Abacus Mental Math Training


Abacus Mental Math Training App Description et Analyse

Qu'est-ce que l'application Abacus Mental Math Training? "Abacus Mental Calculation - Grade Assessment for Mental Math and Flash Anzan", a professional training and exam tool is a specialized application designed strictly in accordance with the "World Abacus Mental Calculation Federation Abacus Mental Calculation Grade Assessment Standard." It features professional grading, rich content, ease of use, and an educational and entertaining experience. It is an essential training and exam tool for mathematics enthusiasts and flash calculation enthusiasts.

The application is divided into two main modes: Challenge Mode and Custom Mode. The Challenge Mode consists of 10 levels and 200 stages, corresponding to the proficiency and ability assessment standards of Abacus Mental Calculation from Level 10 to Level 1. The difficulty of each stage progresses gradually, and the exam stages of each major level strictly adhere to the question paper standards of the "Abacus Mental Calculation Grade Assessment Standard." This allows examinees and speed calculation enthusiasts to receive comprehensive Abacus Mental Calculation training and assess their own mental calculation skills. Level 5 of Abacus Mental Calculation corresponds to the corresponding level of the Computerized Accounting Certificate in the Certified Public Accountant examination, providing relevant individuals with ample practice opportunities. In the Abacus Mental Calculation examination and assessment standards, Levels 8-10 only involve addition and subtraction, while Levels 1-7 also include multiplication and division. The exam settings, difficulty, time limit, number of questions, and question types in this application fully comply with the corresponding exam standards. If students can successfully pass the corresponding level exam in this application, they can be considered to possess the equivalent qualification of Abacus Mental Calculation and can confidently participate in the grade assessment exam.

The Custom Mode includes Flash Calculation and Abacus Mental Calculation functions. In Flash Calculation, users can select calculation methods, number range, number of digits, and time intervals. In Abacus Mental Calculation, users can customize calculation methods, number of questions, and time limit, thereby improving their mathematical and mental calculation skills through extensive and repetitive training.

Our Abacus Mental Calculation and Flash Anzan application has a fresh and concise interface, natural and friendly interactions, and provides a user-friendly experience. It can quickly help mathematics enthusiasts improve their Abacus Mental Calculation performance and mathematical calculation skills. It is suitable for students of all levels, various abacus calculation, speed calculation, and mental calculation enthusiasts, as well as individuals preparing for Abacus Mental Calculation grade assessment and computerized accounting examinations. Our goal has always been to create a professional Abacus Mental Calculation and Flash Calculation application. We sincerely hope that this application can enhance your mental calculation ability, cognitive skills, and mathematical proficiency, and help you successfully pass the grade assessment exam!

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Nom de l'application Abacus Mental Math Training
Catégorie Éducation
Date de Sortie
Mis à jour dimanche 2 juillet 2023
Taille du Fichier 22.28 MB

Abacus Mental Math Training Commentaires et Critiques (2024)

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Abacus Mental Math Training Apps Captures D'écran et Images

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Langue French
Prix Gratuit
Limite d'âge 4+ ans et plus
Dernière version 1.3
Play Store com.smellymonster.ios.fastmath
Compatibilité iOS 10.0 ou version ultérieure

Installation et Téléchargement de l'application Abacus Mental Math Training (Version 1.3)

L'application Abacus Mental Math Training ios a été développée par Peikun Duan [ID développeur: 1240254007] et est sortie dans la catégorie Éducation le jeudi 25 mai 2023. La taille du fichier de l'application est de 22.28 MB. Cette application a été évaluée par 1 utilisateurs et a une note de 5 sur 5. La dernière version de Abacus Mental Math Training publiée le mercredi dimanche 2 juillet 2023 est la 1.3. Le logiciel IOS 10.0 et supérieur fonctionne correctement. Google Play ID: com.smellymonster.ios.fastmath. Langues prises en charge par l'application:

AR HY CA CS DA NL EN FI FR DE EL HE HU ID IT JA KO MS NB FA PL PT RO RU ZH SK ES SV TH ZH TR UK VI Téléchargez et installez maintenant!
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