Hear My Baby Heartbeat App

6.99 EUR

Hear My Baby Heartbeat App App Description et Analyse

Qu'est-ce que l'application Hear My Baby Heartbeat App? Pregnant? This is for YOU!
Our leading app allows you to use just your iPhone microphone to record and share your baby’s beat. It is the best-in-class, has excellent ratings, is super simple and safe to use. Amazing with Apple Airpods and Bluetooth Headphones. Great support!

"It took some time and patience... thank you for creating this cheap, awesome technology to use at home." - Niki

Category #1 in the USA and 102 other countries. Here's why...

Developed by parents like you (with expertise in sound engineering and app development) who wanted a trustworthy, safe and easy-to-use way to record our baby's fetal sounds (kicks, heart beat etc.) - and keep a record of a quality that we hadn't been able to find before in other apps. It has been extensively tested on expectant mothers.

"I was skeptical at first. Great app! Worth it." - Legretta

**** But honestly, does it actually work?? ****
Yes. We've sound-engineered ways to attempt to isolate the baby's heart beat, sounds (kicks, heartbeat and more) and using an advanced algorithm, amplify them making them easier to detect and hear.

NOTE: It takes time, technique and patience and depends on the position and number of weeks of your baby so you'll need to stick with it. When you do, our results are excellent. Results are best between 27-40 weeks as your baby is bigger and stronger.

We constantly improve our extensive tutorial and techniques to handhold you through - we even have a support group on Facebook so you can get help.

We want you to be happy with Hear My Baby heartbeat and getting results can sometimes be difficult. If you are struggling (can't find your own heartbeat etc.) DO contact us via support. We want to help you!

GIFT THIS APP: Click the “Buy App” arrow on the iTunes® App Store


**** No Accessories Required ****
We use the internal microphone from your phone to attempt to listen and record your fetal sound. We recommend Bluetooth Headphones for best results.

**** How It Works ****
1. Hear My Baby, has been precisely engineered to listen to abdominal sounds, then record and amplify them. Listen to your own heartbeat first to confirm the app is set up correctly.
2. It works best when baby is head down and their back is facing forwards.
3. Remove the case, be in a very quiet room and focus on your lower abdomen. Listen then Tap record.
4. Our simple recording management helps you to keep a record of your special moment
5. Take a selfie if you wish and share
6. We'll walk you through exactly how to get the best baby heartbeat results.

**** Easy Share Feature ****
Sharing is awesome you can opt to share via Facebook, Whats App, Instagram or email.

**** We Care About Your Privacy ****
We take your privacy and special moment seriously. You decide who sees or hears it and can delete it at any time.

**** Before you start... ****
You DO need to carefully follow the instructions for Hear My Baby to work. A quiet room is critical for results as the mic is super sensitive. Hear My Baby doesn't fake the baby heartbeat or other fetal sounds :)

Please Note: results are normally superb, however the recording may not work if your placenta is at the front of the tummy or the baby is in the wrong position.

**** Supported Phones ****
All iPhones. We don't support iPad.

**** Worried about safety? We are too! ***
HMB is safe but to be extra sure DO switch your iPhone to airplane mode. This is a precaution and automatically stops all cellular transmissions.

**** Is it a substitute for medical devices/support? ****
No - under no circumstances is HMB a substitute for medical support - if you don't get a result it doesn't mean anything is wrong :)- Consult your doctor for any advice. We are NOT approved by any medical authority. This is not a medical device and is not a medical baby heartbeat monitor.

Please do check our T&Cs before downloading.

For results examples: www.facebook.com/hearmybaby

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Nom de l'application Hear My Baby Heartbeat App
Catégorie Médecine
Date de Sortie
Mis à jour vendredi 13 octobre 2023
Taille du Fichier 37.46 MB

Hear My Baby Heartbeat App Commentaires et Critiques (2024)

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App not functional and not working at all. I tried the app but it is not working at all, I have contacted the service support team and feedback was I have to be patient and to wait :)

Super nul. C’est des mensonges j’ai même essayer sur le canapé et le cœur de mon canapés bat waaaaw !!!

