The Language of Letting Go

7.99 EUR

The Language of Letting Go App Análisis

¿Qué es la aplicación the language of letting go? Written by codependency expert Melody Beattie, the Language of Letting Go provides daily guidance and encouragement for those who struggle with codependency. The app contains all 366 readings from the best-selling book, one for each day of the year, helping you on your journey of self-care and recovery to a path of freedom and a lifetime of healing, hope, and happiness.

Each daily reading focuses on a specific topic and ends with a related prayer or affirmation. Topics include: setting healthy boundaries, recognizing feelings, loving yourself, trusting your Higher Power, finding peace, and letting go of shame, guilt, sadness, anger, and worry. Also included are handy reference lists of the Twelve Steps of AA, the Twelve Traditions of AA, and the Twelve Steps of Al-Anon.

When the app is opened each day, it will automatically show you that day’s reading. Choose a time for a daily notification reminding you to read, reflect, and meditate on that day’s reading and on your recovery. Open the app anytime you need to refocus.

Codependency—the concept of losing oneself in the name of helping another—has rung true for millions around the globe, and can manifest for many reasons: a spouse, child, parent, or loved one addicted to alcohol or other drugs; a mentally or physically ill loved one; sexual addiction; abuse; or neglect. By integrating her own life experiences and fundamental recovery reflections, Melody Beattie helps readers take responsibility for their own pain and self-care as she encourages them to remember that each day is an opportunity for growth and renewal.

PRESS the “Today” button to access today’s reading.
SWIPE forward or back to easily access more daily readings.
SHARE the daily reading with friends by e-mail or text.
BOOKMARK your favorite readings (press the star in the upper right-hand corner) and easily return to them (press the star in the bottom toolbar).
SEARCH all 366 daily readings.
RECEIVE a notification every day to remind you to read the daily meditation.
JUMP to a specific reading using the calendar button.
SET your font size using your device settings.
CHOOSE between light or dark mode.

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Nombre de la Aplicación The Language of Letting Go
Categoría Libros
Fecha de Lanzamiento
Fecha de Actualización martes, 21 de junio de 2022
Tamaño 26.45 MB

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Mind Lab Pro ® es un medicamento científico que mejora el rendimiento laboral y la productividad con nootrópicos para la concentración, el estrés, la multitarea, la resolución creativa de problemas y más. ¡Haz que tu cerebro funcione al 100%! Comprar!

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Perfecto. Ideal para personas en recuperación de adicción y codependencia

Excelente. Algo para hacernos mejores personas... Pero un día a la vez!!! Felicidades por estar actualizados (app)

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Mind Lab Pro ® odaklanma, stres altında çoklu görev yapma, yaratıcı problem çözme ve daha fazlası için nootropiklerle iş performansını ve üretkenliğini arttıran bilimsel bir ilaçtır. Beyninizi %100 performansa çıkarın! Satın Al!

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The Language of Letting Go aplicación iphone, ipad, apple watch ve apple tv solicitud imágenes.

Idioma Español
Precio 7.99 EUR
Limite de edad 4+ años y mayores
Versión Actual 3.0.0
Play Store com.bookmobile.iphone.lolg
Compatibilidad IOS 11.0 o después

The Language of Letting Go (Versión 3.0.0) Descargue e Instale la Aplicación

La aplicación The Language of Letting Go ios fue desarrollada por BookMobile [ID del desarrollador: 389029537] y se lanzó en la categoría Libros el martes, 29 de marzo de 2011. El tamaño del archivo de la aplicación es 26.45 MB. Esta aplicación ha sido calificada por 6 usuarios y tiene una calificación de 5 sobre 5. The Language of Letting Go es la última versión 3.0.0 lanzada el martes, 21 de junio de 2022. Funciona sin problemas en software IOS 11.0 mínimo y superior. Google Play ID: com.bookmobile.iphone.lolg. Idiomas admitidos por la aplicación:

EN Descargar e Instalar!
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Nota del desarrollador de la Apps The Language of Letting Go:

• Updated look and feel • Dark mode option • Compliant with accessibility features such as screen readers • Dynamic text for improved accessibility

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