Durch die Verfügbarkeit auch älter Artikel wie in einem Archiv ist der Weg zu Neuen aber erst mit Übung zu bewältigen.

Tolle App. Gut designed. Sehr übersichtlich. Top-Journalismus.

Solid news app but usability is getting worse. Im general the app is solid (content, stability etc) On the technical side the app is getting worse over time and this affects usability: Many of the problems stem from the fact that it’s just a web view around an almost normal webpage. * cookie/consent banners appear again and again no matter what you select (why not manage tracking consent in the app itself?) * some videos do not play their sound while in app (works fine on website). This also affects some ads * some ads appear on top of paragraphs instead of in-between - makes it impossible to read all text * offline usage used to be much better (e.g. for getting on a plane)

Allrounder. Wenn hier ne Schlagzeile kommt ist es immer aktuell und wichtig. Und die Artikel sind so objektiv wie menschenmöglich geschrieben. empfehle ich sehr 👍

Übersichtlich und aktuell. Ergänzt ganz wunderbar meine deutschsprachigen Nachrichten mit Informationen aus aller Welt.

Reißerisch, Klatsch,kein seriöses Nachrichtenmagazin. RezensentNGP

Hat einen Scherz. Hilfe und Einstellungen auf Russisch, obwohl iOS Deutsch und App in Deutschland geladen wurde.

Gute Informationen. Die App hat ein einfaches Design, sodass man wichtige Meldungen schnell findet. Nachrichten können auch personalisiert werden. Insgesamt eine gute Ergänzung zu deutschsprachigen Nachrichten-Apps!

It works. The app works generally well. It is sometimes irritating to filter through the editorial garbage and only read the hard news. You get a good enough objective understanding of what’s going on once you are in the habit of skipping the editorial parts. They have recently begun sending push notifications on social justice topics instead of just breaking news. I find this especially obnoxious and have turned off the notifications because of it. I understand every news organization has their political bias, but sending trashy notifications to reinforce the organization’s political positions is a bit much. Thanks for the free news though.

Hoher Batterieverbrauch im Hintergrund. 4 Minuten lang im Vordergrund, 5 Stunden „im Hintergrund“ führt zu 10% Batterie-Verbrauch. Hier funktioniert etwas nicht richtig.

Gotten worse. Sorry but I find the IOS app has gotten worse, As an British person living abroad it’s now impossible to find anything relevant to Wales as the poor layout demonstrates. Please by all means update security issues etc but I wish the layout was the same as approximately a year ago. I could put into the top menu all countries and topics I was interested in and now I cannot do this anymore. There is a well known saying, “If it’s not broken then it don’t need fixing”or “Leave well alone”, really disappointed.

Rundes Angebot. Solide, nicht nur Mainstream Ich fühle mich gut informiert Thx

Яussisch für Anfänger. Bei mir erscheinen ab und zu Headlines in Яussisch

Übersichtlich. Sehr gut umgesetzt

Werbung nervt. Penetrante Werbung. Absolut nervig. ES NERVT GEWALTIG. Diese App war vor langer Zeit mal gut. Jetzt ist es immer mehr Clickbait wie bei Focus Online etc.

Nachrichten vom Feinsten.. Das Erscheinungsbild und die Inhalte sind modern, ansprechend und auf den Punkt gebracht. Durch die Verlinkungen mancher Themen kann sich noch tiefergehend informieren.

Informative site. An informative site that, generally, provides unbiased news in an easy-to-understand and relevant way whilst also providing enough detail. The smart-phone format is clear and user-friendly. Most of the time the use of the English language is the high standard you would expect and hope for but, from time to time, there are a number of mistakes (eg; glaring spellings/ typing) that give the impression the report was hurried or not checked. My daily port of call for a reliable, yet entertaining source of up-to-date information.

Höchst-Qualitäts-Journalismus. Tiefgründig recherchierte Berichterstattung, unabhängige professionelle Analysen, ausgezeichnete Hintergrund-Berichte aus aller Welt und vor allem unparteiisch, fair und authentisch. Einfach Journalismus der Extraklasse!

