Rockerbox Attribution App Reviews


Rockerbox Attribution App Description & Overview

Marketing attribution that scales with you, from launch to IPO.

Join leading brands like Tula, Rad Power Bikes, Rhone and FIGS using Rockerbox to grow their businesses on Shopify!

With Rockerbox's attribution platform, you can:

  • Correctly allocate credit across your marketing activities: Our machine learning multi-touch models use your data to accurately determine the value of each marketing interaction. You can compare these to all base attribution models (first-touch, last-touch, even-wight, etc).

  • Get a single source of truth: Know your true conversion counts, CPAs, ROAS (return on ad spend) and LTV across all your marketing. We ingest data from both your online and offline channels. Use post purchase survey responses from apps like Enquire to enrich your customer data.

  • Understand how channels influence each other: Uncover the entire path to conversion on a per user level. This works cross-device and across multiple conversion events.

  • Get started quickly and easily: Rockerbox automatically pulls in information about your Shopify orders and customers. Need to integrate an additional data source or want a custom attribution model? Our dedicated customer success team is here to help!

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App Name Rockerbox Attribution
App Category Store Management
App Price Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
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Rockerbox Attribution Features

Data-driven insights, made clear..

Get a single source of truth

All your important metrics in one unified dashboard: revenue, customers, CPA, ROAS (return on ad spend), LTV by marketing channel and more.

View the path to purchase

Understand how different channels influence each other and which series of your marketing touch points is most effective.

Simple setup

Rockerbox automatically tracks anytime a customer lands on your site, views a product, adds to cart or makes a purchase.

Rockerbox Attribution Comments & User Reviews 2024

(United States)

The Rockerbox app and the RB team have helped us build a reliable attribution model that helps us to make significant adjustments to our acquisition strategy


We started using this app last year and have had some great experience so far. The setup was pretty straightforward and their support along the way has been super helpful. The biggest benefit so far though has been the data and insights it's provided us. Being able to see true attribution numbers to various depths as well as paths to conversion has been absolutely invaluable in helping us make marketing and business decisions. And because it's third party, we know that it's not a specific platform skewing the numbers in their favour to show more conversions. Or we're not looking at multiple platforms where more than one is counting the same conversion as their own. This is definitely an app we'll be using for a while.

(United States)

Rockerbox has been an amazing resource for understanding just how varied our customer journeys can be.

(United States)

Rockerbox is an excellent tool for truly understanding your marketing channels and how they are working. I've used several different attribution platforms as well as various internal logic algorithms over my 10 years in Marketing Analytics and Rockerbox has been the most transparent, versatile and reliable. Marketing online is expensive and an intelligent attribution method is the only way to make sure your dollar is helping your business. This tool is surprisingly easy to use and the support staff is excellent. It's customizable and allows us to answer nearly any question we can think of. It seamlessly integrates with our DW and allows for even more in depth analysis. That being said the platform itself on it's own and out of the box has nearly every helpful visualization you can think of, including some you likely haven't thought to analyze before. In the time we've been using it there are have been several features added to make things even better none of which we requested or realized we needed prior to them being rolled out. On top of that the user interface is fast. It's been instrumental in the optimization of our business. Highly recommended.

(United States)

Yes! Simple and affordable attribution. Rockerbox gives you the sophistication of an enterprise-level solution at a fraction of the cost. What a fantastic solution for the marketer looking to apply attribution across their channels, looking at MTAs, path Analysis, and funnels contribution. The support team is superb as well.

(United States)

Rockerbox has helped us to grow our business and better optimize our advertising spend through their powerful and easy to implement software. The Rockerbox team is responsive and knowledgable about all thing attribution, and they are eager to see their clients succeed. If you're looking for best in class marketing attribution software that will grow with your business, definitely check out Rockerbox.

(United States)

It has been incredibly helpful to finally get clarity around which marketing activities are working and which aren't.

(United States)

Fantastic attribution tool the help measure results by marketing channel. Several attribution methods available including first-touch, last-touch and modeled multi-touch. Also great at helping answer questions like time to conversion, common paths to conversion, and tracking different conversion metrics.

(United States)

Rockerbox has given us a critical view into how our marketing channels work together to drive conversion. This has given us a much better understanding of our ideal customer path to purchase.

(United States)

Been on the platform for over a year and this has become our single source of truth for marketing attribution across all online and offline channels. Great to see a native Shopify app arrive! Quick integration, but be sure to take the time up front to map things correctly and you will be rewarded with directly actionable insights at your finger tips. Also, the team at Rockerbox is made up of exceptional human beings and we genuinely enjoy working with them.

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