Difficultés avec le micro. Alors j’ai du mal à activer le micro (même si il est bien actif dans les paramètres... je ne sais pas pourquoi), cependant quand ça fonctionne bien et bien ça fonctionne !!!! Suivez toutes les indications ! Ça fonctionne encore mieux vers la fin de grossesse à partir de 27/30 semaines. De plus si vous êtes en surpoids ben oui ça fonctionnera un poil moins bien car il y a plus de couches à passer pour entendre le battement. Ceci dit pour moi ça fonctionne (et je suis en surpoids quand même). Quand le micro veut bien s’activer !

Arnaque!. De la pure et dur arnaque ! Ne vous faites pas avoir ! Lisez les commentaires ! J’ai été stupide de pas l’avoir fait

zéro. Je ne peux pas entendre mon cœur ou le cœur du mon bébé

Nul. Je suis à 30 semaine et sa ne fonctionne pas du tout déçu d’avoir dépenser de l’argent

Nul. Ne fonctionne pas du tout payer pour rien c’est cool

Déçus. Ça ne marche pas du tout on entend absolument pas le cœur du bébé !

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Hear My Baby Heartbeat App Apps Captures D'écran et Images

Hear My Baby Heartbeat App iphone, ipad, apple watch ve apple tv images d'application.

Langue French
Prix 6.99 EUR
Limite d'âge 4+ ans et plus
Dernière version 1.15
Play Store am.impossible.hear-my-baby
Compatibilité iOS 12.0 ou version ultérieure

Installation et Téléchargement de l'application Hear My Baby Heartbeat App (Version 1.15)

L'application Hear My Baby Heartbeat App ios a été développée par Fat Cigar Productions Ltd [ID développeur: 555490896] et est sortie dans la catégorie Médecine le jeudi 30 juin 2016. La taille du fichier de l'application est de 37.46 MB. Cette application a été évaluée par 27 utilisateurs et a une note de 2.8 sur 5. La dernière version de Hear My Baby Heartbeat App publiée le mercredi vendredi 13 octobre 2023 est la 1.15. Le logiciel IOS 12.0 et supérieur fonctionne correctement. Google Play ID: am.impossible.hear-my-baby. Langues prises en charge par l'application:

EN IT PT ES Téléchargez et installez maintenant!
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Note du développeur d'applications Hear My Baby Heartbeat App:

In this update we've made some improvements to remove audio crashes. Particularly improvements with volume on bluetooth headsets but also improvements for those without headsets. There is still no subscription, ads, and the same one-off purchase so you can keep your memories forever at no extra cost. Version 1.15: Improvements to the audio engine to prevent crashes for a minority of customers. Version 1.14: Improvements with volume on bluetooth headsets but also improvements for those without headsets as well as some communication tweaks. Version 1.13: We've made some minor improvements to compatibility and communications. Version 1.12: Bug Fix to quiet recordings Version 1.11: Further small design improvements Version 1.10: Fix to the volume of recordings to make it louder and easier to hear. Version 1.8: MASSIVE UPDATE: An even better experience with better sounds and audio using Apple AirPods or bluetooth headphones. The results are incredible, and using bluetooth headphones the sounds remove the chances of false positives. The app switches automatically to headphones once they are connected. We'd love to hear your recordings so please share with us on Facebook or Instagram. Version 1.7: An update to adjust for the new App Tracking Transparency rules. Version 1.6: In our quest for a sleek, enjoyable experience for everyone, we have made a couple more enhancements, including a better way to help you, should you need it. Version 1.5: We're constantly improving Hear My Baby to make it easier for you to achieve results. We're here to help, and keen to constantly improve HMB for you. In this update: - We have fixed an audio bug that occasionally causes the app to crash. - Moved help and support buttons to the top half of the screen to reduce accidental interactions and to help you reach support when you need it. - Images added to the instruction screens to help clarify effective phone positions. - Upgrades and improvements in preparation for ATT - Improvements to our support service to help you get the most out of HMB.

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