Einfach und Übersichtlich. Alle meine Themen einfach persönlich zu sortieren!

Sehr gut!. Vorbildlich!

alternativlos. Würde Mutti sagen. Schade nur, dass man in Germanien das Parlament nicht live hören kann.

Sehr objektiv!. Hervorragende und sehr objektive und neutrale Berichterstattung!

BBC-App. Sie ist übersichtlich strukturiert und bringt die Informationen auf den Punkt. Man ist schnell im Bilde.

Aggressive Video Werbung. Seit heute wird bei jedem aufgerufenen Artikel ein Full screen Werbevideo gezeigt, das man mühsam wegklicken muss. Ätzend!!

Kyrillische Texte stören. Bitte Englisch, nicht kyrillisch!

Shame about the ads. This would be a five star app were it not for the advertising. It’s become more aggressive over the years. I don’t really see the point in subjecting the reader to a 30 second video advert for a 30 second video news clip. Latest bugs, adverts-related….advertising now pops up directly over the news feeds. Very buggy and very annoying.

Einfach. nur sehr gut !

So müssen Nachrichten aufbereitet sein. Danke BBC

Good but could be better. Will frequently change just the headline on a breaking story without changing the content at all - meaning sometimes the story contradicts the headline. Next, the first part of the story will be updated while the later paragraphs are old - again sometimes contradictory. There are times. when the English is appallingly bad, improper grammar, etc.

Ich liebe sie.... Die übersichtlichste News-App und immer TOPAKTUELL!

Unskippable, unstoppable Ads. Drives me crazy. I enjoyed watching the advert once, maybe twice but NOT EVERY TIME! I refuse to use the App until that is changed. Shame really because the rest was great and it was my main news source! UPDATE: It works again. You can skip ads again! I’m back with it! Great app

Den eigenen Blickwinkel erweitern. Gerade in Zeiten von Brexit ist es hilfreich, über den nationalen Tellerrand zu schauen und direkte Hintergrundinfos aus UK selbst zu bekommen. Außerdem erweitert BBC news mit Nachrichten aus den Commonwealth-Ländern den Überblick über die Weltlage jenseits des in Deutschland doch sehr begrenzten internationalen Blickwinkels. Dazu noch leicht verständliche Informationen.

New layout is useless. To replace „My News“ makes the app absolutely useless for me. I don‘t want to scroll through dozens of articles irrelevant to me to get to what I want to know about. And I don‘t need „most watched“ as I like to form my own opinion unbiased by sensation seeking idiots who only read what matches their opinion. I directly deleted the app. Too bad - I really liked it. But without any option of personalization? No, thanks. But from a company that‘s not even able to provide a correct description of their own app - as it still highlights the „My News“ section, which obviously doesn‘t exist anymore - what can you expect? No reliable news for sure.

Sehr übersichtlich und informativ. Ich lese sehr gerne BBC News um meine Englischkenntnisse aufzubessern ....

App ist auf Arabisch.. Lässt sich in den Einstellungen auch nicht ändern (ich kann ein bisschen Arabisch)

Seit letzten Update die Zeit auf Russisch. Was ist passiert? Eigentlich eine gute App aber warum ist die Zeit und Einstellungen auf Russisch? Und man kann es nicht selbst verstellen!

Aktuelle News schnell und übersichtlich. Besonders hilfreich ist die BBC App wenn man seine Englisch Kenntnisse verbessern will , da sie auch die Nachrichten in einem leichten Englisch schreiben und jeder Artikel gut unterteilt ist.

No means No and not “well keep asking”!. Unfortunately your privacy settings are not what they claim to be! The list of 29 or so different companies with which your share data has to be gone through every single time because you do not like my choices! I don’t mind advertising until in your case it is so much it stops the content working! This happens on your website as well as on your App! Maybe “less is more”!

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App has stopped working. The app says there may be a problem with my internet and doesn’t load any news articles- it has become useless

My review. Up to date, unambiguous, factual, impartial

Pls go back to old version. The new one is a pain in the neck, it's barely usable with the top-line constantly asking to be tapped because of updates. The old version was really nice.

