Kitchen Calculator PRO

2.99 EUR

Kitchen Calculator PRO App Description et Analyse

Qu'est-ce que l'application Kitchen Calculator PRO? How many of us struggle with "kitchen math?" The Kitchen Calculator PRO app makes cooking and measuring so much easier. Kitchen Calculator PRO does all the recipe conversions for you, and makes it simple to scale recipes up (or down) to change the number of servings the recipe yields. With Kitchen Calculator PRO you can:

1.Quickly scale your recipes (add, subtract, multiply, divide) using fractions!

2.Convert ingredients from weight to volume, and vice versa ( cups to grams, ounces, etc. )

3.Supports several volume, weight, distance, and temperature conversions

4.Enter amounts and view results in standard cooking fractions (1/2, 1/3, etc )

5.Grow a database with your favorite ingredients! (see weight to volume )


***** Exactly what I've been looking for! - "I just tested this out on a new cake recipe and it was simple, easy and accurate. The cake came out *perfect*!" by njanehair.

***** Yippee, perfection! - "I cook 3 meals a day for my toddler and am always needing to scale recipes down so I'm not making ridiculous amounts of food" by Cindi M.

***** Brilliant - "For a cook trained in the metric system, this tool is a dream come true" by BeeDiana.


Easily convert and scale recipes in an instant. Doubling a recipe (or cutting a recipe in half) is simpler than ever before, with all the most common units of cooking measurement right at your fingertips.


What is so special about weight to volume conversions?

When converting from weight to volume it is important to take into account the ingredient you are converting. As you know, a cup of sugar does not weigh the same as a cup of rice. Furthermore, a particular brand of sugar may weigh different from another. This is all made easy with Kitchen Calculator PRO.

So, how does Kitchen Calculator handle weight to volume conversions?

1.It comes with a database of common ingredients based on weight figures from the USDA (US Department of Agriculture).

2.It allows you to quickly enter and save your own ingredient weight for more precise conversions. In many cases, you can enter the values right off the product label, using fractions!

3.Kitchen Calculator will remember any saved ingredient information for future conversions.

NOTE: The preset ingredient list is based on USDA (US Department of Agriculture) figures and are approximate values. They may differ from the ingredients you use. For precise calculations we recommend entering the weights for your ingredients and, whenever possible using a scale.


U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2007. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 21. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page, Note: Release numbers change as new versions are released.



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Nom de l'application Kitchen Calculator PRO
Catégorie Cuisine et boissons
Date de Sortie
Mis à jour lundi 25 janvier 2021
Taille du Fichier 9.07 MB

Kitchen Calculator PRO Commentaires et Critiques (2024)

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Useful, bad user interface. Handy to convert US > modern world units, but navigating the app is a headache. An insult, really.

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Kitchen Calculator PRO Apps Captures D'écran et Images

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Langue French
Prix 2.99 EUR
Limite d'âge 4+ ans et plus
Dernière version 3.0.1
Play Store COM.ForwardLeapSoftware.KitchenPRO
Compatibilité iOS 13.0 ou version ultérieure

Installation et Téléchargement de l'application Kitchen Calculator PRO (Version 3.0.1)

L'application Kitchen Calculator PRO ios a été développée par Juan Baurin [ID développeur: 1542536957] et est sortie dans la catégorie Cuisine et boissons le lundi 8 juin 2009. La taille du fichier de l'application est de 9.07 MB. Cette application a été évaluée par 1 utilisateurs et a une note de 3 sur 5. La dernière version de Kitchen Calculator PRO publiée le mercredi lundi 25 janvier 2021 est la 3.0.1. Le logiciel IOS 13.0 et supérieur fonctionne correctement. Google Play ID: COM.ForwardLeapSoftware.KitchenPRO. Langues prises en charge par l'application:

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