SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games


SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games Jeux Description et Analyse

Qu'est-ce que l'application SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games? SudoQi is a fun and challenging Sudoku puzzle game that will test your logic and puzzle-solving skills. With Sudoku puzzles of all levels of difficulty, from beginner to expert, there is something for everyone. The game includes different modes for a more diverse gaming experience:

- Limited moves mode: this game mode gives you a limited number of moves to solve a Sudoku grid. If you use all your moves before resolving the grid, you lose the game. This game mode will test your ability to plan and use your moves effectively.

- Limited time mode: this game mode gives you a limited time to solve a Sudoku grid. If the time is up before you have solved the puzzle, you lose the game. This game mode will test your speed and ability to quickly solve puzzles.

- Math Mode: this game mode will test your math skills by asking you to solve Sudoku grids with arithmetic operations. It can include additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions, which must be performed to fill the blocks in the grid.

- Color mode: this game mode adds a visual dimension to the game by using colors to fill the blocks of the grid. The blocks can be colored according to the numbers they contain. This game mode will test your ability to use visual information to solve puzzles.

- Secret mode: this game mode adds a dimension of mystery to the game by hiding the numbers in certain blocks of the grid. These figures will have to be discovered using clues hidden in the grid. This game mode will test your ability to decipher puzzles and use clues to solve puzzles.

Our Sudoku game also has an auto-save system so you can pick up where you left off, and a help feature to help you progress when you get stuck. Download our mobile Sudoku game now for a fun and challenging thinking challenge.

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Nom de l'application SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games
Catégorie Jeux
Date de Sortie
Mis à jour jeudi 9 mars 2023
Taille du Fichier 24.26 MB

SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games Commentaires et Critiques (2024)

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SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games Client de Service

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sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPhone Captures Décran 2
sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPhone Captures Décran 3
sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPhone Captures Décran 4
sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPad Captures Décran 1
sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPad Captures Décran 2
sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPad Captures Décran 3
sudoqi - sudoku brainly games iPad Captures Décran 4

SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games Jeux Captures D'écran et Images

SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games iphone, ipad, apple watch ve apple tv images d'application.

Langue French
Prix Gratuit
Limite d'âge 4+ ans et plus
Dernière version 1.0
Play Store com.endlesspixels.sudoqi
Compatibilité iOS 12.0 ou version ultérieure

Installation et Téléchargement de l'application SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games (Version 1.0)

L'application SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games ios a été développée par Logan Devillard [ID développeur: 1506469344] et est sortie dans la catégorie Jeux le jeudi 9 mars 2023. La taille du fichier de l'application est de 24.26 MB. Cette application a été évaluée par 14 utilisateurs et a une note de 1 sur 5. La dernière version de SudoQi - Sudoku Brainly Games publiée le mercredi jeudi 9 mars 2023 est la 1.0. Le logiciel IOS 12.0 et supérieur fonctionne correctement. Google Play ID: com.endlesspixels.sudoqi. Langues prises en charge par l'application:

EN Téléchargez et installez maintenant!
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