BBC News. Excellent app which not only keeps one up to date with World News but also allows one to choose the rest of the news to suit one's personal taste.

Great!. Great!

Excellent Info. Always top

No clear structure... confusing.... Isn't easy to browse throw the news ..,

I want the news hour podcasts back. I am generally a big fan of BBC apps, but with the new update my favorite features are lost. I used to love listening to the news hour podcasts, but the are no longer available in the new version. BBC, please bring back the news hour podcasts to your app!

A part of daily life. My fav news app. In daily use and much loved. Would not want to miss it, ever.

Wonderful. Great app.

closer. BBC news keeps me closer to the world's breath with a high credibility, a wide angle plus focus. Isn't that nice?

Upgrade not good. No longer able to select my own topics of interest. Can only view news selected for me to see. No search either.

Die News App. Ich verwende die App schon seit den frühen Versionen und sie hat mich stets informiert und unterhalten, da die Themenfelder von A bis Z gehen. Somit sollte auch für jederfrau und jedermann stets etwas Interessantes dabei sein. Fazit: A must have for everyone who wants to be stay up to date.

useful. very useful and extended info on all topics available

Praktisch. Immer gut informiert!

Rubbish. BBC is not able to have a working App... Frigging idiots

I quite. Miss the button to save articles.

Love the news!. Good journalism

Gut, Design schlecht. Sehr nützlich! BBC ist wirklich empfehlenswert! Die App könnte etwas moderner aussehen. Es sieht momentan wirklich nicht schön aus...

Letztes update 2013. seine ios app so veraltern zu lassen, ist für einen verein wie bbc wirklich stark

Yeah!. Always has been - still is - and always will be the best!

Just exzellent Journalismus. Even the difficult Topic Brexit

bbc mag ja. lustig sein, diese app ist's nicht.

BBC. Your short and to the point, independent and unbiased News messages on major global affairs are exactly what I want to read and also need for my job. I read BBC news twice a day, in the morning when I wake up and in the evening before I go to sleep. My only concern is that your reporting on the EUropean Union is often negative, whereas there is also a lot of positive EU news worth reporting on.

Complain. Why can i not read it ? It s always in loading situation ????????????????????????

Russian?. I downloaded the app and somehow everything but the articles is in Russian

Does BBC App version 3.7.0 run on iOS 9.2.1 ?. Dear Developers, Upgrading to the latest version of iOS is not an option for my iPhone. I am running iOS 9.2.1. Does the latest version 3.7.0 of the BBC App run on this iOS ? I will improve my rating if the answer is yes. Best regards Christoph

Yeah. Just perfect

Great App. Easy access, nice layout, I use it daily

Mrs. You r simply the best.

Video not working. The app is unable to start video

Tirol. fresh + up to date

Zero personalization. Older versions of the app allowed personalization of what news one sees, which first etc. This seems to have now gone, so I now get a lot of news I’m not interested in, and can’t find what I am interested in. Looking at the bbc news website there is also much more recent news than that pushed to my feed in the app. Very disappointing.

Gute Berichte aus aller Welt! Mit viel Abwechslung und netten Journalisten.. Bitte so weitermachen!

My first choice. Very good overview of all events, great that it's possible to download the content and read offline.

The BBC needs to improve its English. Goto news app for sure and appreciate its still free quality news coverage, albeit not entirely unbiased. However the amount of daily spelling and grammatical errors in its news reports is quite remarkable. Not what you expect of a legendary global news beacon. Sloppy. Some great "Story" articles. Pity about BBC iplayer content being inaccessible outside the UK.

Dreadful. What on earth ha happened to this app? It’s almost impossible to find what I’m looking for. Previously I signed in with my BBC password and all the relevant news I wanted to read was there for me. That’s all gone. Now it’s impossible to navigate. Probably the worst update of any app, just dreadful.

Best news app. Great reads. Great journalism. The best and most reliable news and information from all around the world, 100% free. Also useful to improve your English (I’m a non-native and it helped me quite a lot). Keep up the good work!👍 Greetings from Austria

Fantastisch. Halte ich für die beste News-App mit klassisch guten Inhalten,

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Advertisement. To much advertisement is constantly popping up which is seriously disturbing it’s more they find themself through advertisement then bringing news to the public. And some topics are also posted in wrong countries or subject.

One minute News. Why is the one minute not updated regularly? Sometimes three days old!

All good. As much as people might say I still don’t believe you are partisan

Since update the app keeps crashing. Since the update that came down this week (w/c 13 April), the app keeps crashing while reading news and articles. That's quite annoying and happens on a very regular basis. My iPhone is on the latest iOS version 13.3.1 and it didn't happen before the update.

Default language Arabic!? Why?!. I have recently downloaded your app. But I am facing problems with the default language, which is in my case arabic. Why I actually don’t understand because neither am I arabic nor at the moment located in an Arabic speaking country. I can’t change my (language) settings because I don’t understand the menu. Deinstalling and then reinstalling the app doesn’t work, tried that already...

Horrible update. What a horrible update Bring back my news. Can’t find the news I want to see anymore or that is more relevant to me

Get rid of the unskippable ads. Love the app but recently it makes you watch a 1 min unskippable ad before every video, even ones that are 10 seconds long. Please fix!

Latest update removes key functionality. No longer possible to choose the headlines you wish to see. No UK topic - only Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. No obvious way to change,

Video Playback Errors since Years. An update but no change. Since years most of the video content had issues and led to crash. The new app still has issuers with video playbacks. It’s frustrating

Advertisement keeps popping up. Advertisement is ok since the app is free but now the ads keep popping up while scrolling down an article that’s so annoying that I’d rather use another news source. Sad.

Interesting topics bad syntax. Some news are written really badly. It seems random sentences are put together thus creating longish paragraphs with a lack of information. But quick coverage of events. Some in depths articles are really good and it covers the whole world. Definitely a good addition to national news apps in Germany.

Needs better writers!. Most of the spelling is incorrect. With everything going on in the work the story’s that get picked To be on the news app makes me wonder who has the power. There should also be a comment section under the story’s or a comment part to the app where everyone around the world can add to.

Terrible!. This has to be the worst update ever. All the good features have been removed. It makes the app useless. Also what is with all the adverts. It is now so slow as to be unusable. Pleas roll back this update.

Ads annoying. Good news site but annoying ads to click away with difficulty then linking to other homepage

Mental heath section. Hi, I am very sorry to not being able to find the mental heath section in the app as before. I find this quiet upsetting exactly these days when we need to normalize talking about this topic. The new app is mich worse than the one before overall. Please return to earlier version. Till then I‘ll refrain from the app sadly.

I Hate the new Update. Why did the developers take out the My News option? The App was perfectly fine. Please put this back into the app

Design and ergonomy horrible since last update…l. Horrible layout, sliding not possible anymore between articles, no refresh of whole page without having to manually slide all the way up?.. this is nor evolution it’s 10x regression!,,,,,

App ruined by update / only negative reviews since then. Since all Customization options been removed, the app is quite useless now. Instead of areas relevant to me, i am presented with golf and cricket news. What a waste of tv license money.

Ruined the app. Used to love this app and then 2 days ago they “upgraded” it. Now it is terrible. Groupings are useless, look and feel is horrible and the text is often too small Why oh why

Disastrous. What a disaster. Used to check several times a day. Now, it‘s no longer worth the effort. Sorry, I will delete this empty picture-book-like app.

Quick Information from the other side of the Channel.. Quick Information from the other side of the Channel. Thank you forgiving me a little idea of what people from abroad think of things going on allover the world...!

Reliable source.. Reliable news source. Well researched. Truly global. Original sources. Current and fast. Financial markets reporting could be improved.

Ads overlay content. Sadly advertising is overlaying the news’ panels in topic-mode and texts inside the articles. I don’t know the reason why. I tried deleting and reinstalling the app but without success. Hopefully it’ll work out with the next update. Until then news are very difficult to access.

Best news broadcast world wide.. Top in every aspect!

Total fail. New version is a total fail . Was my most used app. Now deleting and using other news apps .

Opinion with Noise. The bulk of “news” items are text and yet, this app kills your audio! Why? Video ad injection, of course! And the quality of journalism has rapidly declined to the point where every article is now 95% opinion and opinion aligned with that of the advertiser!

Best News. Thanks for the best News.

Useless to make an „app“ like this. Latest update has turned this app into nothing more than the Web site. No more customization, reader selectable topics etc. On the Web your browser can at least filter the ads.

Disaster. What a disaster! No way of individualising my news any more. Pot luck if you manage to click through to regional issues. What a shame 😞

cookie settings very problematic. while the menu offers you to go to cookie settings you can never accept or decline the cookie settings as going back just puts the huge menu on top of the news again which is very intrusive as you can only click okay I agree to everything if you want it to go away!

Going backwards. Latest update is a shame. I can nol longer choose topics and have to read what someone decides I should read.

Too many advertisements. I understand that a couple are needed, its normal. But having an advert that you can only skip 15 seconds in on every single video you play is just ridiculous!

Now useless. The new version off the app is awful, I can’t edit which news topics I can see any more. I used to the app it all the time but have now deleted it.

Used to be great. The new version of the app is very disappointing. No chance to edit your topics or swipe right for next article. I no longer can get UK news.

Disappointing upgrade. The new app is disappointing. There is a complete lack of customizability. News updates need to be manually triggered. The old version was significantly better.

Objektive, apart from Brexit. Generally very objective, though logically a little London-centric. The brexit coverage on the other hand has been fairly poor, plenty of air time to the more loony opinionists, much less to the moderates. Uninformed opinions are not a counter-balance to facts, but the beeb seems to have ignore this in the debate.

Massive Ads. So they took away the old app and forced us to use one full of ads. Great.

Lately overlay video commercial. An ad overlay video is interrupting my read lately. I will now uninstall and switch to another news app. I am a believer in ads but when I am in the middle of a story I do not wish to be forced to watch a video ad that I cannot click away.

Cookies settings are not saved. Every time I open the app, it makes me choose my cookies settings. The app should be able to save the settings that I have already selected.

New update terrible. Was quite good. Shame about the new update which has destroyed the layout.

New version is a disaster. Yes, the news are still there. However, there is no possibility to filter or sort on topics, geographic location or anything. Looks like The Sun gone serious. Simply awful.

Consistent crashes. Current version crashes every time swipe through video is opened

BBC‘s reputation. The BBC‘s reputation would be better served if they spent less effort on repeating the government’s obsession on how well it did in the current crisis and more time on contrasting that to the bitter facts of how people in care were left to die while the government even tried to cover that up by simply not reporting deaths at care homes as the corona cases they are.

Broken. Articles don’t work for me anymore. Keeps telling me to check my internet connection. Only the live pages and videos work.

Terrible performance issues. Making it difficult to use.

New Font. New font is hard to read and advertisement has been moved to the top of each articles.

Simply Number One. Keep on going - Greetings from Germany

Since the update….. Before this „Update“ it was a good and useful news-app. You could choose news about your personal interests e. g. history or archeology. Now you can‘t choose anything. You have to read what they want you to.

Best mobile experience!!. This is one of the best most experience on an app! Love how everything is so user friendly and the videos are optimised for vertical viewing!

Playback is broken in many ways. Streaming breaks constantly, play stops in background or wenn phone is locked and many more flaws

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Advert pop up every couple of second. App unusable. Advert pop up every couple of second. App unusable

Dangerously false and misleading article about the Johnny Depp - Amber Heard Trial in Virginia. Your article title “Could toxic Depp-Heard case have a chilling effect on accusers” is misleading and false. In the trial it has been proven that Mrs Heard fabricated evidence by duplicating photos and modifying them in a Photo editor. She lied on donating all her money and wanted to make the jury believe that pledging and donating money is the same thing. She lied when she said the JD trashed a trailer from a hotel. Shortly after her testimony under oath the manage came to witness stand who testified that this was not true. This case is not a step back for victims of domestic abuse. It shows that also men can be a victim. This trial took her allegations very seriously and gave her the opportunity to tell her story for 4 days during this 6 weeks trial. Amber Heard damaged the cause and the fight for victims of domestic violence. She is a disgrace for all the actual victims and should represent them and speak for them. Women like have to be exposed. BBC is an unserious news provider who is not objectively reporting on events like this one. I lost my faith in BBC and I will delete this App and boycott everything from BBC. Your article harms the credebility of real victims of domestic abuse.

Appraisal. Well documented. Nicely written.

Good journalism. Good journalism and superb coverage of world news. Fantastic in-depth analysis. My favourite news site.

So many cookie requests. Great app, but constantly asks to accept cookies. Once should be enough!

Gov mouthpiece. Biased, selective, Tory mouthpiece. Buggy app

A retrograde step. The new layout does not allow a quick overview of the news anymore but instead forces you to scroll through often meaningless pictures that take up way too much screenspace. More headlines,more writing(!) and less photofiller please.

Less of a fan. Less of a fan than I used to be because of the often biased reporting by the BBC but the website is easy to use and up to date. Reports are also well written.

Web site better. Save a bookmark for in Safari, and you'll see better summaries of more stories and less intrusive ads. Videos won't work, but this may be considered to be an advantage … You also won't get "live radio", but as I'm not in the UK, that seems to mean World Service full stop, so no great loss: the radio app I already have is much more forthcoming.

Annoying adverts. Excellent news but the continuous barrage of adverts that interrupt the reading renders it useless. Finally, but sadly, decided to delete the App. Couldn’t take these adds anymore.

Customise News. Since receiving the update it appears I can no longer customize the news pages that I want to see - terrible update in my opinion and I will simply stop using the app

1 minute ads. You'll get 1 minutes unscippable ads. Do I need to tell you more? Also the Reporting of the Israel-Palentinia Conflict is extremly biased.

Worst version ever. Not often that something gets worse with an update but this is one example

Best. Best News Channel

Superbe. Très belle application, réalisation magnifique et interface superbe. Le choix des news est parfait. Un "must".

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BBC News Apps Bilder und Bildschirmfoto

BBC News app iphone, ipad, apple watch ve apple tv app bilder.

Sprache German
Preis Kostenlos
Altersgrenze 12+ jahre und älter
Letzte Version 2024.1.2
Play Store
Kompatibilität iOS 14.0 und höher

BBC News (Version 2024.1.2) Anwendung Herunterladen und Installieren

Die Applikation BBC News wurde am Donnerstag, 1. April 2010 in der kategorie Nachrichten veröffentlicht und von BBC Worldwide [Developer ID: 344138454] entwickelt. Diese anwendungsdatei hat eine größe von 73.75 MB. Diese App wurde von 3,668 Benutzern bewertet und hat eine Bewertung von 4,0 von 4.3. Die neueste auf Donnerstag, 21. März 2024 veröffentlichte Version von BBC News ist 2024.1.2. Es funktioniert problemlos auf feräten mit mindestens IOS 14.0 und höher. ID-Nummer des Google Play Store: Von der App unterstützte Sprachen:

EN Installieren und Herunterladen!
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Hey Duggee The Christmas Badge 1 Keine kommentare 2.99
BBC News Anwendungsentwickler-Hinweis:

Welcome to the new BBC app. You’ll still find the same BBC News you’ve grown to trust, and now we’ve added even more from the BBC — all inside a single app with an updated look. MORE STORIES: The app still includes BBC News, with the latest news articles and videos from our trusted global network of journalists. We’ve added more BBC stories and videos covering business, innovation, culture, travel, Earth, and much more. MORE LIVE COVERAGE: We’ve made it easier to find live news and sport updates in our new Live section. MORE BBC VIDEOS: Newly added BBC video stories about climate, sustainability, science, health, technology, entertainment, and history. MORE NEW APP FEATURES: You can now log into your BBC Account to save articles and videos for later on the app and

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